Should Unicol Be Sold to the Chinese Govt.?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Why the U.S. is not researching alternative energy sources BIG TIME 24/7 is baffling to me. Read the last part of this editorial. Someone has got to discover alternative energy sources--and will in our lifetimes. It might as well be America rather than China or India.

Unocal Bid Stirs Scare Tactics
Editorial from USA Today
July 10, 2005

The Chinese bid to acquire a U.S.-based oil company has triggered overheated reactions on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. In the United States, panicky members of the House of Representatives are calling on President Bush to block the proposed acquisition of Unocal. Just to be sure, they've also voted overwhelmingly to block even the proposal's review by the agency that Congress itself created to screen such deals.

In China, the Foreign Ministry responded with a petulant demand that "Congress correct its mistaken ways of politicizing economic and trade issues." This from a communist regime that attempts to closely manage everything about its economy, even as it moves toward capitalism.

Time out, everybody. The ill-informed China bashers in Congress and the diplomatically tone-deaf Beijing bureaucrats are overreacting. Their frenzied behavior is a warning of worse to come if both countries fail to address their common problem: lack of alternatives to increasingly scarce oil supplies.

for full article:
Big Blue Machin said:
Why not? I'm not afraid of the Chinese. They are the growing economical superpower. We should work with them and selling Unicol will help.

If American companies want to purchase other American companies, they should be given first dibs. If the Chinese want to purchase an oil company, they can go elsewhere. I am sure they could probably pick up one from Russia or possibly Iran, but, then, these would not come with American know-how or access.
Big Blue Machin said:
If any companies want to buy an American comapny, they should all get first dibs, not just American comapines. That's how captialism works.
There are certain industries that should be protected for national security reasons. Should the US government also allow Raytheon, L3, Lockheed, Boeing, etc. to be sold? Nope. The government's duty is to provide for the welfare of its citizens first and foremost. This means providing them with an atmosphere in which they can achieve success, providing national secuirty and protecting us from all enemies.... BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Oil is vital to this nation and if the government were too allow a sale such as this it would be neglecting its responsibility.
freeandfun1 said:
There are certain industries that should be protected for national security reasons. Should the US government also allow Raytheon, L3, Lockheed, Boeing, etc. to be sold? Nope. The government's duty is to provide for the welfare of its citizens first and foremost. This means providing them with an atmosphere in which they can achieve success, providing national secuirty and protecting us from all enemies.... BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Oil is vital to this nation and if the government were too allow a sale such as this it would be neglecting its responsibility.

who the hell wants commie China to dictate our fuel prices...much less hit us down the road as Japan ring a bell...sometimes I start to think that capitalism will kill us all in the end...bow and suck up the almighty hell with our kids lives! :wtf: :bow3: I think not...hope my previous service was not wasted on the yuppie idiots of today...sell us out...NOT... over my dead body!
Big Blue Machin said:
If any companies want to buy an American comapny, they should all get first dibs, not just American comapines. That's how captialism works.

Not always; circumstances play a part in the sale of anything. It's not always based on first come, first served, and there's good reasons for that.

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