*Caylee Anthony's Killer Was Her Mother!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. She did it in a drunken stupor.
2. Came home from partying, and there's this child crying for her bottle.
3. So she then, smothered the child.
4. And went and laid down on her bed, to sleep off her drunkeness.
4. (A) She slept.
5. (B) Then later when she woke up in a few hours, her drunkeness turned into a hangover.
6. Then arising first, before her parents and her brother, she went to the laundry room, where they kept the trash bags and duct tape, got a trash bag, duct tape, and the laundry bag, and went to Caylee's crib, she didn't want to see the child face, so she snuck up on it, and put three pieces of duct tape on her face, as she laid there in her crib dead.
7. Then she craddled Caylee, the innocent sweet child, in her arms and gently slid her into the trash bag, then gently stuffing her blanket into the bag, along with a toy.
8. She then closed the trash bag, tying a knot in it and dropping the trash bag into the laundry bag, and then walked the dead baby girl, (2.8) months, out to her car and placed her gently into her trunk.
9. Note: Then she was partying every night for the 31 days.
10. She drove around with her daughter, her being close to her in the trunk, but... *all the while partying*, even with the dead baby in her trunk. then after 7-10 days, the smell became unbearable, so she then took the baby down the street and tossed her into the swamp lot, to be continued.........

LINK:Watch The Case of: Caylee Anthony Streaming Online | Peacock

Sorry bout that,

1. She did it in a drunken stupor.
2. Came home from partying, and there's this child crying for her bottle.
3. So she then, smothered the child.
4. And went and laid down on her bed, to sleep off her drunkeness.
4. (A) She slept.
5. (B) Then later when she woke up in a few hours, her drunkeness turned into a hangover.
6. Then arising first, before her parents and her brother, she went to the laundry room, where they kept the trash bags and duct tape, got a trash bag, duct tape, and the laundry bag, and went to Caylee's crib, she didn't want to see the child face, so she snuck up on it, and put three pieces of duct tape on her face, as she laid there in her crib dead.
7. Then she craddled Caylee, the innocent sweet child, in her arms and gently slid her into the trash bag, then gently stuffing her blanket into the bag, along with a toy.
8. She then closed the trash bag, tying a knot in it and dropping the trash bag into the laundry bag, and then walked the dead baby girl, (2.8) months, out to her car and placed her gently into her trunk.
9. Note: Then she was partying every night for the 31 days.
10. She drove around with her daughter, her being close to her in the trunk, but... *all the while partying*, even with the dead baby in her trunk. then after 7-10 days, the smell became unbearable, so she then took the baby down the street and tossed her into the swamp lot, to be continued.........

LINK:Watch The Case of: Caylee Anthony Streaming Online | Peacock

It's a horrible story and too late to feel compassion for the baby.

I feel compassion for the mother and lay the blame on the state that fostered an attitude that allowed it to happen.

For the sake of other children, we all must acknowledge that it's still happening and it's increasing at an alarming rate.

As a point of interest, what do the Christians have to say?
Sorry bout that,

1. You jest about being to late to care for this baby being snuffed out?
2. I'm Christian, and I think its absolutly wrong, that baby didn't kill herself and then put herself in a trash bag, then throw herself in a laundry bag, and then pitch herself in the swamp.
3. An adult did that.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Casey murdered her own daughter.
2. She did, giant arrows point to her.
3. She ended up getting away with murder.
4. The lawyer are guilty too.
5. Her family thru her under the bus after she got off.
6. Her lawyer took her in.
7. She will never get past this, she murdered a princess.

The people wanted blood.
The State tried to give it to them.
That was the state's mistake.

No one knows the specifics of the child's death.
The State should have charged reckless homicide but that was politically untenable so they rolled the dice on the big charges.
Trouble is they couldn't prove murder and when they tried the reckless charge was DOA.

If the prosecutors had looked at the evidence rather than the news Anthony would have gone to prison at least for a few years.
Sorry bout that,

1. Casey deserves *DEATH*.
2. She murdered a child.
3. She got off *Scott Free*.
4. She is guilty as sin.
5. What she did is unforgiveable to self.

Sorry bout that,

1. So Casey waits an entire month before it comes out she murdered her daughter.
2. And then a constant flow of lies, ensued.
3. She slow bum rushed the cops.
4. And they botched the trial.
5. Everything points to her, the biotch, Casey!!!!
6. Why is she still walking the streets, she did it.
7. If she were smart, she would cut her own throat.
8. But she isn't, how does she sleep nights?
9. She will carry this murder to her grave.
10. G-d will have no mercy on her soul.


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