Was Covid genetically engineered by Obama/Fauci/Wuhan??


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....
Fauchi worked for Trump. Trump and his daughter had business dealings with China. You do the math.

This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....

Democrats still believe it came from a wet market like Xi told them.
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....

Not by Obama, that's for sure.
Governments screw up, kill millions around the globe with their lab accident and incompetence, take a wrecking ball to world economies. Naturally governments were going to deny being blithering idiots.

Democrats still believe it came from a wet market like Xi told them.

That's such a nonsense statement. The wet market was, in every scenario, just the place that spread it. If it were engineered, it was spread by the wet market, if it came from bats via other creatures, it was spread by the wet market.
This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....

Lame Trump jokes by lame lefties aside, what we know is that Fauci had ties with the Chinese lab that is suspected of intentionally or inadvertnantly releasing the monster. The crazy thing is that idiot lefties don't want a legitimate and reasonable investigation that might uncover the the conspiracy either way..
Lame Trump jokes by lame lefties aside, what we know is that Fauci had ties with the Chinese lab that is suspected of intentionally or inadvertnantly releasing the monster. The crazy thing is that idiot lefties don't want a legitimate and reasonable investigation that might uncover the the conspiracy either way..
Not by Obama, that's for sure.

Good lord, homO was the President who went "overboard" on the foreign kickback stuff. We spend US taxdollars on you, you give kickback to me.


both pouring cash into Hunter Biden

The Kenyan Cocksucker likely got plenty herself...
Governments screw up, kill millions around the globe with their lab accident and incompetence, take a wrecking ball to world economies. Naturally governments were going to deny being blithering idiots.

The Government
Deep State

All for those unwilling to face the barage of card tossing from actually IDing those behind "The Government" stuff

At the very start of Covid we all were informed that Wuhan was the exact location of a lab experimenting with bat viruses. The good doctor Fauci assured us that the virus could not have possibly come from that lab. Next he got 21 of his scumbag doctor friends to publicly endorse this view. Next we learned the dirty little secret that he had approved funding for that lab, that was well known for its "sloppy" practices. I knew from the start it came from the lab...and so did that dirty little rat Fauci.
The true evil in this deception is that Fauci also was well aware of many other labs doing similar research in other sketchy labs around the globe. But the good doctor Fauci just grinned, as he was put forth as the "doctor" that would lead us through this pandemic.

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