Catastrophic crash in polling numbers for Biden and the Dems

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Is it really a surprise that a formal move toward police repression of its political opponents – siccing the FBI on critics of Critical Race Theory – is coming from the chief law enforcement officer of the Biden regime? The latest polling indicates that the already low public approval of the Biden presidency is declining further.

The prospects for any improvement in these numbers are poor. We have a massive wave of inflation ahead, with gasoline and natural gas both rapidly increasing in price, and both hard to cut back on. The chaos of the surrender to the Taliban augurs for more political humiliation ahead, with China potentially taking advantage of the weakness of the Biden administration. Crime has skyrocketed in cities that Democrats control. None of these factors will improve the numbers for Biden or his party.

The term “crisis of confidence” has been in play for at least a month as the failures mount and the incompetence becomes undeniable. Yesterday, Quinnipiac released its latest numbers:

President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 - 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he's received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac's last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 - 50 percent job approval rating.

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I think there must a floor where Xiden's support remains solid, his dedicated, yet mentally deranged DemonRAT base that never considers anything the DeartRATS do as not good. What is that number? Twenty per cent? Twenty-five..... and one has to ask the question, "IS THERE TRULY THAT MANY MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE IN AMERICA, AND IF SO WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY?
Is it really a surprise that a formal move toward police repression of its political opponents – siccing the FBI on critics of Critical Race Theory – is coming from the chief law enforcement officer of the Biden regime? The latest polling indicates that the already low public approval of the Biden presidency is declining further.

The prospects for any improvement in these numbers are poor. We have a massive wave of inflation ahead, with gasoline and natural gas both rapidly increasing in price, and both hard to cut back on. The chaos of the surrender to the Taliban augurs for more political humiliation ahead, with China potentially taking advantage of the weakness of the Biden administration. Crime has skyrocketed in cities that Democrats control. None of these factors will improve the numbers for Biden or his party.

The term “crisis of confidence” has been in play for at least a month as the failures mount and the incompetence becomes undeniable. Yesterday, Quinnipiac released its latest numbers:

President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 - 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he's received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac's last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 - 50 percent job approval rating.

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I think there must a floor where Xiden's support remains solid, his dedicated, yet mentally deranged DemonRAT base that never considers anything the DeartRATS do as not good. What is that number? Twenty per cent? Twenty-five..... and one has to ask the question, "IS THERE TRULY THAT MANY MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE IN AMERICA, AND IF SO WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY?
Yeah, but they are stuffing the ballot box so they don't have to worry about people that want them out or not now.
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Yeah, but they are stuffing the ballot box so they have to worry about if people want them out or not now.
And to think our First American Revolution was instigated by a TEA TAX..... Where are our patriots that will give up their lives and fortunes to stop the Communist takeover?
Is it really a surprise that a formal move toward police repression of its political opponents – siccing the FBI on critics of Critical Race Theory – is coming from the chief law enforcement officer of the Biden regime? The latest polling indicates that the already low public approval of the Biden presidency is declining further.

The prospects for any improvement in these numbers are poor. We have a massive wave of inflation ahead, with gasoline and natural gas both rapidly increasing in price, and both hard to cut back on. The chaos of the surrender to the Taliban augurs for more political humiliation ahead, with China potentially taking advantage of the weakness of the Biden administration. Crime has skyrocketed in cities that Democrats control. None of these factors will improve the numbers for Biden or his party.

The term “crisis of confidence” has been in play for at least a month as the failures mount and the incompetence becomes undeniable. Yesterday, Quinnipiac released its latest numbers:

President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 - 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he's received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac's last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 - 50 percent job approval rating.

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I think there must a floor where Xiden's support remains solid, his dedicated, yet mentally deranged DemonRAT base that never considers anything the DeartRATS do as not good. What is that number? Twenty per cent? Twenty-five..... and one has to ask the question, "IS THERE TRULY THAT MANY MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE IN AMERICA, AND IF SO WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY?
Politickin' brings out the worst in group idolatry(identity politics). ALWAYS research the individual candidate for background info NOT the political party the candidate identifies with.
The thing with polling numbers is you don‘t have to poll over 50 percent to win.
You only have to poll higher than your opponent
If the Lefties are able to scam the voting rules again, they will prevail next November.
It is the Republicans who are scamming the voting rules making it more difficult to vote and allowing partisan legislatures to overrule the voters

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