Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Black conservatives like Owens demonstrate that black Americans are no better or worse than anyone else – just as capable of being ignorant, stupid, and wrong.
You're THIS close to calling her a porch Negro, aren't you?

As I said, white leftists hate blacks who don't regurgitate the views white leftists dictate they should.
Owens is a typical conservative: dishonest, a liar, a demagogue, with nothing but contempt for facts and the truth.

And like all conservatives she markets in white grievance politics and replacement theory racism in an effort to pander to the base.
Did you get the validation you crave from black leftists? Did you get their approval? Do they think you're one of the good ones now?
The bitch is wrong. Whites have killed more people throughout the history of this nation than anybody else. Nobody pulls racist narratives out of thin air better than the right. That's why they use Owens.
Nobody's forcing her to say the things she does.

She has self-respect. You should try it someday.
The bitch is wrong. Whites have killed more people throughout the history of this nation than anybody else. Nobody pulls racist narratives out of thin air better than the right. That's why they use Owens.
You specified "throughout the history of this nation". Why was that? Can you not deal with what she said at face value?
I see the medications aren't working today.

The absent black father is a myth... unmarried does not mean fatherless. No more than those white people who get divorced, anyway.

They aren't... but you like to repeat your myths.

Yup. In so many ways.
That's all you got?

Not at all... we are a violent society in general. It's just that people of color bear the brunt of that violence.

But she goes right for reinforcing the racism of the Faux New audience, rather than have a real discussion about the issues.

And by "real discussion", you mean she says only approved things.

George Floyd didn't do anything that day to be murdered over. Kyle had no business shooting into a crowd.
You must not have paid any attention to the trial because you make it sound like Kyle was "shooting into a crowd" and just happened to hit some innocent bystanders who were just there to set some fires and beat some people up. I'll help you out. There were people actively attempting to assault an armed civilian, and that's not a smart thing to do.
Problem with that thinking is ‘how black must they be’? Would light-skinned blacks be less prone to that inferiority?
I believe culture and the democrat politics that perpetuate that culture are more to blame.
I believe that black issues transcend culture.

There is no culture, no nation, no continent where blacks are successful.

...and contrary to our minder's attempts to STRONGLY push miscegenation (interracial breeding) across western culture there will always be a regression to the mean.
They are mad because she is becoming more and more known to the wider black community.......if they lose even a tiny amount of the black vote, they are finished...especially since too many hispanics are starting to vote for republicans as well......
I believe that is the truth, because democrats don't value minorities, they value votes and power.

It is amazing to watch the self-righteously indignant crowd pointing their fingers at other people, screeching about racist this and racist that, then turn around and unload the most vicious vitriol on any black person who dares to express a conservative thought, and their worst venom is reserved for black women who do so.

It's no surprise conservatives appreciate Candace, because they appreciate strong, smart, fearless women.
I wasn't aware that there was a competition across the nation's history.

Is the ridiculous modern rate of homicide in the "Black community" really just Blacks trying to beat Whitey? If only Blacks could be more like Whitey they could reduce the number of Black murders by 98.8%.

The following screengrabs from the CDC's WISQARS death statistics web tool:

Here is murder by all manner in the USA for 2019:

View attachment 570716

Here is all murder for non-Hispanic Whites for 2019:

View attachment 570717

Here's all murder for Blacks in 2019:

View attachment 570719

Whites represent 61.2% of the US population and 27.5% of the nation's murders.

Blacks represent 14.2% of the US population and 53.2% of the nation's murders.

As I said, if Blacks could just "act White", and experience murder at the same rate as Whites, that would reduce murder in the Black community by 98.8%. If Blacks were murdered at the White rate (2.62/100K), there would have been 122 murders of Blacks in 2019 instead of 10,187.

Here, just for the shock value, is the screengrab for young Black males, 16 - 29 y.o.:

View attachment 570722

1.6% of the nation's population experiences 22.9% of the nation's murders.

Of course not. You'd rather deny the long record of violence and murder whites have in this nation to lie about blacks. Again your use of percentages paints an inaccurate picture.

If the rate of black deaths in that age range per 100,000 is 84, that means 99,916 black males between 16-29 don't get killed.

You say blacks are 14 percent of the population, and commit 50 percent of the murders. That sounds terrible when you are too fucking lazy to do math. That 14 percent represents 46.5 million blacks. That 50 percent represents 10,187 homicides. If a different black person committed each homicde, that is 10,187 blacks, not 46.5 million. You say 1.6 percent experiences 22 percent of the murders, but there were 4,385 murders. If a different person commits each murder, thats 4,385 killers, not 5,199,423. Your use of percentages is disingenuous.

Out of a population of 328,239,523 people, 19,141 died from homicide. 0.0000583141233 percent of the American population died from homicide. 10,187 were black. That's 0.00031029997 percent of the American population. Out of a population of 328,239,523 people 4,385 blacks between the ages of 18-29 died from homicide. That's 0.0000133591469 of the population. So again, your use of percentages is dishonest.

Whites committed more rapes in that same year than blacks did homicides. Whites committed more assaults, batteries and other violent crimes as well. On the UCR arrest chart, there are 30 categories, in 2019 whites led in 27, most by more than a 2 to 1 margin. Whites have throughout this nations history made excuses for their violence and tried claiming everybody had the problem.

So if we take your numbers and break them down on a per day basis, that's 28 homicides per day. Meanwhile 200 blacks per day die of heart attacks, strokes and other stress related illnesses because of white racism. So maybe whites need to stop acting like YOU and quit lying to yourselves about the continuing history of white violence and murder.
I believe that is the truth, because democrats don't value minorities, they value votes and power.

It is amazing to watch the self-righteously indignant crowd pointing their fingers at other people, screeching about racist this and racist that, then turn around and unload the most vicious vitriol on any black person who dares to express a conservative thought, and their worst venom is reserved for black women who do so.

It's no surprise conservatives appreciate Candace, because they appreciate strong, smart, fearless women.
Candace Owens is an idiot. You like her because she serves as validation for your racism.
And, she won her settlement with the assistance of the NAACP....LOL, and shortly thereafter, labled them "One of the Worst Organizations"

Her sudden epiphany/ transformation from what she once was to what she is now, has been far more lucrative to her than running a far left, anti conservative website.

There are actually people who pay to hear her speak, for up to 50k per appearance.

She definately knows how to follow the money, most opportunists do.
Exactly my brother. She's milking these racists. But what doth it profit her to make that money by selling her soul?
Speaking of black tokens..... Which black criminal are you lefties going to build a statue for next? :itsok:
Which white criminal are you going to elect for president next? Trump? Governor Abbott and Costello? Or Governor Death Sentence.

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