Can You Imagine If The US Shot Down An Airliner??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....
Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....
I remember that. What this liar leaves out was that there was lots of talk about the airliner being used as a bomb. Of course that was all ignored by the commies.
That was definitely a screw-up by Doocy, but as for the tragic mistake itself, keep this in mind what was occurring at the time the
Vincennes fired the missle.

Iran had gunboats in the water in the vincinity of the USS Vincennes and USS Montgomery.
About five minutes before IR655 took off from Bandar Abbas one of gunboats had fired at a helicopter from the Vincennes.

The cruiser had then turned to engage the gunboats and, in response, the gunboats had sped towards the Vincennes, as if to fire, according to the US military account.

Both the Vincennes and the Montgomery had then opened fire with five-inch guns, sinking two Iranian boats and damaging a third.
While still engaged with the Iranian boats, equipment onboard the Vincennes detected an approaching aircraft.

The aircraft headed directly for Vincennes on a constant bearing at high speed, approximately 450 knots, The New York Times report quoted Adm. Crowe as having said. “A warning was sent on both military and civilian distress signals beginning at 10.49 am. This procedure was repeated several times, but the aircraft neither answered nor changed its course.”

The crew on board the Vincennes noted that the aircraft was dropping in altitude and increasing its speed. At 10.51 am, it was warned again that it was approaching an American warship. Altogether, Adm. Crowe said, the plane was warned three times on the civilian distress channel and four times on the military channel.

Meanwhile, radar operators aboard the Vincennes had concluded that the inbound plane was an F-14, one of the world’s most powerful fighters at the time. About 80 of the American-built war jets had been delivered to Iran in the 1970s when the Shah’s government in Teheran (which was overthrown by the Islamic Revolution of 1979) was a US ally.

As per the US account, F-14 movements had been observed above Iran at the time, and in the prevailing highly tense situation, US commanders in the Gulf had been alerted that “Iranian units might attempt to carry out attacks against our forces over the Fourth of July holiday period”.

“The aircraft was declared hostile at 10.51 am,” Adm. Crowe said. “At 10.54 am, when the aircraft was about nine miles away, Vincennes fired two Standard surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit at an approximate range of six miles.”

President Reagan sent a diplomatic note to Iran that said: “This is a terrible human tragedy. Our sympathy and condolences go out to the passengers, crew, and their families. The Defense Department will conduct a full investigation. We deeply regret any loss of life.”
That was definitely a screw-up by Doocy, but as for the tragic mistake itself, keep this in mind what was occurring at the time the
Vincennes fired the missle.

Iran had gunboats in the water in the vincinity of the USS Vincennes and USS Montgomery.
About five minutes before IR655 took off from Bandar Abbas one of gunboats had fired at a helicopter from the Vincennes.

The cruiser had then turned to engage the gunboats and, in response, the gunboats had sped towards the Vincennes, as if to fire, according to the US military account.

Both the Vincennes and the Montgomery had then opened fire with five-inch guns, sinking two Iranian boats and damaging a third.
While still engaged with the Iranian boats, equipment onboard the Vincennes detected an approaching aircraft.

The aircraft headed directly for Vincennes on a constant bearing at high speed, approximately 450 knots, The New York Times report quoted Adm. Crowe as having said. “A warning was sent on both military and civilian distress signals beginning at 10.49 am. This procedure was repeated several times, but the aircraft neither answered nor changed its course.”

The crew on board the Vincennes noted that the aircraft was dropping in altitude and increasing its speed. At 10.51 am, it was warned again that it was approaching an American warship. Altogether, Adm. Crowe said, the plane was warned three times on the civilian distress channel and four times on the military channel.

Meanwhile, radar operators aboard the Vincennes had concluded that the inbound plane was an F-14, one of the world’s most powerful fighters at the time. About 80 of the American-built war jets had been delivered to Iran in the 1970s when the Shah’s government in Teheran (which was overthrown by the Islamic Revolution of 1979) was a US ally.

As per the US account, F-14 movements had been observed above Iran at the time, and in the prevailing highly tense situation, US commanders in the Gulf had been alerted that “Iranian units might attempt to carry out attacks against our forces over the Fourth of July holiday period”.

“The aircraft was declared hostile at 10.51 am,” Adm. Crowe said. “At 10.54 am, when the aircraft was about nine miles away, Vincennes fired two Standard surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit at an approximate range of six miles.”

President Reagan sent a diplomatic note to Iran that said: “This is a terrible human tragedy. Our sympathy and condolences go out to the passengers, crew, and their families. The Defense Department will conduct a full investigation. We deeply regret any loss of life.”
Thank you, another commie America hater lie debunked. I recall everything you said and mentioned a condensed version in my post above.
That was definitely a screw-up by Doocy, but as for the tragic mistake itself, keep this in mind what was occurring at the time the
Vincennes fired the missle.

Iran had gunboats in the water in the vincinity of the USS Vincennes and USS Montgomery.
About five minutes before IR655 took off from Bandar Abbas one of gunboats had fired at a helicopter from the Vincennes.

The cruiser had then turned to engage the gunboats and, in response, the gunboats had sped towards the Vincennes, as if to fire, according to the US military account.

Both the Vincennes and the Montgomery had then opened fire with five-inch guns, sinking two Iranian boats and damaging a third.
While still engaged with the Iranian boats, equipment onboard the Vincennes detected an approaching aircraft.

The aircraft headed directly for Vincennes on a constant bearing at high speed, approximately 450 knots, The New York Times report quoted Adm. Crowe as having said. “A warning was sent on both military and civilian distress signals beginning at 10.49 am. This procedure was repeated several times, but the aircraft neither answered nor changed its course.”

The crew on board the Vincennes noted that the aircraft was dropping in altitude and increasing its speed. At 10.51 am, it was warned again that it was approaching an American warship. Altogether, Adm. Crowe said, the plane was warned three times on the civilian distress channel and four times on the military channel.

Meanwhile, radar operators aboard the Vincennes had concluded that the inbound plane was an F-14, one of the world’s most powerful fighters at the time. About 80 of the American-built war jets had been delivered to Iran in the 1970s when the Shah’s government in Teheran (which was overthrown by the Islamic Revolution of 1979) was a US ally.

As per the US account, F-14 movements had been observed above Iran at the time, and in the prevailing highly tense situation, US commanders in the Gulf had been alerted that “Iranian units might attempt to carry out attacks against our forces over the Fourth of July holiday period”.

“The aircraft was declared hostile at 10.51 am,” Adm. Crowe said. “At 10.54 am, when the aircraft was about nine miles away, Vincennes fired two Standard surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit at an approximate range of six miles.”

President Reagan sent a diplomatic note to Iran that said: “This is a terrible human tragedy. Our sympathy and condolences go out to the passengers, crew, and their families. The Defense Department will conduct a full investigation. We deeply regret any loss of life.”
Thank you, another commie America hater lie debunked. I recall everything you said and mentioned a condensed version in my post above.
The hate America streak is strong in both Jerry Rivers, and our own America Hating Biffy. Both will dig up and spin anything that can possibly make their own country look like a 3rd World Totalitarian Shithole
That was definitely a screw-up by Doocy, but as for the tragic mistake itself, keep this in mind what was occurring at the time the
Vincennes fired the missle.

Iran had gunboats in the water in the vincinity of the USS Vincennes and USS Montgomery.
About five minutes before IR655 took off from Bandar Abbas one of gunboats had fired at a helicopter from the Vincennes.

The cruiser had then turned to engage the gunboats and, in response, the gunboats had sped towards the Vincennes, as if to fire, according to the US military account.

Both the Vincennes and the Montgomery had then opened fire with five-inch guns, sinking two Iranian boats and damaging a third.
While still engaged with the Iranian boats, equipment onboard the Vincennes detected an approaching aircraft.

The aircraft headed directly for Vincennes on a constant bearing at high speed, approximately 450 knots, The New York Times report quoted Adm. Crowe as having said. “A warning was sent on both military and civilian distress signals beginning at 10.49 am. This procedure was repeated several times, but the aircraft neither answered nor changed its course.”

The crew on board the Vincennes noted that the aircraft was dropping in altitude and increasing its speed. At 10.51 am, it was warned again that it was approaching an American warship. Altogether, Adm. Crowe said, the plane was warned three times on the civilian distress channel and four times on the military channel.

Meanwhile, radar operators aboard the Vincennes had concluded that the inbound plane was an F-14, one of the world’s most powerful fighters at the time. About 80 of the American-built war jets had been delivered to Iran in the 1970s when the Shah’s government in Teheran (which was overthrown by the Islamic Revolution of 1979) was a US ally.

As per the US account, F-14 movements had been observed above Iran at the time, and in the prevailing highly tense situation, US commanders in the Gulf had been alerted that “Iranian units might attempt to carry out attacks against our forces over the Fourth of July holiday period”.

“The aircraft was declared hostile at 10.51 am,” Adm. Crowe said. “At 10.54 am, when the aircraft was about nine miles away, Vincennes fired two Standard surface-to-air missiles, at least one of which hit at an approximate range of six miles.”

President Reagan sent a diplomatic note to Iran that said: “This is a terrible human tragedy. Our sympathy and condolences go out to the passengers, crew, and their families. The Defense Department will conduct a full investigation. We deeply regret any loss of life.”

Memory seems to be the kryptonite of little biffy.
Trumpers will always find a way to say "but but but, that's different" when faced with facts....

The fact remains.....the US military shot down a passenger airliner and 290 people died...period.....
In May 1989 Iran filed a lawsuit against the United States at the International Court of Justice. As the case dragged on, a settlement was reached in 1996. The United States, which “expressed deep regret” for shooting down Iran Air flight 655, agreed to pay $61.8 million to the victims’ families, and Iran dropped its suit
Trumpers will always find a way to say "but but but, that's different" when faced with facts....

The fact remains.....the US military shot down a passenger airliner and 290 people died...period.....

What a fucking moron.

Iran blew up a planeload of their own people. Decent folk find that bad. You stand with Iran, no matter what.

Terrorism, embraced by democrats, always...
Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....
Clinton shot down a 747 out of New York City in 1996. And got away with it.
The real thread is imagine if the us shot this recent one down

The leftards would be fake outrage ballistic ...drumph war crimes


Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....
Clinton shot down a 747 out of New York City in 1996. And got away with it.
Trumpers will always find a way to say "but but but, that's different" when faced with facts....

The fact remains.....the US military shot down a passenger airliner and 290 people died...period.....

Nice try asshole. You got destroyed in your own thread by your omissions about the circumstances. Iran learned that day not to try to use commercial airliners to attack America or our military, because we will shoot it down.

But please, carry on with your pro-Iranian posts, so everyone can see what a treasonous idiot you are.
As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for years....
You are remembering something that didn't happen. The US did not deny it for years.

July 6, 1988
President Reagan said yesterday that he apologized to Iran on Sunday for the USS Vincennes' shooting down of an Iranian passenger jet over the Persian Gulf that killed all 290 persons aboard and declared that reparations or compensation to the families of victims are "a matter that has to be discussed."

Reagan, a White House spokesman disclosed yesterday, sent a five-paragraph diplomatic note expressing "deep regret" to the Iranian government on Sunday, shortly after U.S. military leaders learned that the guided-missile cruiser had destroyed the Iran Air A300 Airbus after mistaking it for an Iranian F14 fighter plane.

Eat crow, jackass.
Trumpers will always find a way to say "but but but, that's different" when faced with facts....

The fact remains.....the US military shot down a passenger airliner and 290 people died...period.....

What a fucking moron.

Iran blew up a planeload of their own people. Decent folk find that bad. You stand with Iran, no matter what.

Terrorism, embraced by democrats, always...

It was bad. I hope the people of Iran get the results they are protesting for. Many things we have done have been as bad. See it's possible to see bad wherever it is. Where this idea of if you condemn the bad the U.S. does you are excusing the bad others do comes from. I can only guess that it comes from the anal region.

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