Diamond Member
If it was a republican it would be mainstream news for a week and that would be the end of the campaign. There are rumors about Hillary's health and some say she may have had a mini-stroke or a brain event similar to what happened to VP Biden. Some mini-strokes result in inappropriate laughter and strange behavior. The media refused to speculate why Joe Biden slapped Hillary in the ass in an event or why he can't seem to put a sentence together without putting his foot in his mouth. Most people who caught Hillary's (inappropriate?) hysterical laughing response to Maddy Halfbright's "place in hell" statement might have been creeped out but the media refused to make a point about it. The very strange story that Hillary related allegedly from her time as 1st lady of Arkansas caught her audience by surprise. She took on a low voice and then barked like a dog and laughed. Polite laughter in response but a strange hum in the audience.