Can we reasonably discuss Trump?


Well you can SAY any damn thing you want to here. Nobody can stop you. But point by point, I have addressed all your conjecture and hyperbole with reason

As i say i have posted facts. You're entitled to your opinions. And please, don't lie. You're not interested in reasonably discussing drumpf. You're only interested in shoving your misguided opinion down everybody's throat.

Boss was one of the few anti-trump people during the campaign who was anti-trump without being hysterical about it.

He has complete credibility regarding his op.

I say that as someone who strongly disagreed with him and voted for TRump.

Oh fucking horseshit. He wets his pants if anyone so much as sighs in Hair Furor's direction. He can't hack any critical analysis even after starting this thread supposedly asking for exactly that.

Poster please.

I recall having disagreements with him about Trump, and of him being very unhappy about Trump winning the primaries.

If you think he can't handle critical analysis, try throwing some his way and demonstrating that.
Of course not, they're not here now. Every time a Republican leaves office then you start changing what you say about them to make it sound like you ... made it sound.

Hillary is completely self consumed, she thinks she's above the law. It just doesn't apply to her.

And after all the tinkling down their legs, the media convinced Obama he's a rock start.

Two completely and utterly self absorbed people, completely narcissistic. What did either of them ever do to give a shit about anyone but themselves

Um, the last time a repub was in office was in 2008. And you weren't even on, no, you're wrong.

Anybody in the public eye has to be a little self absorbed. Obama and Clinton have done plenty for other people. I'm not going to post them yet again.

The only thing Trump cares about is Trump...

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

You're completely ignoring the meaning of "narcissist".

NONE of those people mentioned display signs of NPD. Not one of them is known to brag that they're simultaneously the world's foremost authority on everything or stay up all night throwing hissyfits at a slight or declare themselves to be "the greatest _____ that god ever created".

Those characteristics were listed early in the thread. Go read them.

I posted the definition of narcissist and it was Hillary in every way less the picture. She loves, worships and adores herself and can't grasp that there is any consequence for actions, she is above the law, she just is
As I read through all of these posts, it is evident that the attacks have been just the workers of the hive pumping out the daily talking points memos for the shit factory that is now the dimocrat party. Too bad to see the once great working class party I cared so much and was a part of for so long fall to a position below the nazi party for propaganda, intimidation, graft, and treasonous activity. I got a good welcome from a group that are much more honorable, accept personal responsibility much more often and believe in Duty to country and fellow humanity. I got my Republican Party card like millions of ex Democrats that left the democrat scum treason party.
I don't think Trump's a racist or homophobe. But a narcissist? Oh yes.

I recall, at one low point in my "career path" I was working as a food delivery driver. I had to make a delivery to a major hospital. The valets were being bossed around by a woman from NYC.

She was young, attractive, but very, very pushy and brash, nearly vulgar.

BUT, she let me as a delivery driver part in her parking area for my delivery. This was very nice and helpful of her.

IN thanks as I left I gave her a dessert. She stammered, even blushed a little.

Her bluster and pushiness was just a manifestation of her NYC culture.

Trump's NYC culture will grown on people with time.
You should easily be able to post the basis of your statements for each charge you make, If you can't then you actually have no basis for your statements and therefore are PROVING beyond doubt that you are either lying, or conspiring to undermine this Country and the President.
Is Trump a Narcissist? Perhaps, but he has quite a long way to go before he even gets close to 0bama's level of self love.

Obama wasn't that bad. The Clinton's on the other hand, they leave Trump in the dust.

Do you remember when Bill Clinton, met with Rush Limbaugh? Do remember this from the early 2000? After Clinton left office, Rush was at some sort of Charity dinner, and Billy showed up. Billy actually didn't know who the woman was, who sitting at the table over, and started hitting on Rush's wife.... His wife told him that Billy came over and started saying "hey you know I was president of the united states right?" wink wink....

Seriously the Clinton's are brain damaged. There is no couple in politics, more self aggrandizing than the Clintons. Thank Heaven, they are gone forever.

Hillary and Obama combined haven't done shit for anyone but themselves. Everything they ever did was in their own interest. International Democrats are as full of shit as the ones we have here.

Though the one difference is you're an obedient lot doing as your American masters tell you to do and thinking what they tell you to think. Then again, looking at America's record of success no wonder Kiwis would obey.

Who is not a narcissist? I'll go with Rand Paul. There aren't many you've heard of. The narcissists go into leadership. What is government but taking other people's stuff and buying power. It's a pursuit that attracts narcissists

Huh? NZ is kinda the opposite of the US. We don't do anything you say. In fact you suspended the ANZUS agreement because we refused to let your nuke ships in our ports.

So, you just don't like politicians. Whoopty fucking do. Instead of moaning, put your hand up and do something about it. I'm reasonably happy with our political system and most politicians. You're the guys bitching 24/7 about yours - not just the right, but the left, and in the case of you, everything in between.

I'm a centrist. Always have been. It's just this time around, the GoP choice is soooo bad. I mean beyond belief.

Ouch, got under your skin! Another crying Democrat, bulls eye.

And you come on the site every day and think what Americans tell you to think. Democrats love your not letting nuke ships in your ports. Good job, Americans told you what to think and you thought it

Is Trump a Narcissist? Perhaps, but he has quite a long way to go before he even gets close to 0bama's level of self love.

So far it's the only credible allegation with any evidence to support it. This is quite hysterical given who's been president the past 8 years and who they ran this year.

You can also make the argument that it's a bit narcissistic for anyone to seek the office of the president. So if that is the only legitimate complaint they have on Trump, he's in pretty good shape. Even with this, they want to play doctors of psychology and diagnose him with a "mental disorder" based on their hyped-up and overblown rhetoric.

As this thread shows, they really don't have any substantiated basis for the allegations they keep hurling. It's a lot of bluster and hot air that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. When you point this out to them, they accuse you of moving goal posts as they desperately try to derail the thread topic and talk about something else.
lol All we're seeing here is juvenile left wing narcissists whining about a New Yorker personality type, i.e. halfwits with high self-esteem not getting their way and crying about it, and they think everybody else is obligated to make them happy again by appointing Hillary or something, apparently, like Mommy and the school system indulges them and their 'needs'.
Is Trump a Narcissist? Perhaps, but he has quite a long way to go before he even gets close to 0bama's level of self love.

So far it's the only credible allegation with any evidence to support it. This is quite hysterical given who's been president the past 8 years and who they ran this year.

You can also make the argument that it's a bit narcissistic for anyone to seek the office of the president. So if that is the only legitimate complaint they have on Trump, he's in pretty good shape. Even with this, they want to play doctors of psychology and diagnose him with a "mental disorder" based on their hyped-up and overblown rhetoric.

As this thread shows, they really don't have any substantiated basis for the allegations they keep hurling. It's a lot of bluster and hot air that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. When you point this out to them, they accuse you of moving goal posts as they desperately try to derail the thread topic and talk about something else.
you just going to keep repeating that? or do you have anything interesting to say?
I don't think Trump's a racist or homophobe. But a narcissist? Oh yes.
the most positive possibility is that he just doesn't give a shit about black people, which I guess is a step up from devoting your life to killing/enslaving them all, but its doesn't mean he's not a racist.
This viewpoint was in our local paper this a.m.--op ed section, folks, not fake news.

Trump’s attack on John Lewis fits a pattern of demagoguery

By Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg View
Posted Jan. 22, 2017, at 10:01 a.m.

In November 2015, when most Republicans and political journalists, including this one, were discounting Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidency, Trump tweeted an image of a thuggish-looking dark-skinned man holding a handgun over a set of 2015 statistics about race and crime.

The statistics, attributed to the nonexistent “Crime Statistics Bureau — San Francisco” for a year that then wasn’t even concluded, were transparently bogus. But two related data points were especially notable.

One said that 81 percent of white victims of homicide in the U.S. had been murdered by blacks. The companion stat indicated that white murderers accounted for only 16 percent of white homicides. In reality, FBI statistics for 2014, the most recent year available then, proved the inverse; whites were responsible for 82 percent of white homicides.

Trump’s data were fake, but as a window into the means and ends of his propaganda, the false stats proved highly relevant. Fear of violent black crime was a constant theme of Trump’s campaign.

“And by the way, do you know,” he said at a campaign event in Panama City, Florida, on Oct. 11, 2016, “it was just announced that murder is the highest it’s been in our country in 45 years?”

No such announcement took place because no such fact existed. Instead, the murder rate from 1991 to 2015 fell roughly by half. The day after his Panama City remarks, Trump repeated the falsehood in Lakeland, Florida. “We have the highest murder rate in this country in 45 years,” he told his audience.

A partial list of the organizations that fact-checked this Trump statement, and publicly corrected it, includes The Washington Post,, the Guardian, Vox, the Los Angeles Times and MSNBC. No matter: Trump kept repeating it.

But he didn’t just repeat it. He combined it with another offering: that black urban neighborhoods are wildly violent. Not Chicago’s gang-infested pockets, or Baltimore’s downtown — specific neighborhoods that truly are violent. Trump seemed to be saying that any urban black neighborhood is horrifying.

“The violence. The death. The lack of education. No jobs,” he said. Walk the streets, Trump said, and “buy a loaf of bread and you end up getting shot.” This was the basis of Trump’s faux appeal for black votes: With your lives and streets in ruins, he asked, “What do you have to lose?”

If you combine Trump’s false statistics and his apocalyptic picture of black life, you get the political point of this exercise: Crime is out of control, and we know who is responsible.

Trump still is at it. The claims he made on Twitter last weekend that Democratic Rep. John Lewis’s congressional district is “in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested)” were, naturally, false. Lewis’s Georgia district, the 5th, ranks 158th in well-being (gauged by education levels, crime, life expectancy, other factors) of 435 congressional districts, or roughly in the top third in the country, according to the American Human Development Index.

Ignorance may be one of Trump’s most salient traits. It’s unlikely, for example, that Trump is familiar with extensive social science on white fears of black crime. But his racial politics are not coincidental or unknowing. Breitbart, the propaganda site favored by white nationalists that was run by Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, once used the heading “Black Crime” to organize articles. The recurring theme is evidence of a campaign, not an idiosyncrasy.

Lewis, a heroic victim of white racist brutality, may seem an unlikely Willie Horton. Yet, Trump still found a way to make Lewis a representative — literally — of black crime and dysfunction. We shouldn’t underestimate Trump’s ignorance. But as the Lewis episode reveals, we also shouldn’t underestimate his capacity for demagogy.

Francis Wilkinson writes editorials on politics and U.S. domestic policy for Bloomberg View.
you just going to keep repeating that? or do you have anything interesting to say?

I hardly ever repeat anything, bozo. I will keep pointing out that you've not presented anything to support your conjectures about Trump.

the most positive possibility is that he just doesn't give a shit about black people, which I guess is a step up from devoting your life to killing/enslaving them all, but its doesn't mean he's not a racist.

Again... More conjecture you can't support with anything of substance.

ALL you know how to do is hurl the allegation of "racism" at people who don't agree with you politically. That's cool with me because it's proving to be complete failure as a political strategy.
This viewpoint was in our local paper this a.m.--op ed section, folks, not fake news.

Trump’s attack on John Lewis fits a pattern of demagoguery

By Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg View
Posted Jan. 22, 2017, at 10:01 a.m.

In November 2015, when most Republicans and political journalists, including this one, were discounting Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidency, Trump tweeted an image of a thuggish-looking dark-skinned man holding a handgun over a set of 2015 statistics about race and crime.

The statistics, attributed to the nonexistent “Crime Statistics Bureau — San Francisco” for a year that then wasn’t even concluded, were transparently bogus. But two related data points were especially notable.

One said that 81 percent of white victims of homicide in the U.S. had been murdered by blacks. The companion stat indicated that white murderers accounted for only 16 percent of white homicides. In reality, FBI statistics for 2014, the most recent year available then, proved the inverse; whites were responsible for 82 percent of white homicides.

Trump’s data were fake, but as a window into the means and ends of his propaganda, the false stats proved highly relevant. Fear of violent black crime was a constant theme of Trump’s campaign.

“And by the way, do you know,” he said at a campaign event in Panama City, Florida, on Oct. 11, 2016, “it was just announced that murder is the highest it’s been in our country in 45 years?”

No such announcement took place because no such fact existed. Instead, the murder rate from 1991 to 2015 fell roughly by half. The day after his Panama City remarks, Trump repeated the falsehood in Lakeland, Florida. “We have the highest murder rate in this country in 45 years,” he told his audience.

A partial list of the organizations that fact-checked this Trump statement, and publicly corrected it, includes The Washington Post,, the Guardian, Vox, the Los Angeles Times and MSNBC. No matter: Trump kept repeating it.

But he didn’t just repeat it. He combined it with another offering: that black urban neighborhoods are wildly violent. Not Chicago’s gang-infested pockets, or Baltimore’s downtown — specific neighborhoods that truly are violent. Trump seemed to be saying that any urban black neighborhood is horrifying.

“The violence. The death. The lack of education. No jobs,” he said. Walk the streets, Trump said, and “buy a loaf of bread and you end up getting shot.” This was the basis of Trump’s faux appeal for black votes: With your lives and streets in ruins, he asked, “What do you have to lose?”

If you combine Trump’s false statistics and his apocalyptic picture of black life, you get the political point of this exercise: Crime is out of control, and we know who is responsible.

Trump still is at it. The claims he made on Twitter last weekend that Democratic Rep. John Lewis’s congressional district is “in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested)” were, naturally, false. Lewis’s Georgia district, the 5th, ranks 158th in well-being (gauged by education levels, crime, life expectancy, other factors) of 435 congressional districts, or roughly in the top third in the country, according to the American Human Development Index.

Ignorance may be one of Trump’s most salient traits. It’s unlikely, for example, that Trump is familiar with extensive social science on white fears of black crime. But his racial politics are not coincidental or unknowing. Breitbart, the propaganda site favored by white nationalists that was run by Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, once used the heading “Black Crime” to organize articles. The recurring theme is evidence of a campaign, not an idiosyncrasy.

Lewis, a heroic victim of white racist brutality, may seem an unlikely Willie Horton. Yet, Trump still found a way to make Lewis a representative — literally — of black crime and dysfunction. We shouldn’t underestimate Trump’s ignorance. But as the Lewis episode reveals, we also shouldn’t underestimate his capacity for demagogy.

Francis Wilkinson writes editorials on politics and U.S. domestic policy for Bloomberg View.

John Lewis got exactly what he deserved. You don't get to criticize people with impunity because you were a civil rights icon back in the day. Sorry.

And by the fucking way... OP-ED pieces are NOT news. They are editorials... OPINIONS! Hence the name, MORON!
you just going to keep repeating that? or do you have anything interesting to say?

I hardly ever repeat anything, bozo. I will keep pointing out that you've not presented anything to support your conjectures about Trump.
I haven't made any "conjectures about Trump" dumbass you did youve set up this whole thread to deny trump is racist sexst homophobic and you declared yourself judge and jury in deciding it.

you cherry pick who and what you respond too you still haven't shown anything to explain why trump isn't any of those things you listed or even why the whole country (including many who voted for him) believe he is.
I haven't made any "conjectures about Trump" dumbass you did youve set up this whole thread to deny trump is racist sexst homophobic and you declared yourself judge and jury in deciding it.

you cherry pick who and what you respond too you still haven't shown anything to explain why trump isn't any of those things you listed or even why the whole country (including many who voted for him) believe he is.

No, you made numerous conjectures about Trump and I dismantled them with facts. I don't have to prove a negative. It's not up to me to prove Trump is not a racist. It is up to you to prove that he is and so far you haven't. All you can do is spew nonsense arguments based on hyperbole and rhetoric. You have nothing of substance to offer.
This viewpoint was in our local paper this a.m.--op ed section, folks, not fake news.

Trump’s attack on John Lewis fits a pattern of demagoguery

By Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg View
Posted Jan. 22, 2017, at 10:01 a.m.

In November 2015, when most Republicans and political journalists, including this one, were discounting Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidency, Trump tweeted an image of a thuggish-looking dark-skinned man holding a handgun over a set of 2015 statistics about race and crime.

The statistics, attributed to the nonexistent “Crime Statistics Bureau — San Francisco” for a year that then wasn’t even concluded, were transparently bogus. But two related data points were especially notable.

One said that 81 percent of white victims of homicide in the U.S. had been murdered by blacks. The companion stat indicated that white murderers accounted for only 16 percent of white homicides. In reality, FBI statistics for 2014, the most recent year available then, proved the inverse; whites were responsible for 82 percent of white homicides.

Trump’s data were fake, but as a window into the means and ends of his propaganda, the false stats proved highly relevant. Fear of violent black crime was a constant theme of Trump’s campaign.

“And by the way, do you know,” he said at a campaign event in Panama City, Florida, on Oct. 11, 2016, “it was just announced that murder is the highest it’s been in our country in 45 years?”

No such announcement took place because no such fact existed. Instead, the murder rate from 1991 to 2015 fell roughly by half. The day after his Panama City remarks, Trump repeated the falsehood in Lakeland, Florida. “We have the highest murder rate in this country in 45 years,” he told his audience.

A partial list of the organizations that fact-checked this Trump statement, and publicly corrected it, includes The Washington Post,, the Guardian, Vox, the Los Angeles Times and MSNBC. No matter: Trump kept repeating it.

But he didn’t just repeat it. He combined it with another offering: that black urban neighborhoods are wildly violent. Not Chicago’s gang-infested pockets, or Baltimore’s downtown — specific neighborhoods that truly are violent. Trump seemed to be saying that any urban black neighborhood is horrifying.

“The violence. The death. The lack of education. No jobs,” he said. Walk the streets, Trump said, and “buy a loaf of bread and you end up getting shot.” This was the basis of Trump’s faux appeal for black votes: With your lives and streets in ruins, he asked, “What do you have to lose?”

If you combine Trump’s false statistics and his apocalyptic picture of black life, you get the political point of this exercise: Crime is out of control, and we know who is responsible.

Trump still is at it. The claims he made on Twitter last weekend that Democratic Rep. John Lewis’s congressional district is “in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested)” were, naturally, false. Lewis’s Georgia district, the 5th, ranks 158th in well-being (gauged by education levels, crime, life expectancy, other factors) of 435 congressional districts, or roughly in the top third in the country, according to the American Human Development Index.

Ignorance may be one of Trump’s most salient traits. It’s unlikely, for example, that Trump is familiar with extensive social science on white fears of black crime. But his racial politics are not coincidental or unknowing. Breitbart, the propaganda site favored by white nationalists that was run by Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, once used the heading “Black Crime” to organize articles. The recurring theme is evidence of a campaign, not an idiosyncrasy.

Lewis, a heroic victim of white racist brutality, may seem an unlikely Willie Horton. Yet, Trump still found a way to make Lewis a representative — literally — of black crime and dysfunction. We shouldn’t underestimate Trump’s ignorance. But as the Lewis episode reveals, we also shouldn’t underestimate his capacity for demagogy.

Francis Wilkinson writes editorials on politics and U.S. domestic policy for Bloomberg View.

John Lewis got exactly what he deserved. You don't get to criticize people with impunity because you were a civil rights icon back in the day. Sorry.

And by the fucking way... OP-ED pieces are NOT news. They are editorials... OPINIONS! Hence the name, MORON!
I was responding to posters who were puzzling over why so many blacks seem concerned that Trump is racist. However, as much as it was an opinion,, I believe the writer did back up his argument with facts. No reason to get all cranky about it.

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