Can Somebody Show Me A Violent Protestor?

300 83. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III — a one-time Army paratrooper, disbarred Yale lawyer, constitutionalist, gun enthusiast, and far-right media star — founded the group called the Oath Keepers in 2009 looking forward to the J6 assault on the Capitol “you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”

i. NFld 300 53 Elmer Stewart Rhodes III quote about J6 : You can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”.

ii. Lastamender 365. : A few thugs working for the FBI started it. lstmndr 250114 Scssma00381

iii. NotfooledbyW ccclxxxiii to 381. : Was Elmer Stewart Rhodes III there to stand on the Mall holding a “Stop the Steal” sign? Protesting? nfbw 250114 Vcssma00383
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Oh Please.

What is the so-called evidence going to prove.

You are gonna have a long wait, because NEVER is a long way away.
Didn’t Heil Shitler! have all the proof of the 2020 election steal.
300 83. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III — a one-time Army paratrooper, disbarred Yale lawyer, constitutionalist, gun enthusiast, and far-right media star — founded the group called the Oath Keepers in 2009 looking forward to the J6 assault on the Capitol “you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”

i. NFld 300 53 Elmer Stewart Rhodes III quote about J6 : You can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”.

ii. Lastamender 365. : A few thugs working for the FBI started it. lstmndr 250114 Scssma00381

iii. NotfooledbyW ccclxxxiii to 381. : Was Elmer Stewart Rhodes III there to stand on the Mall holding a “Stop the Steal” sign? Protesting? nfbw 250114 Vcssma00383
So someone said something?
300 86

i. Road Runner ccclxxiv : You know how many democrats in this thread against the actions of January 6th wish that Thomas Crooks would have succeeded on July 13th, 2024? That's my question. rdrnnr 250114 Scssma00370

ii. I have never wished anything of the sort.
I wrote as much on Jul 13, 2024. See paragraph vi. below.

iii. Oddball xcviii. : You have had three years to turn over computer logs and hard copies of ballots to prove there was no fraud and nothing - You have less than nothing. 00098

iv. Freedomisneverfree vi. : Liberal Nutcases trying to hurt our new President! 00006

v. Freedomisneverfree viii. : SICK LIBERALS did this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00008

vi. NotfooledbyW mciii. : Really? You know that already? Trump has fucked over a lot of people before becoming a one term loser President who attempted to stay in power by committing fraud against the United States of America.

I condemn anybody shooting at Trump or even thinking about it , but Trump is still a vile human being unfit for office because he tried to disenfranchise my vote in 2020. nfbw 240713 Vaaoti01202
OMG, what a FAKE story.
Just show the video of these "FBI" starting it.

You can't, you won't, you will deflect with nonsense.
Release all the videos and we will let you know. There is no other reason not to release them.
Release all the videos and we will let you know. There is no other reason not to release them.
Sure, another "Thing" trump is gonna solve for you.

Will this be in 3 or 4 explosive weeks?
Trumps talks a lot about Day 1, so 3 to 4 weeks should be easy.

Please check back in with 'the release' of the other so-called tapes with massive evidence.

A few thugs working for the FBI started it.
Trump blames Pence not the FBI for the violence on J6.

Anti/democracy Thug Giuliani, and Anti/democracy Thug Eastman
at Anti/democracy Thug Trump’s direction
attempted to exploit the violence and chaos”

While the assault on the Capitol ensued, according to Smith, Giuliani, at Trump’s direction, “attempted to exploit the violence and chaos” by calling five U.S. senators and one representative in an attempt to convince them to further delay the certification process. They were unsuccessful.

After six hours, at 11:35 p.m., rioters were cleared from the building, and the House and Senate resumed the certification process. But Smith says, the conspirators “were not done.” At 11:44 p.m., Eastman emailed Pence’s chief counsel once to inform him that “[t]he ‘siege’ is because YOU and your boss did not do what was necessary” and then again asked Pence to violate the law. Congress, with Pence presiding, certified the results of the 2020 presidential election for Biden on Jan. 7 at 3:41 a.m
Yes as it wasn't fake and I would be even happier if you just answered my question.


How is saying that the military step in if Kamala Harris would have won the election and turn the government against us threatening anybody? You're highly confused on self-defense and murder.

All that and the second amendment. Yet, you're probably disappointed that Thomas Crooks didn't succeed in taking out Trump on July 13th just for simply not liking him. So I don't want to hear your hypocritical dumbass arguments anymore and this is the very last time that I'm going to talk to you about this.
You must have been in a psychotic episode when you threatened the politician and now don't remember doing so.
Lol that's how it came up on my spell check though.

Heresy is an actual word, just not the one you wanted. And just so you know, this is one of the rare instances where I'm not trying to be an asshole grammar Nazi, which I sometimes find to be a delightful pastime. This time, I'm just trying to be helpful and educational...

Heresy is an actual word, just not the one you wanted. And just so you know, this is one of the rare instances where I'm not trying to be an asshole grammar Nazi, which I sometimes find to be a delightful pastime. This time, I'm just trying to be helpful and educational...

It's okay. I actually don't think that you're as bad as I used to think. :)
I still have yet to see one. However, JD is right, if anybody was violent they deserve to be locked up. I saw a lot of violence don't get me wrong, but not from the protesters.

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Reminds me of when I worked in this one retail store chain and we had a bedroom set displayed and a customer broke the dresser mirror and it was on display for a few hours like that until we did something about it. The next day I got a call from a customer who said she was traumatized walking past the broken mirror as she could have been very seriously hurt if she had been cut by it (which she wasn't). She went on and on about how much she was traumatized and wanted me to file a report with our insurance company about it. I didn't even ask my superiors about it, I laughed in her face (over the phone), and I told her she wasn't going to do that shit to me and that I refused to file a report, and told her she would have to sue us over it, and I just hung up on her. Never heard from her again. I'm glad I had the balls to stand up to her, although I'm sure my superiors wouldn't have agreed with how I handled the situation. But, it worked.
Well breaking windows is vandalism not violence although it's still a crime and how do you know that if protestors got violent it wasn't for self-defense purposes?

I see vandalism in some of these pictures but not violence.

The pieces of shits spraying bear spray directly at the police are lucky they didn't get shot!

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