Can Somebody Show Me A Violent Protestor?

Ah okay so these few thugs started the whole entire riot? Yeah, right. 🙄
These few thugs were several hundred Proud Boys and Oathkeepers who began attacking police well before the bulk of the crowd got there … and joined in
Yeah… videos of violent MAGArats attacking police and smashing their way into the Capitol. We saw all that yup

Don't forget that everybody was mostly peaceful until being gassed and having hand grenades thrown at them.
You know how many democrats in this thread against the actions of January 6th wish that Thomas Crooks would have succeeded on July 13th, 2024? That's my question. I get that we shouldn't be able to defend ourselves when somebody is attacking us and violence is bad on one hand from the same exact people who were disappointed that Trump survived his assassination attempt.
Well breaking windows is vandalism not violence although it's still a crime and how do you know that if protestors got violent it wasn't for self-defense purposes?

I see vandalism in some of these pictures but not violence.
Oh OK, so burning down a building isn't violence, it's just "destruction of property" , got it. Looting isn't violence either, it's just "theft". Got yah.
300 66.

i. Nfld 100 07 Don Trump J6speech: “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” dntrmp00107

ii. Lastamender ccxvi to 208. : “A protest of a contested election is not an attack.” lstmndr 250113 Scssma00216

iii. NotfooledbyW cxvii to 114. : He was attempting to overturn the constitutional transition power to elected incoming administration.

When he said if Mike Pence does the right thing, {he DJT} will win Donald Trump was talking about winning on January 6.

He would’ve had a path to do that if Mike Pence would have joined in the criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election.

Mike Pence didn’t do it so that plot to overturn the election failed.

It is still a crime for the attempt to use fraudulent certifications of electors from seven states that Joe Biden lost

The Eastman memo is a real thing. Trump put it into action. It needed Republican electors in seven states to lie in writing {that} Trump won the state instead of Biden. That is straightforward fraud. nfbw 240809 VabNmw00117

iv. Don Trump’s “attack” was designed by his lawyers, John Eastman, and Jenna Ellis and it was against seven states that he had lost. Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico..

Donald Trump’s attack required his vice president Mike Pence to accept fraudulent certificates of electors from those seven states in order to convert Donald Trump from the loser of the 2020 election to the winner. According to Jenna Ellis‘s version of the John Eastman plan all
Pence had to do was cause a delay, which could not be resolved by the 15th of January, so the chaos and confusion would mean that the 2020 presidential election wouldbe handed over to the House of Representatives. In the House, Republicans had a one vote majority and if all those Republicans voted uniformly, Donald Trump would become president elect on January 15. That was the plan that is the “attack“ that is unlawful, despicable, and sn sffront against western liberal democracy that has survived for 240 years until Don Trump and the Republican Party came to power and tried to destroy it.
You know how many democrats in this thread against the actions of January 6th wish that Thomas Crooks would have succeeded on July 13th, 2024? That's my question. I get that we shouldn't be able to defend ourselves when somebody is attacking us and violence is bad on one hand from the same exact people who were disappointed that Trump survived his assassination attempt.
i. Nfld 100 07 Don Trump J6speech: “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” dntrmp00107

Would you have been happy if Mike Pence had decided to join the Republican Party criminal conspiracy and accepted the fake electric certificates, causing a delay until January 15 when the House of Representatives decided the election in favor of Donald Trump. Thus disenfranchising 81 million Biden voters who did absolutely nothing unlawful except exercise, their constitutional right to vote for their choice to be president.
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Yeah but it's still all wrong.
Something supposedly being wrong, doesn't necessarily justify killing people for it. Many of the right-wing conservative Republicans against BLM, argued that protestors should be shot if they loot or destroy property. Vandalism or burning down a building, is a capital crime for these holy-roller "righteous" Republicans when it's people of color doing it, protesting police brutality and murder. When White folks get together and commit acts of vandalism and break into a government building, armed with bats and even firearms, no one should kill them.

If January 6th had been committed by leftists, and not by as many Whites, but a more ethnically mixed group of protestors they would've been labeled terrorists by "righteous" Republicans and they would be pushing for life sentences without parole. If any of the leftist protestors would've died, they would've defended the government's lethal response.

President Trump will start the investigation immediately. He has all the actual evidence.

Then it will hit the fan.

Gonna be fun.

Oh Please.

What is the so-called evidence going to prove.

You are gonna have a long wait, because NEVER is a long way away.
i. Nfld 100 07 Don Trump J6speech: “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” dntrmp00107

Would you have been happy if Mike Pence had decided to join the Republican Party criminal conspiracy and accepted the fake electric certificates, causing a delay until January 15 when the House of Representatives decided the election in favor of Donald Trump. Thus disenfranchising 81 million Biden voters who did absolutely nothing unlawful except exercise, their constitutional right to vote for their choice to be president.

Yes as it wasn't fake and I would be even happier if you just answered my question.

Something supposedly being wrong, doesn't necessarily justify killing people for it. Many of the right-wing conservative Republicans against BLM, argued that protestors should be shot if they loot or destroy property.

You threaten any politicians today, psycho?

How is saying that the military step in if Kamala Harris would have won the election and turn the government against us threatening anybody? You're highly confused on self-defense and murder.

All that and the second amendment. Yet, you're probably disappointed that Thomas Crooks didn't succeed in taking out Trump on July 13th just for simply not liking him. So I don't want to hear your hypocritical dumbass arguments anymore and this is the very last time that I'm going to talk to you about this.
Btw for the record Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are old news now. I honestly couldn't care less about them anymore.
i. Nfld 100 07 Don Trump J6speech: “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” dntrmp00107

ii. NotfooledbyW ccclxxiv. : Would you have been happy if Mike Pence had decided to join the Republican Party criminal conspiracy and accepted the fake electric certificates, causing a delay until January 15 when the House of Representatives decided the election in favor of Donald Trump. nfbw 250114 Vcssma00374

You are saying yes to disenfranchising 81 million Biden voters who did absolutely nothing unlawful except exercise, their constitutional right to vote for their choice to be president.

You wanted Republicans to void every Dem Party legal and certified vote and instead have mostly white male Christian Republican Members of the House of Representatives vote for Trump to be the winner.

Do you understand how violent you are?
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i. Nfld 100 07 Don Trump J6speech: “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” dntrmp00107

ii. NotfooledbyW ccclxxiv. : Would you have been happy if Mike Pence had decided to join the Republican Party criminal conspiracy and accepted the fake electric certificates, causing a delay until January 15 when the House of Representatives decided the election in favor of Donald Trump. nfbw 250114 Vcssma00374

You are saying yes to disenfranchising 81 million Biden voters who did absolutely nothing unlawful except exercise, their constitutional right to vote for their choice to be president.

You wanted Republicans to void every Dem Party legal and certified vote and instead have mostly white male Christian Republican Members of the House of Representatives vote for Trump to be the winner.

Do you understand how violent you are?

I'm saying that they had the right to protest. How is that violent!? However, I've learned that no matter what I say anymore my words are always going to be twisted around anyways. 🙄

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