Can Somebody Show Me A Violent Protestor?

No, you won't. You'll hate it and try to use the slightest justification to complain. You'll expect more from Trump by end of Day One than you did in all of Biden's term.

For patriot Americans, not you. You'll be miserable as Trump slashes and burns through everything democrats thought they had built.
You and Concerned American are basing your opinion of my views due to my despising trump AND all other politicians.

I understand your efforts, it makes you feel better about your life.
But you fail constantly.

Carry On.
We have a duty to support and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies

President Trump had the authority to ensure that the Election Laws were NOT violated

Had Socialist Demon Rats refrained from breaking the law WE THE PEOPLE would have not shown our displeasure.
Read the Smith Report. Your convict is safe, but it will go down in history, he attempted to subvert democracy and free elections properly and securely held, to illegally retain that office, his own VP refusing to participate in the scam.
So now you speak for the US government?

Why would he want to do that? There will be an investigation and Trump will back it.

Of what value is a report on an investigation that has been closed due to the illegality and partisanship of it by a guy who was illegally selected and unqualified to do it in the first place? Bottom line: there is nothing to support that Trump orchestrated any deliberate intervention against the US government just because a peaceful crowd went to the capitol to show their support of a proper investigation into an illegal election and was incited to violence by the government, which Trump tried to reign back. Proof positive that while ZERO effort has been made to look into the actual illegal election which spurred it, untold effort has been placed on trying to blame Trump!

Further, what more could Jack Smith possibly have to say after weeks of impeachment hearings and further weeks of J6 Committee hearings, both proven just biased and rigged partisan witch hunts?

You mean like the witness used against Trump already convicted of PERJURY?

How do you figure that Trump was reelected overwhelming in historic fashion after legitimately losing just four years earlier to a bum who is a known plagiarist, a failed politician who was thrown out of the election race by his own party?

You mean like democrats have been doing for years? They've disputed most every election and GOP candidate in the last 20 years including calling Trump illegitimate in 2016 alone!

The only "history books" it will be in will be written by leftwing propagandists for other leftwing propagandists to jerk off on.

Man of the year and President of the century looking to be so far.

Yeah, guess I'll have to "settle" for kicking the democrat's asses up and down the street! :auiqs.jpg:
What joke. It won't happen and he definitely would no support dragging out all his dirty laundry. Maybe you should have a report pose the question in public.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What joke. It won't happen
So then, what are you willing to bet? We now have you on record saying it won't happen.
I'm just pointing out that before the election, Taz made 5-6 bold predictions with absolute certainty.
He was dead wrong on every one of them.

and he definitely would no support dragging out all his dirty laundry.
That assumes he has dirty laundry to drag out. We shall see.
The prisoners of J6 are intending a 50 billion dollar lawsuit.
If they win that, it would have to prove government (not Trump) culpability.
300 53. Elmer Stewart Rhodes III — a one-time Army paratrooper, disbarred Yale lawyer, constitutionalist, gun enthusiast, and far-right media star — founded the group called the Oath Keepers in 2009 looking forward to the J6 assault on the Capitol “you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”

i. Nfld 100 07 Don Trump J6speech: “States want to revote. The states got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” dntrmp00107

ii. SeaMajor7 said: The only INSURRECTION was the bio-warfare enabled STOLEN ELECTION!!!!! smjrN 231206 Srwnio01068

iii. rightwinger vii to OP i. : Trying to take over Congress while they were in session = Insurrection. •¥•. Attempting to capture Congress members = Insurrection. rghtwngr 210405 Vtwnio00007

iv. yidnar OP i. : there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the Capitol ! ydnr 210405 Stwnio00001

v.. Nfld 100 88 Ashli Babbitt wrote Jan06,2021. : And it was amazing to get to see the president talk. We are now walking down the inaugural path to the Capitol building, 3 million plus people. God bless America, patriots.

vi. NFld 300 53 Elmer Stewart Rhodes III quote about J6 : You can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”.

According to the 48-page, 17-count indictment, Rhodes began preparations for an apparent rebellion on Nov. 5, 2020, just two days after the presidential election, when he invited other Oath Keeper members into a leadership chat on the messaging platform Signal. “We aren’t getting through this without a civil war,” Rhodes wrote at the time. “Too late for that. Prepare your mind, body, spirit.”​
Elmer Stewart Rhodes III — a one-time Army paratrooper, disbarred Yale lawyer, constitutionalist, gun enthusiast, and far-right media star — founded the group called the Oath Keepers in 2009. Since then, he has ridden crosscurrents of American anger and strife that ran from scrubby Western deserts to angry urban protests right into the Capitol rotunda.​
“We’re going to defend the president, the duly elected president” — by whom he meant Trump — “and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country,” Rhodes allegedly said. “Because if you don’t guys, you’re going to be in a bloody, bloody civil war, and a bloody — you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”
By Dec. 31st, that indictment states, Rhodes had joined a private group text on Signal titled “DC OP: Jan 6 21.” The indictment describes Rhodes as hand-picking a top deputy, known as “PERSON TEN,” to be the “operations leader” for the group on Jan. 6. The indictment also alleges Rhodes put up money for hotel rooms for himself and “PERSON TEN” at the Hilton Garden Inn in Vienna, Virginia. And it describes how, on the day of the insurrection, Rhodes was in constant contact, via text and phone call, with people named in the alleged conspiracy.​
For example, Rhodes texted the group chat at 1:25 p.m. remarking: “Pence is doing nothing. As I predicted.” And then again at 1:40 p.m. he wrote: “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They’ve had enough.” Minutes later Rhodes texted that he was on his way to the Capitol.​
The new indictment released Thursday offers fresh details of Rhodes’ involvement in the alleged plot:​
It records a Signal message Rhodes sent two days after the election calling on his followers to refuse to accept the result: “We aren’t getting through this without a civil war. Too late for that. Prepare your mind, body, spirit.”​
Two days later, on Nov. 7, Rhodes sent a similar message calling for an action at the Capitol: “[W]e must now do what the people of Serbia did when Milosevic stole their election. – Refuse to accept it and march en-mass on the nation’s Capitol.”​
On December 11, he sent a message to deputies warning that if Biden were to take office: “It will be a bloody and desperate fight. We are going to have a fight. That can’t be avoided.”​
On New Year’s Eve, Rhodes text earlier : “There is no standard political or legal way out of this.”​
On the day of Jan. 6, the indictment quotes Rhodes calling the insurgents, “Actual Patriots. Pissed off patriots[.] Like the Sons of Liberty were pissed off patriots[.]”​
It also alleges for the first time that Rhodes himself was part of the breach, alleging he “entered the restricted Capitol grounds on the northeast side of the Capitol.”​
Shortly after 3 p.m, the indictment records, Rhodes was texted with an update that Congress members inside the building had been given gas masks and were trying to get out. Rhodes’ alleged reply: “fuck em.”​
In alarming detail, the indictment also alleges that Rhodes bought and stockpiled thousands of dollars of firearms and tactical gear, both in the build up to Jan. 6 and in its aftermath. elmer stuart rhodes J6 violent criminal
vii. NotfooledbyW cccliii to twnio OP 1. :

Of course Donald Trump cannot pardon Ashli Babbitt, but he has contributed to the glorification of her violent behavior on January 6, 2021.

But who here thinks Elmer Stewart Rhodes III. should be pardoned by Donald Trump? nfbw 250114 Vcssma00353
Last edited:
Zafira Cherry

YES, I do. We've been cleaning up their messes since at least 1776.

Got a link for the story in your sig, I googled it at least 10 different ways, there's nothing about Tuskegee airmen dying in a crash at Moton field. Btw, you have it spelled incorrectly, racist.

Oh, and whose messes have you been 'cleaning up' since 1776?
So then, what are you willing to bet? We now have you on record saying it won't happen.
I'm just pointing out that before the election, Taz made 5-6 bold predictions with absolute certainty.
He was dead wrong on every one of them.

That assumes he has dirty laundry to drag out. We shall see.
The prisoners of J6 are intending a 50 billion dollar lawsuit.
If they win that, it would have to prove government (not Trump) culpability.

You're trying to talk logic and sense to a complete and total idiot that's been brainwashed by his TEEVEE, he's not worth your time. :dunno:
What does it matter ?

Because Trump said NOTHING for hours.

Probably because it started off peaceful.

Sure they were. The police declared a riot shortly after Trump’s delusional supporters arrived.

You mean the police started a riot.

In your fucked up world, probably none of them.

Nope! Some of them should most definitely be held accountable.

The mental patient believes they all just strolled through the Capitol and were attacked by cops.

The police were holding open the doors for them.

Who did they threaten?

Nobody. He's just trolling again. 🙄

Oh my!!!! Drama queen.

This somebitch doesn't get the second amendment. I was talking about if Kamala Harris won the election and she turned the government against us then the military might possibly have to get involved to protect our country. Thankfully that didn't happen though, but this wingnut is WAY too stupid to comprehend that in his puny little brain. 🙄

There is no video because it NEVER happened.
Wrong!! As there's tons of evidence of this already posted in this thread.

You remember this ^^^^^^^ ?

Trump said, We're going to march on down to the Capitol, and I'll be there with you.

He said that they would walk down there. He never told them to start a riot and they didn't. It was the police.

As far as cops letting rioters in

Well, at least they have that going for them.

The police don't sound very assertive to me. They're just standing and watching it all unfold too.

Nope, but they were charged with Seditious Conspiracy.

Here is a video of a guy firing 2 shots with HIS GUN.
Road Runner

He shouldn't have done that but he wasn't attacking anybody with it.

Four years later and they’re STILL desperately trying to defend something that is completely indefensible.


Nope! I'm not defending all of it.


Answer my question.


You're expecting way too much out of him I'm afraid.
You mean the police started a riot.
Not at all. The police were manning the perimeter. Upon arrival, the frenzied ultra-MAGAs almost immediately overran the barricades, assaulting officers and injuring them, causing the police to fall back again and again while being pursued and assailted.

At that point, they declared a riot.
Not at all. The police were manning the perimeter. Upon arrival, the frenzied ultra-MAGAs almost immediately overran the barricades, assaulting officers and injuring them, causing the police to fall back again and again while being pursued and assailted.

At that point, they declared a riot.

We all saw the videos. So STFU and talk to the hand. :eusa_hand:
We all saw the videos. So STFU and talk to the hand.
If you saw the videos, why do you deny reality?

It was Ryan Samsel who was one of the first people to become violent.


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