Can Science stop the politicizing of Health Care and govt authority going too far?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I was going to post just this article:
Something Mysterious Is Killing Captive Gorillas
about how the research in heart disease killing captive gorilla's in zoos
might help bring the focus on general health back to SCIENCE and not
debating and arguing morals and creating enemies over environmental and health issues.
The moral approach of judging and attacking people back and forth for their politics
has derailed the focus on better sustainable health for people and planet based on science
and CHOOSING to clean up bad habits for our own sake by educated choice, not because of political pressures.

Then I got into a FB conflict online with people who argued that spiritual healing
through prayer was all made up and fake, and didn't know anything about proving
the positive effects by medical science. They assumed I was preaching and proselytizing to
them, and didn't get that I was defending medical research and science backing
the universal process of prayer and the effects on health and curing diseases.
They never heard of any such thing, and one person questioned I might be "fantasizing"
about beliefs and ideas from God as imaginary in my mind.

I looked up online and found this article on that idea:
Reality Check: Why Some Brains Can’t Tell Real From Imagined |

So again, my point about medically proving the effects and process of spiritual healing prayer
and the brain, if we can quantify and measure the problem and symptoms in
"schizophrenic people who hear voices and can't tell what is real or not"
then apply the spiritual healing which people have used to cure schizophrenia,
could we measure the EFFECTS on the person, and whether this helps
them to distinguish and to comply/improve with counseling and treatment?

Again instead of arguing whether people are "proselytizing" their religion or politics,
can Science be used to streamline these issues into problems and solutions?

Currently in both cases, of environmental problems and reforms and with
issues of health care and now mental illness/gun regulations, people are
ARGUING that the science/statistics are being SKEWED for politics, on both sides
of these issues. Neither side trusts the studies cited because the media is so skewed left or right.

Could we agree to restructure and conduct studies together, publicly through university, medical
and/or environmental teams set up specifically so that this isn't funded or biased politically.

How do we get politics out of science so we can use science to de-politicize and solve more problems?
You can't cure schizophrenia. You manage it. Spiritual Healing Prayer is not science. From what I remember about your arguments regarding healthcare, you wanted access to funding for spiritual healing.
You can't cure schizophrenia. You manage it. Spiritual Healing Prayer is not science. From what I remember about your arguments regarding healthcare, you wanted access to funding for spiritual healing.

Dear Disir
It depends what is CAUSING the schizophrenia if the CAUSE can be cured or not,
and if so to what degree?

For example, given the posted article, SOME % not all of the mentally impaired or schizophrenic
people in the study were missing an entire fold in the brain. So that cannot be magically replaced in any permanent natural way
as in what we think of fully curing the CAUSE.

However, in the case of schizophrenia caused by drug abuse,
in some cases by permanently curing the cause and effects of this external CAUSE,
then THESE cases of schizophrenia can be permanently cured.

* Dr. Francis MacNutt in his book HEALING
describes a schizophrenic patient who had been in and out of hospitals for 12 years without any change.
After undertaking the deeper spiritual healing therapy, which delves into the spiritual unconscious
and even generational causes of why disorders aren't healed, this patient received a clean bill of health from their doctor.

If you want to go back to all the Schizophrenic patients, some taking over 20 years before
they are considered back to normal function, SURE we should conduct longer studies
to see if these people relapse, if the conditions carry to the next generations or if they are completely gone.

I'm sure, like cancer, the predilection may carry on even if the symptoms and disease do not fully manifest

* Dr. Scott Peck wrote books on his observation
after treating two Schiziphrenic patients using the deep spiritual therapy methods
including deliverance and exorcism as recommended and instructed by a priest with experience
healing and curing people from demonic voices.

Peck reported that one patient completely regained her normal mind and ability to reason
as a regular functioning person, but the other patient died of medical complications of physical
disease brought on by years of abuse and self-destruction because she did not receive help in time.

The diagnosis, treatment cure and stages of criminal illness
is similar to cancer.

Not all cases of cancer have the same causes, degrees of cure, or stages/remission patterns.
Same with mental and criminal disorders, illness and addictions.

Disir just because many cancers cannot be cured or treated permanently
doesn't mean we don't TRY to intervene and diagnose as soon as possible. Anything is possible
but the sooner and more cases get reviewed in time, the BETTER chances of recovery in cases where it's possible!

Dr. Peck came to this same conclusion that the SOONER the intervention,
the better chance of recovery. It was too late to save one of the patients who had
suffered so much self-destructive abuse, she died of those complications.

There can be any number of outcomes, or no results at all.
There's no predicting 100% if intervening soon enough in a case of diseases
such as cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia etc. can cure all signs and symptoms completely,
or the patients will relapse or go into remission and never be fully cured,

That makes the cases of total cure that much more invaluable.
We can predict or control the outcomes of these cases,
but if we can save ONE life here or there, isn't that worth trying free therapy?
You can't cure schizophrenia. You manage it. Spiritual Healing Prayer is not science. From what I remember about your arguments regarding healthcare, you wanted access to funding for spiritual healing.

Dear Disir
It depends what is CAUSING the schizophrenia if the CAUSE can be cured or not,
and if so to what degree?

For example, given the posted article, SOME % not all of the mentally impaired or schizophrenic
people in the study were missing an entire fold in the brain. So that cannot be magically replaced in any permanent natural way
as in what we think of fully curing the CAUSE.

However, in the case of schizophrenia caused by drug abuse,
in some cases by permanently curing the cause and effects of this external CAUSE,
then THESE cases of schizophrenia can be permanently cured.

* Dr. Francis MacNutt in his book HEALING
describes a schizophrenic patient who had been in and out of hospitals for 12 years without any change.
After undertaking the deeper spiritual healing therapy, which delves into the spiritual unconscious
and even generational causes of why disorders aren't healed, this patient received a clean bill of health from their doctor.

If you want to go back to all the Schizophrenic patients, some taking over 20 years before
they are considered back to normal function, SURE we should conduct longer studies
to see if these people relapse, if the conditions carry to the next generations or if they are completely gone.

I'm sure, like cancer, the predilection may carry on even if the symptoms and disease do not fully manifest

* Dr. Scott Peck wrote books on his observation
after treating two Schiziphrenic patients using the deep spiritual therapy methods
including deliverance and exorcism as recommended and instructed by a priest with experience
healing and curing people from demonic voices.

Peck reported that one patient completely regained her normal mind and ability to reason
as a regular functioning person, but the other patient died of medical complications of physical
disease brought on by years of abuse and self-destruction because she did not receive help in time.

The diagnosis, treatment cure and stages of criminal illness
is similar to cancer.

Not all cases of cancer have the same causes, degrees of cure, or stages/remission patterns.
Same with mental and criminal disorders, illness and addictions.

Disir just because many cancers cannot be cured or treated permanently
doesn't mean we don't TRY to intervene and diagnose as soon as possible. Anything is possible
but the sooner and more cases get reviewed in time, the BETTER chances of recovery in cases where it's possible!

Dr. Peck came to this same conclusion that the SOONER the intervention,
the better chance of recovery. It was too late to save one of the patients who had
suffered so much self-destructive abuse, she died of those complications.

There can be any number of outcomes, or no results at all.
There's no predicting 100% if intervening soon enough in a case of diseases
such as cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia etc. can cure all signs and symptoms completely,
or the patients will relapse or go into remission and never be fully cured,

That makes the cases of total cure that much more invaluable.
We can predict or control the outcomes of these cases,
but if we can save ONE life here or there, isn't that worth trying free therapy?
What causes mental problems? Stress on top of stress, bad food, bad Health Care bad day care No Parental leave incredible inequality terrible vacations and pay. Thanks GOP and silly Dupes...
However, in the case of schizophrenia caused by drug abuse,
in some cases by permanently curing the cause and effects of this external CAUSE,
then THESE cases of schizophrenia can be permanently cured.

Because they don't have schizophrenia. The cause is because of the drugs. Meth heads for example. Cure: stop using meth.
I was going to post just this article:
Something Mysterious Is Killing Captive Gorillas
about how the research in heart disease killing captive gorilla's in zoos
might help bring the focus on general health back to SCIENCE and not
debating and arguing morals and creating enemies over environmental and health issues.
The moral approach of judging and attacking people back and forth for their politics
has derailed the focus on better sustainable health for people and planet based on science
and CHOOSING to clean up bad habits for our own sake by educated choice, not because of political pressures.

Then I got into a FB conflict online with people who argued that spiritual healing
through prayer was all made up and fake, and didn't know anything about proving
the positive effects by medical science. They assumed I was preaching and proselytizing to
them, and didn't get that I was defending medical research and science backing
the universal process of prayer and the effects on health and curing diseases.
They never heard of any such thing, and one person questioned I might be "fantasizing"
about beliefs and ideas from God as imaginary in my mind.

I looked up online and found this article on that idea:
Reality Check: Why Some Brains Can’t Tell Real From Imagined |

So again, my point about medically proving the effects and process of spiritual healing prayer
and the brain, if we can quantify and measure the problem and symptoms in
"schizophrenic people who hear voices and can't tell what is real or not"
then apply the spiritual healing which people have used to cure schizophrenia,
could we measure the EFFECTS on the person, and whether this helps
them to distinguish and to comply/improve with counseling and treatment?

Again instead of arguing whether people are "proselytizing" their religion or politics,
can Science be used to streamline these issues into problems and solutions?

Currently in both cases, of environmental problems and reforms and with
issues of health care and now mental illness/gun regulations, people are
ARGUING that the science/statistics are being SKEWED for politics, on both sides
of these issues. Neither side trusts the studies cited because the media is so skewed left or right.

Could we agree to restructure and conduct studies together, publicly through university, medical
and/or environmental teams set up specifically so that this isn't funded or biased politically.

How do we get politics out of science so we can use science to de-politicize and solve more problems?

Yo, ahhh emilynghiem, my dearest, your question, How do we get politics out of science so we can use science to de-politicize and solve more problems? My answer: Science is Politics, you have your honest Republican Scientist who Votes Republican, and you have your dishonest Socialist Democrat Puppet pushing a Socialist Agenda, Global Warming comes to mind, and who Votes Socialist Democrat, simple to see by most Homo Sapiens who have half-a-brain and eyes my dear!

I hate to say this, but Science should be done by the Government, since the Government funds Scientist anyway, with Grants! That is one of the problems, Grants, people use Grants as a way to survive, like a paycheck, so they try to drag studies out for long periods of time, with no results, Cancer comes to mind! This would work, if they keep Obama types completely away from the Scientist, President has no authority or contact with the Complex, period!!!

You notice when they advertise on T.V. about a new drug? They tell you how wonderful the drug is, but then spend more time telling you about the side-effects! In my view, they should not be allowed to advertise a drug that can end up killing you in other ways, get it right, or don`t bring it out to the public, period!!!

In my view again, most Scientist today are Idealism, they are nothing like the Old Scientist, who were Realism who tried to achieve Greatness, make History, and save Mankind!!!

"Today`s Scientist Above Making Koolaid" "Older One Who Works Hard Above"

About: "Heart disease killing captive gorilla's in zoos." Can`t you say the same thing about being held Captive by the Socialist Democrat Party in the Ghetto? I say yes, the same environment, or maybe say the gorilla`s have it better!!!

America's Greatest Inventor Quotes Below:

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

"Thomas Alva Edison"


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