Can any republican tell me why any intelligent person should be republican?

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class? they have kept the M.C. from becoming low class

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8? they are low paying part time soda jerks :up:

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs? the first one i think of is get rid of the ruling regime :up:
4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"? because they have to be the adults here and tell the children "NO"

"I am not a democrat" i agree, you are a genuine certifiably nut case that should be isolated from the general public. :up: .... :lmao: ..... :fu:

have you any more shit you want to throw out there before i give you the big :fu: ........ :lmao:
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

Quite truthfully I am not sure what you expect the party that has not been in power for the last 7 years to do.

Yes, you can play with the unemployment numbers but I remember quite well that unemployment under the majority of Bush's terms was around 5 percent until disaster hit the country. That disaster was the democrat take over of congress. After that the democrats pretty much ignored anything Bush had to say, like "hey you need to look at Fannie Mae." No, they ignored him and went on their liberal ideological binge and we see where we are today.

The truth is Obama has gotten most if not all of his major initiatives, with or without GOP help. I can't think of one he has not. Yes, some of his nominations have been held up but for good reason. It would be a shame if the GOP rubber stamped every left wing communist that Obama put up for nomination.

I can only go by history and I see nothing in the past history of the DNC to be proud of. I certainly would not vote for the party of slavery no matter how long ago and no matter how they make the claim things have changed because they have bought the black vote.

The EPA, Clean Water Act, the end of segregation, end of poll taxes, the end of Jim Crow, the earned income tax credit, and support for every civil rights act since the civil war makes me want to be a Republican. Sure I don't like what all Republicans have to say but they don't speak for me or the Republican party.

Now, let us look at one issue with the democrats, immigration. Why in the hell would a country want to be flooded with uneducated low skilled people? What the democrats want makes what we did at Ellis Island a joke. The democrats are allowing the US to be flooded by low educated workers then wonder why middle income is dropping. Why there are no jobs for American kids that graduate HS without much of a skill set. It is idiotic what the democrats stand for and if that isn't enough to hate their lying butts I am not sure what is.

Bush had low unemployment numbers because the economic crash happened in his last few months. From there we lost 8 million jobs
I could ask the same question of Democrats their record is no more impressive as many have said on this board including myself there is very little if any difference between the two parties.

First..... You are using THE most effective voter-suppression tool in the dimocrap arsenal -- "They're All The Same"

I don't know if you're doing it consciously or not. But it doesn't matter..... You're playing right into the trap dimocrap scum have set for you. 'Booby traps for booby troops.'

Conservatives don't like goobermint. We don't like politicians. Not even our own.

dimocrap scum do. dimocrap scum are lazy, stupid, dishonest, corrupt, thieving, diseased, worthless human beings.

And those are their better qualities.

dimocrap scum believe that everything good comes from goobermint. That only goobermint can force qualified high schoolers to stay home in favor of unqualified applicants to an institution of higher learning simply because of the color of their skin.

dimocrap scum believe that if you have money, that they are entitled to some of it. And if you don't like it..... They've got a nice prison cell waiting for you.

dimocrap scum believe that illegal immigrants have a right to stay here and take your job.

dimocrap scum believe that if you have an opinion on gay butt sex that you need to keep it to yourself -- Or else.

dimocrap scum are totalitarian scum.

Now, with the help of brainless twits like you, if dimocrap scum can convince Patriotic Conservative Americans that there's really no difference in the parties.....?

Who do you think is going to vote? Who do you think is going to cast their ballot in favor of stealing your money and distributing it to the people THEY think are deserving of it? Hint: Not you.

Do the Country a favor.


If you can't see the difference between the Republican Party and the scum of the fucking Earth dimocraps, then you know what?

You're no better than the scum of the earth dimocraps.

Maybe worse. At least dimocrap scum are the way they are because of self interest.

What's your excuse?

what a great post, i believe in the same philosophy as you, dimoscum are no better than the Taliban, muslime extremists :up:
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

Quite truthfully I am not sure what you expect the party that has not been in power for the last 7 years to do.

Yes, you can play with the unemployment numbers but I remember quite well that unemployment under the majority of Bush's terms was around 5 percent until disaster hit the country. That disaster was the democrat take over of congress. After that the democrats pretty much ignored anything Bush had to say, like "hey you need to look at Fannie Mae." No, they ignored him and went on their liberal ideological binge and we see where we are today.

The truth is Obama has gotten most if not all of his major initiatives, with or without GOP help. I can't think of one he has not. Yes, some of his nominations have been held up but for good reason. It would be a shame if the GOP rubber stamped every left wing communist that Obama put up for nomination.

I can only go by history and I see nothing in the past history of the DNC to be proud of. I certainly would not vote for the party of slavery no matter how long ago and no matter how they make the claim things have changed because they have bought the black vote.

The EPA, Clean Water Act, the end of segregation, end of poll taxes, the end of Jim Crow, the earned income tax credit, and support for every civil rights act since the civil war makes me want to be a Republican. Sure I don't like what all Republicans have to say but they don't speak for me or the Republican party.

Now, let us look at one issue with the democrats, immigration. Why in the hell would a country want to be flooded with uneducated low skilled people? What the democrats want makes what we did at Ellis Island a joke. The democrats are allowing the US to be flooded by low educated workers then wonder why middle income is dropping. Why there are no jobs for American kids that graduate HS without much of a skill set. It is idiotic what the democrats stand for and if that isn't enough to hate their lying butts I am not sure what is.

Bush had low unemployment numbers because the economic crash happened in his last few months. From there we lost 8 million jobs

With all due respect, you gave a a weak response to a well thought out answer that obviously you weren't expecting.
Having said that......Bush had great numbers for over 7 years with UE.
Funny how the democrat House and Senate let that happen.
Last edited:
"Can any republican tell me why any intelligent person should be republican?"

When you become an intelligent person, then you will know the answer to that question and be a Republican.

When you become a genius, you will abandon that label and become a "conservative".
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

Among other avoid being associated with morons sech as yersef.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

Quite truthfully I am not sure what you expect the party that has not been in power for the last 7 years to do.

Yes, you can play with the unemployment numbers but I remember quite well that unemployment under the majority of Bush's terms was around 5 percent until disaster hit the country. That disaster was the democrat take over of congress. After that the democrats pretty much ignored anything Bush had to say, like "hey you need to look at Fannie Mae." No, they ignored him and went on their liberal ideological binge and we see where we are today.

The truth is Obama has gotten most if not all of his major initiatives, with or without GOP help. I can't think of one he has not. Yes, some of his nominations have been held up but for good reason. It would be a shame if the GOP rubber stamped every left wing communist that Obama put up for nomination.

I can only go by history and I see nothing in the past history of the DNC to be proud of. I certainly would not vote for the party of slavery no matter how long ago and no matter how they make the claim things have changed because they have bought the black vote.

The EPA, Clean Water Act, the end of segregation, end of poll taxes, the end of Jim Crow, the earned income tax credit, and support for every civil rights act since the civil war makes me want to be a Republican. Sure I don't like what all Republicans have to say but they don't speak for me or the Republican party.

Now, let us look at one issue with the democrats, immigration. Why in the hell would a country want to be flooded with uneducated low skilled people? What the democrats want makes what we did at Ellis Island a joke. The democrats are allowing the US to be flooded by low educated workers then wonder why middle income is dropping. Why there are no jobs for American kids that graduate HS without much of a skill set. It is idiotic what the democrats stand for and if that isn't enough to hate their lying butts I am not sure what is.

Bush had low unemployment numbers because the economic crash happened in his last few months. From there we lost 8 million jobs

Of course that is correct. Much like Obama's numbers look better because he started with unemployment rate so high. But try and be objective and realize a few things. In all recessions prior to the last the recovery matched the recession. In other words the bigger the recession the bigger and faster the recovery, but not the last one. Was there something Obama and Congress didn't get? If there is I can't think of what it was.

You have read the statistics on work participation rate and the drop. Why is that? Certainly you can't blame the party that hasn't been in power for 7 years. A party that has proposed jobs bills that have been killed in the Senate. No all we hear is that Republicans are blocking everything, when in fact Reid has stopped most bills.
1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?
When you control only 1/3 of Government there's not much you can do. And the Senate won't even consider any legislation that is passed that helps the middle class simply because Harry Reid is an idiot.

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?
This one is my favorite!
Gee, maybe the Bush administration didn't "create" as many jobs is because people were already working!

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?
Some corporate profits are fantastic, yes. But not as many as you would have everybody believe. Out of the top 10 biggest money makers, 3 are showing lower profits than last year. The biggest profit jump was Apple at a 23% increase, because everybody under 30 has to have the latest, greatest, biggest, most advanced, fastest phone that's really nothing more than a glorified toy.

Wal-Mart has sunk to number 10, because sales to middle class people are down, because the actual unemployment levels are still over 11%.

Every year since 2009 there have been more businesses going bankrupt than have been created.

Republicans want tax cuts for everybody, not just the "rich". And I know the left hates hearing this, but each and every time taxes are cut, the amount of money that comes into the Treasury increases! You see, we need more taxpayers, not more taxes. Look around. States that are cutting taxes are indeed creating jobs, thus more taxpayers.

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?
That's something I'm very proud of. The Republicans cannot say "NO!!" enough times to King Barack, especially when he decides on his own what laws he will and will not change.
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You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?

And that's what makes this a troll thread. And makes you an idiot of galactic proportions.

You are such a moron. If I wanted to be a republican I wouldn't have posted this thread. The point of this thread is finding out information I didn't already know.

Why can't you just address the thread? You are the one making distractions.

OK ! let's turn this 180, what is so fucking attractive about the Demoscum party ?

what is their position for a freer America ?

what do they propose we do about keeping illegal aliens OUT ??

i have a million more Q's i want to ask, but i'll dole them out to you a few at a time, more than 3 or 4 might make your little pea sized brain explode. :lmao:
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?


What they're doing, because they're lying cocksuckers, is taking the LOW POINT in the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's employment numbers....... Mid-2010 to present

dimocraps are lying mother fuckers.

Even the Washington Post is calling out the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

And this isn't new-news. Everybody knows it.

The poster is a lying FUCK

Fact Checking the 2014 State of the Union address

“A manufacturing sector that’s adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s.”

The low point for manufacturing jobs was reached in January 2010, and there has been a gain of 570,000 jobs since then. But BLS data show that the number of manufacturing jobs is still 500,000 fewer than when Obama took office

“The more than eight million new jobs our businesses have created over the past four years.”

The president is cherry-picking a number that puts the improvement in the economy in the best possible light. The low point in jobs was reached in February 2010, and there has indeed been a gain of about 8 million jobs since then, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. (Obama, saying “businesses,” appears to be referring to private sector growth of 8.2 million; adding government jobs reduces the total to 7.6 million.) But the data also show that since the start of his presidency, about 3.2 million jobs have been created — and the number of jobs in the economy still is about 1.2 million lower than when the recession began in December 2007.

dimocraps are lying scum
You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?

And that's what makes this a troll thread. And makes you an idiot of galactic proportions.

You are such a moron. If I wanted to be a republican I wouldn't have posted this thread. The point of this thread is finding out information I didn't already know.

Why can't you just address the thread? You are the one making distractions.
No, the point of this thread is for you to troll conservatives and Republicans. You've made that obvious.
Why don't you do good for yourself instead of relying on a political party to do things for you

The people in this country today have become dependents on others..give me a raise because I deserve it, give me free health care because I deserve it, and on and on

no wonder we are losing our freedoms to live as free independent self reliant people

In other words, you can't think of a reason either.

Got it.
I'm not currently a Republican but I was for years and years. The reason I joined that Party over the Democrat Party is because the Republicans emphasized personal responsibility while the Democrats blamed the working class for the poverty class's poverty. Republicans encouraged folks to get off of their butts and produce something or provide a helpful service while the Democrats would encourage the "entitlement" mentality and would buy votes with free handouts and fantasy-land promises. Republicans used to be for small government and personal liberty while the Democrats wanted huge government dictating a person's every move.

I parted from the Republican Party only recently when they created that huge behemoth called: The Department of Homeland Security. That was probably the biggest, federal power grab since Abraham Lincoln's day.

I agree with you about the DHS. But you must admit that was Bipartisan. That and the "No Child Left Behind" BS made me realize that GWB was a liberal. Unfortunately the alternative is the democrat party. One that has supported the DHS and the Patriot Act all the while attacking the Republicans for doing the same. So I guess what I am saying is that both sides supported the TSA and the PA but at least the Republicans were not hypocrites about it. After all, even if we disagree in how they did it, the ONE primary function of our government is protection from outside threats. That is what they tried with the TSA and so far it apparently is working. They just need bridled in a bit.

I agree for the most part. I still generally support grass roots Republicans or Independents. I also agree that both sides supported the TSA; DHS; Global Treaties; open borders; the Iraq police action; and much more. That's sort of my point. The Republican Party cozied up to the Democrat Party on many of these issues. Thus, I had no choice but to part company. My conscience and personal integrity trumps my "club" mentality and desire to "fit in."

Go Tea Party!!!
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

The Republicans passed the tax cuts when Bush was President and Obama is reaping the benefits. End of story.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?


What they're doing, because they're lying cocksuckers, is taking the LOW POINT in the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's employment numbers....... Mid-2010 to present

dimocraps are lying mother fuckers.

Even the Washington Post is calling out the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

And this isn't new-news. Everybody knows it.

The poster is a lying FUCK

Fact Checking the 2014 State of the Union address

“A manufacturing sector that’s adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s.”

The low point for manufacturing jobs was reached in January 2010, and there has been a gain of 570,000 jobs since then. But BLS data show that the number of manufacturing jobs is still 500,000 fewer than when Obama took office

“The more than eight million new jobs our businesses have created over the past four years.”

The president is cherry-picking a number that puts the improvement in the economy in the best possible light. The low point in jobs was reached in February 2010, and there has indeed been a gain of about 8 million jobs since then, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. (Obama, saying “businesses,” appears to be referring to private sector growth of 8.2 million; adding government jobs reduces the total to 7.6 million.) But the data also show that since the start of his presidency, about 3.2 million jobs have been created — and the number of jobs in the economy still is about 1.2 million lower than when the recession began in December 2007.

dimocraps are lying scum

All that swearing only shows how stupid you "r".

As I have posted many times, millions of jobs were moved to China during Bush's 8 years and tens of thousands of factories close. How is that creating jobs? Clearly it's not. And if you spent five minutes on some site other than the Heritage Foundation or Fox, you would know the truth. You can't lose that many factories and move that many jobs overseas and have positive job growth. It's simply not possible.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?


What they're doing, because they're lying cocksuckers, is taking the LOW POINT in the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's employment numbers....... Mid-2010 to present

dimocraps are lying mother fuckers.

Even the Washington Post is calling out the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

And this isn't new-news. Everybody knows it.

The poster is a lying FUCK

Fact Checking the 2014 State of the Union address

“A manufacturing sector that’s adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s.”

The low point for manufacturing jobs was reached in January 2010, and there has been a gain of 570,000 jobs since then. But BLS data show that the number of manufacturing jobs is still 500,000 fewer than when Obama took office

“The more than eight million new jobs our businesses have created over the past four years.”

The president is cherry-picking a number that puts the improvement in the economy in the best possible light. The low point in jobs was reached in February 2010, and there has indeed been a gain of about 8 million jobs since then, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. (Obama, saying “businesses,” appears to be referring to private sector growth of 8.2 million; adding government jobs reduces the total to 7.6 million.) But the data also show that since the start of his presidency, about 3.2 million jobs have been created — and the number of jobs in the economy still is about 1.2 million lower than when the recession began in December 2007.

dimocraps are lying scum

All that swearing only shows how stupid you "r".

As I have posted many times, millions of jobs were moved to China during Bush's 8 years and tens of thousands of factories close. How is that creating jobs? Clearly it's not. And if you spent five minutes on some site other than the Heritage Foundation or Fox, you would know the truth. You can't lose that many factories and move that many jobs overseas and have positive job growth. It's simply not possible.

You are an idiot, RDean. The fact that you are not a Republican is all the reason anyone needs to become a Republican. Who would want to share a party with you?
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?


What they're doing, because they're lying cocksuckers, is taking the LOW POINT in the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's employment numbers....... Mid-2010 to present

dimocraps are lying mother fuckers.

Even the Washington Post is calling out the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

And this isn't new-news. Everybody knows it.

The poster is a lying FUCK

Fact Checking the 2014 State of the Union address

“A manufacturing sector that’s adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s.”

The low point for manufacturing jobs was reached in January 2010, and there has been a gain of 570,000 jobs since then. But BLS data show that the number of manufacturing jobs is still 500,000 fewer than when Obama took office

“The more than eight million new jobs our businesses have created over the past four years.”

The president is cherry-picking a number that puts the improvement in the economy in the best possible light. The low point in jobs was reached in February 2010, and there has indeed been a gain of about 8 million jobs since then, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. (Obama, saying “businesses,” appears to be referring to private sector growth of 8.2 million; adding government jobs reduces the total to 7.6 million.) But the data also show that since the start of his presidency, about 3.2 million jobs have been created — and the number of jobs in the economy still is about 1.2 million lower than when the recession began in December 2007.

dimocraps are lying scum

All that swearing only shows how stupid you "r".

As I have posted many times, millions of jobs were moved to China during Bush's 8 years and tens of thousands of factories close. How is that creating jobs? Clearly it's not. And if you spent five minutes on some site other than the Heritage Foundation or Fox, you would know the truth. You can't lose that many factories and move that many jobs overseas and have positive job growth. It's simply not possible.

You are a lying bitch.


A worthless, lying bitch.

NONE of your posts can be taken seriously because --

You are a lying fuck

Swearing? You have no idea.

I was holding back
what do they propose we do about keeping illegal aliens OUT ??
Well, Ostupid has been keeping one person from crossing the border. A Marine that accidently went into Mexico while having a weapon. He's in jail and the administration is doing nothing.

While they fund and arm the Mexican drug cartel. Ironic.
I could ask the same question of Democrats their record is no more impressive as many have said on this board including myself there is very little if any difference between the two parties.

First..... You are using THE most effective voter-suppression tool in the dimocrap arsenal -- "They're All The Same"

I don't know if you're doing it consciously or not. But it doesn't matter..... You're playing right into the trap dimocrap scum have set for you. 'Booby traps for booby troops.'

Conservatives don't like goobermint. We don't like politicians. Not even our own.

dimocrap scum do. dimocrap scum are lazy, stupid, dishonest, corrupt, thieving, diseased, worthless human beings.

And those are their better qualities.

dimocrap scum believe that everything good comes from goobermint. That only goobermint can force qualified high schoolers to stay home in favor of unqualified applicants to an institution of higher learning simply because of the color of their skin.

dimocrap scum believe that if you have money, that they are entitled to some of it. And if you don't like it..... They've got a nice prison cell waiting for you.

dimocrap scum believe that illegal immigrants have a right to stay here and take your job.

dimocrap scum believe that if you have an opinion on gay butt sex that you need to keep it to yourself -- Or else.

dimocrap scum are totalitarian scum.

Now, with the help of brainless twits like you, if dimocrap scum can convince Patriotic Conservative Americans that there's really no difference in the parties.....?

Who do you think is going to vote? Who do you think is going to cast their ballot in favor of stealing your money and distributing it to the people THEY think are deserving of it? Hint: Not you.

Do the Country a favor.


If you can't see the difference between the Republican Party and the scum of the fucking Earth dimocraps, then you know what?

You're no better than the scum of the earth dimocraps.

Maybe worse. At least dimocrap scum are the way they are because of self interest.

What's your excuse?
I see the truth of both parties there may be individuals in both parties that actually stand for something but as a whole both parties stopped standing for anything other than getting power and keeping it some time ago sorry you don't see that.

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