Can any republican tell me why any intelligent person should be republican?

I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

On the flip side, what has the democrats done besides put more people out of work and on food stamps?

Why are the Democrats against the XL pipeline that would help lower energy cost and put people to work?

Why are the Democrats pushing a failed policy that does more harm than good and I'm speaking of the ACA, which by the way is in no way affordable. A friend of mine recently divorced went to the exchange and got a policy for her and her daughter, monthly premium is over 600 buck with a twelve thousand dollar deductible.

Why aren't people intelligent enough to NOT be a Democrat?
Ok how about you be a big boy and explain what makes this thread stupid? You can't.

I can explain what makes you stupid: I already explained why the thread is a fail.

Now tell us what anyone could say to make you sit up and go, I need to be a Republican.

Absolutely nothing so far would make me want to be a republican. The fact that no one has addressed my thread so far only validates my feelings further. Don't blame me for it. Blame yourself.

Intelligent people don't take the bait of insult's, that's why no one is answering your thread. :D
Ok how about you be a big boy and explain what makes this thread stupid? You can't.

I can explain what makes you stupid: I already explained why the thread is a fail.

Now tell us what anyone could say to make you sit up and go, I need to be a Republican.

Absolutely nothing so far would make me want to be a republican. The fact that no one has addressed my thread so far only validates my feelings further. Don't blame me for it. Blame yourself.

So tell us what would make you want to be a Republican. This is the third time I've asked this question. Answer it or you've proven you're a troll.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

if you are a theocrat or in the 1% you should be a republican. they represent your interests.
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

if you are a theocrat or in the 1% you should be a republican. they represent your interests.
Yes. That's why only the 1% have prospered under Republican administrations. :eusa_whistle:
I can explain what makes you stupid: I already explained why the thread is a fail.

Now tell us what anyone could say to make you sit up and go, I need to be a Republican.

Absolutely nothing so far would make me want to be a republican. The fact that no one has addressed my thread so far only validates my feelings further. Don't blame me for it. Blame yourself.

So tell us what would make you want to be a Republican. This is the third time I've asked this question. Answer it or you've proven you're a troll.

You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?
I could ask the same question of Democrats their record is no more impressive as many have said on this board including myself there is very little if any difference between the two parties.

First..... You are using THE most effective voter-suppression tool in the dimocrap arsenal -- "They're All The Same"

I don't know if you're doing it consciously or not. But it doesn't matter..... You're playing right into the trap dimocrap scum have set for you. 'Booby traps for booby troops.'

Conservatives don't like goobermint. We don't like politicians. Not even our own.

dimocrap scum do. dimocrap scum are lazy, stupid, dishonest, corrupt, thieving, diseased, worthless human beings.

And those are their better qualities.

dimocrap scum believe that everything good comes from goobermint. That only goobermint can force qualified high schoolers to stay home in favor of unqualified applicants to an institution of higher learning simply because of the color of their skin.

dimocrap scum believe that if you have money, that they are entitled to some of it. And if you don't like it..... They've got a nice prison cell waiting for you.

dimocrap scum believe that illegal immigrants have a right to stay here and take your job.

dimocrap scum believe that if you have an opinion on gay butt sex that you need to keep it to yourself -- Or else.

dimocrap scum are totalitarian scum.

Now, with the help of brainless twits like you, if dimocrap scum can convince Patriotic Conservative Americans that there's really no difference in the parties.....?

Who do you think is going to vote? Who do you think is going to cast their ballot in favor of stealing your money and distributing it to the people THEY think are deserving of it? Hint: Not you.

Do the Country a favor.


If you can't see the difference between the Republican Party and the scum of the fucking Earth dimocraps, then you know what?

You're no better than the scum of the earth dimocraps.

Maybe worse. At least dimocrap scum are the way they are because of self interest.

What's your excuse?
Absolutely nothing so far would make me want to be a republican. The fact that no one has addressed my thread so far only validates my feelings further. Don't blame me for it. Blame yourself.

So tell us what would make you want to be a Republican. This is the third time I've asked this question. Answer it or you've proven you're a troll.

You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?

And that's what makes this a troll thread. And makes you an idiot of galactic proportions.
Absolutely nothing so far would make me want to be a republican. The fact that no one has addressed my thread so far only validates my feelings further. Don't blame me for it. Blame yourself.

So tell us what would make you want to be a Republican. This is the third time I've asked this question. Answer it or you've proven you're a troll.

You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?

How about an IQ? :dunno:
I don't mean conservative. I mean republican specifically. Why should anyone vote republicans in our government?

What good have republicans of today done for this country? What are their accomplishments?

I want real answers. Don't say crap like "because they are better than democrats". That's a lame answer as always. I don't care what you think of democrats or liberals in general. Let's just pretend for a moment liberals don't exist.

Here are some specific questions:

1) What have republicans of today done for the middle class?

2) If tax cuts are so effective as you claim, why is it that 2x as many private jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8?

3) Corporate profits are at an all time high. Why are tax cuts for the investment class and deregulation necessary? What other republican policies are there that create jobs?

4) How is it the Republican Party not "the party of no"?

Quite truthfully I am not sure what you expect the party that has not been in power for the last 7 years to do.

Yes, you can play with the unemployment numbers but I remember quite well that unemployment under the majority of Bush's terms was around 5 percent until disaster hit the country. That disaster was the democrat take over of congress. After that the democrats pretty much ignored anything Bush had to say, like "hey you need to look at Fannie Mae." No, they ignored him and went on their liberal ideological binge and we see where we are today.

The truth is Obama has gotten most if not all of his major initiatives, with or without GOP help. I can't think of one he has not. Yes, some of his nominations have been held up but for good reason. It would be a shame if the GOP rubber stamped every left wing communist that Obama put up for nomination.

I can only go by history and I see nothing in the past history of the DNC to be proud of. I certainly would not vote for the party of slavery no matter how long ago and no matter how they make the claim things have changed because they have bought the black vote.

The EPA, Clean Water Act, the end of segregation, end of poll taxes, the end of Jim Crow, the earned income tax credit, and support for every civil rights act since the civil war makes me want to be a Republican. Sure I don't like what all Republicans have to say but they don't speak for me or the Republican party.

Now, let us look at one issue with the democrats, immigration. Why in the hell would a country want to be flooded with uneducated low skilled people? What the democrats want makes what we did at Ellis Island a joke. The democrats are allowing the US to be flooded by low educated workers then wonder why middle income is dropping. Why there are no jobs for American kids that graduate HS without much of a skill set. It is idiotic what the democrats stand for and if that isn't enough to hate their lying butts I am not sure what is.
I'm not currently a Republican but I was for years and years. The reason I joined that Party over the Democrat Party is because the Republicans emphasized personal responsibility while the Democrats blamed the working class for the poverty class's poverty. Republicans encouraged folks to get off of their butts and produce something or provide a helpful service while the Democrats would encourage the "entitlement" mentality and would buy votes with free handouts and fantasy-land promises. Republicans used to be for small government and personal liberty while the Democrats wanted huge government dictating a person's every move.

I parted from the Republican Party only recently when they created that huge behemoth called: The Department of Homeland Security. That was probably the biggest, federal power grab since Abraham Lincoln's day.
So tell us what would make you want to be a Republican. This is the third time I've asked this question. Answer it or you've proven you're a troll.

You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?

How about an IQ? :dunno:

Forgive him, he knows not what he says. He somehow is under the delusion that the democrat party in some way has helped him. Maybe it has helped him with a hand out other then that I don't see where they have helped anyone.
So tell us what would make you want to be a Republican. This is the third time I've asked this question. Answer it or you've proven you're a troll.

You're an idiot dude. Nothing would make me want to be a republican. How do you not get that?

And that's what makes this a troll thread. And makes you an idiot of galactic proportions.

You are such a moron. If I wanted to be a republican I wouldn't have posted this thread. The point of this thread is finding out information I didn't already know.

Why can't you just address the thread? You are the one making distractions.
I'm not currently a Republican but I was for years and years. The reason I joined that Party over the Democrat Party is because the Republicans emphasized personal responsibility while the Democrats blamed the working class for the poverty class's poverty. Republicans encouraged folks to get off of their butts and produce something or provide a helpful service while the Democrats would encourage the "entitlement" mentality and would buy votes with free handouts and fantasy-land promises. Republicans used to be for small government and personal liberty while the Democrats wanted huge government dictating a person's every move.

I parted from the Republican Party only recently when they created that huge behemoth called: The Department of Homeland Security. That was probably the biggest, federal power grab since Abraham Lincoln's day.

Well at you are the first to have a relevant response.
I'm not currently a Republican but I was for years and years. The reason I joined that Party over the Democrat Party is because the Republicans emphasized personal responsibility while the Democrats blamed the working class for the poverty class's poverty. Republicans encouraged folks to get off of their butts and produce something or provide a helpful service while the Democrats would encourage the "entitlement" mentality and would buy votes with free handouts and fantasy-land promises. Republicans used to be for small government and personal liberty while the Democrats wanted huge government dictating a person's every move.

I parted from the Republican Party only recently when they created that huge behemoth called: The Department of Homeland Security. That was probably the biggest, federal power grab since Abraham Lincoln's day.

I agree with you about the DHS. But you must admit that was Bipartisan. That and the "No Child Left Behind" BS made me realize that GWB was a liberal. Unfortunately the alternative is the democrat party. One that has supported the DHS and the Patriot Act all the while attacking the Republicans for doing the same. So I guess what I am saying is that both sides supported the TSA and the PA but at least the Republicans were not hypocrites about it. After all, even if we disagree in how they did it, the ONE primary function of our government is protection from outside threats. That is what they tried with the TSA and so far it apparently is working. They just need bridled in a bit.
To better understand the scum with which we are forced to deal with today, it is important to understand where it began....

Here is an article on the 'Frankfurt School'

Should be mandatory reading for all patriotic Americans.... dimocrap scum need not bother

Ed Driscoll » ?Microclimates of Totalitarianism?

The Men of the Frankfurt School and the Torture of Paradise

Here's how to describe these sad joyless socialists.

The Frankfurt School of philosophers emigrated from Nazi Germany and became dyspeptic critics of American culture. Several landed in Southern California where they were disturbed by the consumer culture and the gospel of relentless cheeriness. Depressive by nature, they focused on the disappointments and venality that surrounded them and how unnecessary it all was. It could be paradise, Theodor Adorno complained, but it was only California.

...We always feel that our incredible traditions of freedom and liberty will convert those who show up on our shores, that they will appreciate the way of life we have created-isn't that why they wanted to come here in the first place? We can't imagine anyone coming here, experiencing the true wonder that is living in this country, and wanting to destroy that. But that's exactly what the Frankfurt School wanted to do.

These were not happy people looking for a new lease on life. When they moved to California, they simply couldn't deal with the change of scenery-there was cognitive dissonance. Horkheimer and Adorno and depressive allies like Bertolt Brecht moved into a house in Santa Monica on Twenty-sixth Street, coincidentally, the epicenter of my childhood. They had moved to heaven on earth from Nazi Germany and apparently could not handle the fun, the sun, and the roaring good times. Ingratitude is not strong enough a word to describe these hideous malcontents.

...Adorno was wrong. It was paradise. To the rest of the world, America's vision was a vision of paradise. And these Marxists were here to try to destroy the best lifestyle man had ever created. If I could go back in a time machine, I would go back to kick these malcontents in their shins

Sound familiar?

It should
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