Can a Pence Presidency stop the 2018 Big Blue Wave.

This is dirty politics at it's worst.
Well, I'm guessing we're going to find a way to get even worse.
I wonder how many Democrats got thrown under the bus in this campaign to steal a senate seat.
That's what is hilarious about this, the destructive nature of their movement.
They obviously don't care who is destroyed as long as they can regain power.
That to me is a political party that has no soul.
It's like watching Al Qaeda in America.
They simply have no principles.
There simply is no line they won't cross.
Just remember that they're up against a President who is celebrated by his supporters because there are no lines he's afraid to cross, either.

This is ugly everywhere, and the ends of the spectrum just don't care.
That is totally dishonest.
Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
He says what most of America is thinking.
He's not some packaged Bullshit artist and compulsive liar like Hillary or Obama.

You dicks want to make this about a referendum on Trump's policies, but really this is a referendum on morality.
The rich turning out to be a bunch of pervs and sexual deviants.
You can't even be honest enough to admit that this is a perfect example of the left using the morality of GOP voters against the GOP.
You only claim that your ideology won.
This is why the moment you lying assholes get back in power you show us exactly why you lost power in the first place.
Select members of the GOP are showing us exactly that, when they refuse to do what they are elected to do.
I'm gonna get lectures on morality from both sides on this.

Poor behaviors beget (or more accurately, provide excuses for) more poor behaviors. They will only be DIFFERENT poor behaviors.

All I see are two ends of the spectrum whining about how bad the other guys are, while ignoring and forgiving the shit their side is doing.

And until we get over ourselves and act like decent adults for a change, this will only get worse. And each end will just blame the other for it.
This is dirty politics at it's worst.
Well, I'm guessing we're going to find a way to get even worse.
I wonder how many Democrats got thrown under the bus in this campaign to steal a senate seat.
That's what is hilarious about this, the destructive nature of their movement.
They obviously don't care who is destroyed as long as they can regain power.
That to me is a political party that has no soul.
It's like watching Al Qaeda in America.
They simply have no principles.
There simply is no line they won't cross.
Just remember that they're up against a President who is celebrated by his supporters because there are no lines he's afraid to cross, either.

This is ugly everywhere, and the ends of the spectrum just don't care.
That is totally dishonest.
Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
He says what most of America is thinking.
He's not some packaged Bullshit artist and compulsive liar like Hillary or Obama.

You dicks want to make this about a referendum on Trump's policies, but really this is a referendum on morality.
The rich turning out to be a bunch of pervs and sexual deviants.
You can't even be honest enough to admit that this is a perfect example of the left using the morality of GOP voters against the GOP.
You only claim that your ideology won.
This is why the moment you lying assholes get back in power you show us exactly why you lost power in the first place.
Select members of the GOP are showing us exactly that, when they refuse to do what they are elected to do.
Hillary won the popular vote.

Even Rex tillerson said trump doesn’t speak for the country. Amazing coming from a trump appointee
I hope you don't think that Alabama voters didn't take into account the accusations.
This is dirty politics at it's worst.
I refuse to be a part of a political party that has to pull this shit to regain their lost power.

again, isn't this what you guys pulled against Bill Clinton back in the 1990's to regain power?
And they have never admitted that was political. They still insist lying about a bj is a big deal.

Lying about Russia? Nothing burger
I wonder how many Democrats got thrown under the bus in this campaign to steal a senate seat.
That's what is hilarious about this, the destructive nature of their movement.
They obviously don't care who is destroyed as long as they can regain power.
That to me is a political party that has no soul.
It's like watching Al Qaeda in America.
They simply have no principles.
There simply is no line they won't cross.

Okay, a few things here.

First, the "#MeToo" movement was not a conspiracy to get Moore. It really did spring from years of powerful men abusing women. Some are Republicans, some are Democrats, some aren't politicians at all.

Second, what Roy Moore was accused of was actually a lot more horrible than what Weinstein or Franken or other Democrats was accused of. He molested fucking kids! And 49% of the inbreds in Alabama STILL voted for him.

Third- Even without these accusations, Roy Moore is probably everything that's wrong with the modern GOP. Religious Craziness combined with racism, misogyny and just plain old mean-spiritedness.
I keep wondering why people who aren't in the Trump administration who were fired or let go somehow are still Trump's people.
Obama kept his criminals in his administration till the end and you folks still refuse to blame Obama for supporting liars and criminals.

I guess when you can't be honest you vote for Democrats.
The greatest tool the left has against the GOP is the honesty of their voters.
Everyone knows this.
Or no one knows this.

Sorry the tide has turned on your agenda and momentum
Not one of you people can be honest enough to admit that a flawed candidate can lose an election, even after yours got her ass kicked in the last one.
This isn't about who wins on the issues.
This is all about how many women you can get to accuse the other guy's candidate.

You can’t pass one bill because republicans are wrong on the issues.

This was also a vote against trump and his issues.

But trump voters don’t care. He grabs pussies. We got him on tape.
You'd love to think that.....but this is just about the criminalization of human nature.
If it weren't for sex or race you Democrats wouldn't have any issue to stand on.
You're just too dishonest to admit it.
If it weren’t for god gays guns and racism you’d have 20seats in the senate
Well, after all, most of the above is supposed to be guaranteed in the constitution.
For God's sake, if you guys hate the way this country was founded why don't you just move to one that fits your warped ideology.
Why do you have to screw this one up as well?
'Unfit to Clean Toilets in Obama's Presidential Library': USA Today Editorial Board Goes After Trump

The USA Today Editorial Board has just published a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump, prompted by his misogynistic, sexist, and sexually harassing tweet attacking Democratic U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

"A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes," it begins.

Despite White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders' lie that Trump's tweet was neither sexist nor unusual, USA Today writes:

"With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low."

Obama and Bush, the paper's editorial board continues, "broke promises and told untruths, but the basic decency of each man was never in doubt." They then turn to Trump, calling him "uniquely awful" and describing his behavior as "sickening" and "corrosive."

[link:'Unfit to Clean Toilets in Obama's Presidential Library': USA Today Editorial Board Goes After Trump|
I hope you don't think that Alabama voters didn't take into account the accusations.
This is dirty politics at it's worst.
I refuse to be a part of a political party that has to pull this shit to regain their lost power.

again, isn't this what you guys pulled against Bill Clinton back in the 1990's to regain power?
And they have never admitted that was political. They still insist lying about a bj is a big deal.

Lying about Russia? Nothing burger
Now you're being a hypocrite.
This apparently is about morality yet you claim morality isn't a big deal.
I guess morality for me but not for thee is a big deal, right?
You know establishment Republicans got to be thinking that. The Comrade and Bannon are going to lead the GOP to doom. Bannon is going to Primary the GOP into a minority.
I'm guessing these last couple of years have been a fucking nightmare for them, and they can't wake up to end it.

Nothing will change, though. Trump & Co will blame this on the accusations and continue along their merry way, until they're voted out. Then they'll blame that on something else, too.
I hope you don't think that Alabama voters didn't take into account the accusations.
This is dirty politics at it's worst.
I refuse to be a part of a political party that has to pull this shit to regain their lost power.
Ha ha! Didn’t bush spread the rumor John McCains adopted black kid was his illegitimate child?

I refuse to be a part of a party that would collide with the Russians to win
Isn't Bush and McCain part of the establishment that Trump is fighting against?
Trumps not draining the swamp he’s filling it with snakes
That's not even a rational response. '
I would think you'd be happy that Alabama kept an accused child-molester out of Congress.
Maybe you're happy and sad.
Funny thing is, nobody would even know this if he had run as a Democrat.
Nobody would care, because it isn't a big deal.
Dan Balz: “Trump suffered mightily after fully embracing Moore in the final weeks of the campaign, despite credible allegations that Moore had engaged in sexually improper behavior with teenage girls when he was in his 30s.”
This is dirty politics at it's worst.
Well, I'm guessing we're going to find a way to get even worse.
I wonder how many Democrats got thrown under the bus in this campaign to steal a senate seat.
That's what is hilarious about this, the destructive nature of their movement.
They obviously don't care who is destroyed as long as they can regain power.
That to me is a political party that has no soul.
It's like watching Al Qaeda in America.
They simply have no principles.
There simply is no line they won't cross.
Just remember that they're up against a President who is celebrated by his supporters because there are no lines he's afraid to cross, either.

This is ugly everywhere, and the ends of the spectrum just don't care.
That is totally dishonest.
Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
He says what most of America is thinking.
He's not some packaged Bullshit artist and compulsive liar like Hillary or Obama.

You dicks want to make this about a referendum on Trump's policies, but really this is a referendum on morality.
The rich turning out to be a bunch of pervs and sexual deviants.
You can't even be honest enough to admit that this is a perfect example of the left using the morality of GOP voters against the GOP.
You only claim that your ideology won.
This is why the moment you lying assholes get back in power you show us exactly why you lost power in the first place.
Select members of the GOP are showing us exactly that, when they refuse to do what they are elected to do.
I'm gonna get lectures on morality from both sides on this.

Poor behaviors beget (or more accurately, provide excuses for) more poor behaviors. They will only be DIFFERENT poor behaviors.

All I see are two ends of the spectrum whining about how bad the other guys are, while ignoring and forgiving the shit their side is doing.

And until we get over ourselves and act like decent adults for a change, this will only get worse. And each end will just blame the other for it.
That's what happens when you straddle a fence.
You get it from both sides.
I think the courageous choice is to pick a side and stick to it.

What I'd like to point out is I have no respect for what I see on either side.
I just know that the GOP, up until now, doesn't want to take my rights away.
That's the only reason I support them.
I don't send them money.
I just vote for any decent candidate they produce.
I voted for Bob Corker.
I'm also glad he's leaving.
I thought Putin was going to continue to hack the elections or have you finally let go of that ridiculous idea

Junior couldn't coordinate with them th
I thought Putin was going to continue to hack the elections or have you finally let go of that ridiculous idea

Junior couldn't coordinate with them. Mueller is watching.
Well, I'm guessing we're going to find a way to get even worse.
I wonder how many Democrats got thrown under the bus in this campaign to steal a senate seat.
That's what is hilarious about this, the destructive nature of their movement.
They obviously don't care who is destroyed as long as they can regain power.
That to me is a political party that has no soul.
It's like watching Al Qaeda in America.
They simply have no principles.
There simply is no line they won't cross.
Just remember that they're up against a President who is celebrated by his supporters because there are no lines he's afraid to cross, either.

This is ugly everywhere, and the ends of the spectrum just don't care.
That is totally dishonest.
Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
He says what most of America is thinking.
He's not some packaged Bullshit artist and compulsive liar like Hillary or Obama.

You dicks want to make this about a referendum on Trump's policies, but really this is a referendum on morality.
The rich turning out to be a bunch of pervs and sexual deviants.
You can't even be honest enough to admit that this is a perfect example of the left using the morality of GOP voters against the GOP.
You only claim that your ideology won.
This is why the moment you lying assholes get back in power you show us exactly why you lost power in the first place.
Select members of the GOP are showing us exactly that, when they refuse to do what they are elected to do.
I'm gonna get lectures on morality from both sides on this.

Poor behaviors beget (or more accurately, provide excuses for) more poor behaviors. They will only be DIFFERENT poor behaviors.

All I see are two ends of the spectrum whining about how bad the other guys are, while ignoring and forgiving the shit their side is doing.

And until we get over ourselves and act like decent adults for a change, this will only get worse. And each end will just blame the other for it.
That's what happens when you straddle a fence.
You get it from both sides.
I think the courageous choice is to pick a side and stick to it.

What I'd like to point out is I have no respect for what I see on either side.
I just know that the GOP, up until now, doesn't want to take my rights away.
That's the only reason I support them.
I don't send them money.
I just vote for any decent candidate they produce.
I voted for Bob Corker.
I'm also glad he's leaving.
Well, I do take incoming from both ends every day here, that's for sure.

What it feels like is that we're children in a cafeteria, and a few are having a big ol' food fight.

While the rest of us, the majority, are just trying to eat our fucking lunch.
I wonder how many Democrats got thrown under the bus in this campaign to steal a senate seat.
That's what is hilarious about this, the destructive nature of their movement.
They obviously don't care who is destroyed as long as they can regain power.
That to me is a political party that has no soul.
It's like watching Al Qaeda in America.
They simply have no principles.
There simply is no line they won't cross.
Just remember that they're up against a President who is celebrated by his supporters because there are no lines he's afraid to cross, either.

This is ugly everywhere, and the ends of the spectrum just don't care.
That is totally dishonest.
Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
He says what most of America is thinking.
He's not some packaged Bullshit artist and compulsive liar like Hillary or Obama.

You dicks want to make this about a referendum on Trump's policies, but really this is a referendum on morality.
The rich turning out to be a bunch of pervs and sexual deviants.
You can't even be honest enough to admit that this is a perfect example of the left using the morality of GOP voters against the GOP.
You only claim that your ideology won.
This is why the moment you lying assholes get back in power you show us exactly why you lost power in the first place.
Select members of the GOP are showing us exactly that, when they refuse to do what they are elected to do.
I'm gonna get lectures on morality from both sides on this.

Poor behaviors beget (or more accurately, provide excuses for) more poor behaviors. They will only be DIFFERENT poor behaviors.

All I see are two ends of the spectrum whining about how bad the other guys are, while ignoring and forgiving the shit their side is doing.

And until we get over ourselves and act like decent adults for a change, this will only get worse. And each end will just blame the other for it.
That's what happens when you straddle a fence.
You get it from both sides.
I think the courageous choice is to pick a side and stick to it.

What I'd like to point out is I have no respect for what I see on either side.
I just know that the GOP, up until now, doesn't want to take my rights away.
That's the only reason I support them.
I don't send them money.
I just vote for any decent candidate they produce.
I voted for Bob Corker.
I'm also glad he's leaving.
Well, I do take incoming from both ends every day here, that's for sure.

What it feels like is that we're children in a cafeteria, and a few are having a big ol' food fight.

While the rest of us, the majority, are just trying to eat our fucking lunch.
Now you know how I felt in H.S.
Well, I do take incoming from both ends every day here, that's for sure.

What it feels like is that we're children in a cafeteria, and a few are having a big ol' food fight.

While the rest of us, the majority, are just trying to eat our fucking lunch.

um, guy, 48% consistently votes Democratic and 45% consistently votes Republican.

You are not anywhere near a "majority".
Well, I do take incoming from both ends every day here, that's for sure.

What it feels like is that we're children in a cafeteria, and a few are having a big ol' food fight.

While the rest of us, the majority, are just trying to eat our fucking lunch.

um, guy, 48% consistently votes Democratic and 45% consistently votes Republican.

You are not anywhere near a "majority".
Yes, I do believe that you believe that you act like 93% of the country.

Thanks for that.
Yes, I do believe that you believe that you act like 93% of the country.

Thanks for that.

Hey, guy, real world.... the numbers aren't shifting.

Now, it used to be if one party shit the bed and nominated a McGovern or a Goldwater or some other nut, there would be enough crossing the aisle to fix it. It was the great correcting factor.

Used to be when a party fucked up like Bush did, they were consigned to the political wilderness for decades.

Not this time.

ANd you know what, I don't have a problem with that. It's kind of time to hold the GOP and their dumb-ass voters responsible.
That is totally dishonest.
Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.
He says what most of America is thinking.

What he says is often STUPID, SMALL and IGNORANT.

Now it may be what some Americans ALSO think, but he is the President, not some guy on the street mouthing off.

And HONEST? You are a moron to still think Trump has any respect for facts. He is a shameless opportunist and distorter.

Donald Trump says the unemployment rate may be 42 percent

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Actually, I think Pence is too far right to win a General Election. I said the same about Cruz and I maintain this position today.
Yep. The party still hasn't figured out that they won't be able to yank this country in their direction with one or two elections.

We got here incrementally, and the crazies don't have the patience to do what would work.

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