Zone1 Calling out the Christian Church with some important reminders


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
I wanted to share this video because the speaker brings up some very important and timely points that I think modern mainstream Christians need to hear. He talks about the current condition of the Church, wolves in sheep's clothing / false teachers, and how Christians need to remember to keep our priorities straight. Partisan politics should not come first before our faith and the things we are called to do. I know that this goes without saying for all the sincere practicing Christians here, but GOD is always first.

Just in case anyone misunderstands, the speaker in this video is not a Democrat or liberal, so please watch the whole thing or else you might not get his point, which is that we need to have our priorities straight, put God first, and don't weaponize faith.

I realize that this video is 20 minutes long, and most probably won't want to watch the whole thing.... but it really is worth watching, so I hope you do.

I wanted to share this video because the speaker brings up some very important and timely points that I think modern mainstream Christians need to hear. He talks about the current condition of the Church, wolves in sheep's clothing / false teachers, and how Christians need to remember to keep our priorities straight. Partisan politics should not come first before our faith and the things we are called to do. I know that this goes without saying for all the sincere practicing Christians here, but GOD is always first.

Just in case anyone misunderstands, the speaker in this video is not a Democrat or liberal, so please watch the whole thing or else you might not get his point, which is that we need to have our priorities straight, put God first, and don't weaponize faith.

I realize that this video is 20 minutes long, and most probably won't want to watch the whole thing.... but it really is worth watching, so I hope you do.

I agree with most of this. That “pastor” on stage with a bunch of Israeli flags calling for Gaza to be flattened says it all. They are just cheerleaders for the so-called “Jews” and “Israel” which according to Paul and Jesus they are not, but rather Jerusalem is Sodom.
No actual Christian makes excuses for Hamas, promotes Islam above Christianity, indicates that the victims of heinous and revolting crimes are somehow deserving them, and lie repeatedly by advancing an exclusively Islamist point of view towards Jews via the unquestioning regurgitation of terrorist rhetoric.
I agree with most of this. That “pastor” on stage with a bunch of Israeli flags calling for Gaza to be flattened says it all. They are just cheerleaders for the so-called “Jews” and “Israel” which according to Paul and Jesus they are not, but rather Jerusalem is Sodom.

That clip of that 'pastor' was embarrassing. It kinda confirms my view that we're close to the last days, since there are a number of scriptures about apostasy in the last days, and people not enduring sound doctrine.
That clip of that 'pastor' was embarrassing. It kinda confirms my view that we're close to the last days, since there are a number of scriptures about apostasy in the last days, and people not enduring sound doctrine.
The scriptures indicate that in the last days, the entire world has turned its back on Jews.

Like you.
No actual Christian makes excuses for Hamas, promotes Islam above Christianity, indicates that the victims of heinous and revolting crimes are somehow deserving them, and lie repeatedly by advancing an exclusively Islamist point of view towards Jews via the unquestioning regurgitation of terrorist rhetoric.

That's not what this about, at all, it sounds like you didn't watch the video. And we're talking about this in the religion section, from a Christian perspective. This is not about politics. That's the whole point, that people are putting politics above what God calls us to do! This thread is for believers, you have said that you're an agnostic, so I don't expect you to understand, but please don't try to turn this into another nasty ad-hom filled fight, there are plenty of other threads for that. Thanks.
The scriptures indicate that in the last days, the entire world has turned its back on Jews.

Like you.

On the contrary. I have not turned my back on Jews - loving people means speaking the truth to them. If you had watched the video, you would've heard that that was one of his points.
That's not what this about, at all, it sounds like you didn't watch the video. And we're talking about this in the religion section, from a Christian perspective. This is not about politics. That's the whole point, that people are putting politics above what God calls us to do! This thread is for believers, you have said that you're an agnostic, so I don't expect you to understand, but please don't try to turn this into another nasty ad-hom filled fight, there are plenty of other threads for that. Thanks.
I have made no ad homs.
I have made no ad homs.

My point was that I don't want this thread to go in that direction. You were careful to make a general statement instead of mention any names, but post #3 made implications, and post #5 was an accusation. But again, that's not even what this thread is about. The video makes the point that as Christians we are called to share the Gospel with ALL people, not hate or act in a bloodthirsty way, being happy about people perishing, as the pastor he showed in the video did. Again, this is primarily for Christians, not nonbelievers.
So I ask for verses indicating that the world has turned against Jewish people?'

. . . and what do I get? A bunch of verses about folks turning against Israel, which they did

It fell to Rome. . . a LONG LONG TIME AGO.

That prophecy was fulfilled. :rolleyes:
No actual Christian makes excuses for Hamas, promotes Islam above Christianity, indicates that the victims of heinous and revolting crimes are somehow deserving them, and lie repeatedly by advancing an exclusively Islamist point of view towards Jews via the unquestioning regurgitation of terrorist rhetoric.
What Christian is putting Islam above Christianity?

Islam is a pagan religion that worships a false god, created by a pedophile prophet. The Quran is a self contradictory book that condemns itself and Muslims to hell.
The scriptures indicate that in the last days, the entire world has turned its back on Jews.
Interestingly enough, God doesn't permit all Jews to come to faith in Jesus - yet. 😎

Romans 11:25

English Standard Version

The Mystery of Israel's Salvation​

25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:[a] a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
This was not supposed to be the topic, but since it has turned into the topic for now....there are different ideas among Christians on what "Biblical Israel" is.

Some Christians (Dispensationalists) believe that the modern-day nation state of Israel is Biblical Israel.

Other Christians believe in Replacement Theology, which states that the Body of Christ (all believers in Jesus) is Biblical Israel.

I don't really agree with either of those views.

I still want to study this topic more deeply, but as of now, I believe Romans 11 is a good way of looking at it. True believing Christians have been "grafted in" to the olive tree (Romans 11) and the Israelites who rejected God were branches temporarily broken off.... but not all, there is a remnant that has been there all along. HOWEVER, the Bible is clear that in the last days the Jewish people will be saved and those broken branches will be grafted back in. (Romans 11:23, Zechariah 12:10)

Like I said, I'm still studying this, so I'm not "married" to this idea, but the bottom line is, ethnicity / lineage alone is not what ultimately matters, God looks at the heart, our faith. So Biblical Israel is all true believers and eventually the Jewish people who have had a 'veil' over their eyes will come to faith in the Messiah, as the Bible says.

If any Christians here disagree with that, please share your views (respectfully). Thanks!
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If any Christians here disagree with that, please share your views (respectfully).

Respectfully?! 😡

Some Christians (Dispensationalists) believe that the modern-day nation state of Israel is Biblical Israel.

Other Christians believe in Replacement Theology, which states that the Body of Christ (all believers in Jesus) is Biblical Israel.

I don't really agree with either of those views.

Maybe they're both correct.

Jeremiah 30:3
For behold, days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the LORD, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it.”

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