Debate Now CALIFORNIA: San Francisco board open to reparations with $5M payouts


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
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In my opinion, reparations paid by our government(s) are proper and should be paid sooner rather than later.

I wince every time I see the word slavery used in a discussion regarding reparations. As has been pointed out, hardly anyone who lived under slavery is still alive today however Black people in America have not just been viewed as second class citizens, racially discriminatory practices, policies, laws, practices, societal more and actual laws were legislated and put in place in order to perpetuate this status.

A whole new set of laws called Black Codes along with the implementation of the infamous "Jim Crow" which was the collective set of laws and legal racial discrimination that was created and passed whose only purpose was to oppress and criminalize Black lives and ultimately return as many freed slaves back into captivity as possible. This scheme was known as "convict leasing" and was implemented in order to create a new free labor pool to replace the free labor lost by the abolishment of slavery.

Another scheme used which is currently outlawed in the United States was peonage. Black people could be jailed, convicted and farmed out under the convict leasing program simply on the accusation of a white person during a time when a Black person, slave or free, had no standing (could not legally) to accuse, sue or testify against a white person. It should also be noted that until the practice of convict leasing began, the jails and penitentiaries were predominantly white.

Because our government created the racially discriminatory laws, enforced said laws against Black people and most often refused to enforce the law when whites committed crimes of fraud and/or violence against Black people, our government would be the proper party to pay reparations and reparations should be paid.

Slavery was only the beginning of the horrific and heinous human rights violations against people of African descent and it's only been since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that racial segregation became unlawful in all 50 states yet we still see acts of aggression, hatred and violence carried out against Black, people irrespective of any laws that are currently in place.

Although I don't expect to see reparations actually become a reality during my lifetime, they should be paid.
In my opinion, reparations paid by our government(s) are proper and should be paid sooner rather than later.
Explain how so! Why is now the time when 1865 wasn't? The time for reparations should have been right after Lincoln freed them. If there was any question of debt or debate, it was THEN and to those who had been wronged! Wasn't being freed its own reparation? Just how and by who do we decide the reparations, to a people who have never known slavery? By those that never committed it? And how do you single the Blacks out when everyone else has similarly suffered their own injustices--- I mean, even slavery does not compare to what was done to the American Indian--- where is THEIR reparations? Seems to me that the very least we owe them is about ten states!

Then there are reparations to their culture, reparations to the buffalo, and reparations to the ecology.

And lastly, show me your evidence that having paid the Blacks in the USA reparations, that this would solve or settle anything. Show me the data that having been reparated, that the Black community would feel resolution and be completely and happily able to move on and not just be right back with their hand out angrily demanding yet more five years down the road? And if so, what is the point?

Then there is the matter of Blacks all around the world. What about all of the OTHER countries that abused and enslaved them? The British, the French, The Spanish and Portuguese. Then what about the Albanians? The Tibetans? What about their injustices? The greater the reparation to ONE group, the greater the injustice done to other groups who are owed every bit as much or more attention but are ignored for the Blacks.

Slavery was only the beginning of the horrific and heinous human rights violations against people of African descent and it's only been since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that racial segregation became unlawful in all 50 states yet we still see acts of aggression, hatred and violence carried out against Black, people irrespective of any laws that are currently in place. Although I don't expect to see reparations actually become a reality during my lifetime, they should be paid.
Slavery was also a practice of the times. It was done because that was what people knew back then and needed to do to effect other things in the only ways they could or knew how. When you are done looking at slavery through the eyes of a 21st century person judging people of the 16th thru 19th centuries, consider, will you also judge them because they used horses for transportation? Oil lamps and logs for light, heat and cooking? Burning witches for witchcraft? Thinking the world was flat? Believing the stars were fixed to a crystal globe? Crucifying the Jews? Poor medicine and plagues in the 15th century? The Viking conquests? The Roman Legions? The Punic War? The Crusades? The millions of sick and poor still being robbed and cheated today? How about THAT??? Why do you or does California who wasn't even part of slavery draw the line just at Blacks being so special that they alone deserve a special reparation above and beyond all these others?
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Reparations are a bad idea. You can't monetarily buy forgiveness for historical regressions and people are foolish to think so. There are just too many groups who can claim grievance. What about descendants of those who were Shanghaied on the Barbary Coast or all women? It would never end until this country died from wallowing in its own guilt.
Not to make light of the issue but I don't see how sane/rational people could even debate such a wrong-headed idea especially since the people that have thrust it into the public realm are neither sane or rational and can't be debated with and will just bully their way forward.

Chis Rock said it best....."Man, I wouldn't do that shit if I was you".....The whole flawed idea around reparations is some of that shit.
It is their money they may do as they decide, if they want to pay reparations then they shall pay reparations, now, can we get on with our existence in the now and future instead of always living in the past?
It is their money they may do as they decide, if they want to pay reparations then they shall pay reparations, now, can we get on with our existence in the now and future instead of always living in the past?

The thing is, it isn't the money of the people deciding this, it's the money of the taxpayers. I think once you show the taxpayers the bill for this, they will balk at it no matter how progressive they are.

Of course that assumes they won't try to kick the can down the road with some sort of debt funding like a specific bond issue. Still that just makes people even further away from the root cause of this be responsible for it.
The thing is, it isn't the money of the people deciding this, it's the money of the taxpayers. I think once you show the taxpayers the bill for this, they will balk at it no matter how progressive they are.

Of course that assumes they won't try to kick the can down the road with some sort of debt funding like a specific bond issue. Still that just makes people even further away from the root cause of this be responsible for it.
That is one of the problems with having a Republic form of government.
This will help reverse San Francisco's population losses in recent years. A lot of African Americans will want to leave their homes in Georgia so they can be sitting on the dock of they by. Makes it a viable release plan for parole officers throughout Dixie for self sufficiency for their charges.
This will help reverse San Francisco's population losses in recent years. A lot of African Americans will want to leave their homes in Georgia so they can be sitting on the dock of they by. Makes it a viable release plan for parole officers throughout Dixie for self sufficiency for their charges.

Self sufficiency?

If they were all given $5M, the stealing would stop.


Reparations are a bad idea. You can't monetarily buy forgiveness for historical regressions and people are foolish to think so. There are just too many groups who can claim grievance. What about descendants of those who were Shanghaied on the Barbary Coast or all women? It would never end until this country died from wallowing in its own guilt.

Not to mention all the Irish and Chinese people who were slaves in the northeast and California, respectively. What are they getting?
That is one of the problems with having a Republic form of government.
We seem to think we are still a Republic at times. We are a Democracy most of the time with leaders who are authoritarian. We are going to destroy ourselves abusing the fiat currency that helped to destroy the Republic when the Federal Reserve Act was enacted in 1913.
We seem to think we are still a Republic at times. We are a Democracy most of the time with leaders who are authoritarian. We are going to destroy ourselves abusing the fiat currency that helped to destroy the Republic when the Federal Reserve Act was enacted in 1913.
Industrialization was the reason for fiat currency to expand the production and markets for mass production and consumption.
Wouldn't solve anything and the next generation would demand their payment and so on.

Bottomless money pit, but the folks who sell big screen TV's, athletic shoes, big cars, ghetto nails and obnoxious bling would be happy.

Explain how so! Why is now the time when 1865 wasn't? The time for reparations should have been right after Lincoln freed them. If there was any question of debt or debate, it was THEN and to those who had been wronged! Wasn't being freed its own reparation? Just how and by who do we decide the reparations, to a people who have never known slavery? By those that never committed it? And how do you single the Blacks out when everyone else has similarly suffered their own injustices--- I mean, even slavery does not compare to what was done to the American Indian--- where is THEIR reparations? Seems to me that the very least we owe them is about ten states!

Then there are reparations to their culture, reparations to the buffalo, and reparations to the ecology.

And lastly, show me your evidence that having paid the Blacks in the USA reparations, that this would solve or settle anything. Show me the data that having been reparated, that the Black community would feel resolution and be completely and happily able to move on and not just be right back with their hand out angrily demanding yet more five years down the road? And if so, what is the point?

Then there is the matter of Blacks all around the world. What about all of the OTHER countries that abused and enslaved them? The British, the French, The Spanish and Portuguese. Then what about the Albanians? The Tibetans? What about their injustices? The greater the reparation to ONE group, the greater the injustice done to other groups who are owed every bit as much or more attention but are ignored for the Blacks.

Slavery was also a practice of the times. It was done because that was what people knew back then and needed to do to effect other things in the only ways they could or knew how. When you are done looking at slavery through the eyes of a 21st century person judging people of the 16th thru 19th centuries, consider, will you also judge them because they used horses for transportation? Oil lamps and logs for light, heat and cooking? Burning witches for witchcraft? Thinking the world was flat? Believing the stars were fixed to a crystal globe? Crucifying the Jews? Poor medicine and plagues in the 15th century? The Viking conquests? The Roman Legions? The Punic War? The Crusades? The millions of sick and poor still being robbed and cheated today? How about THAT??? Why do you or does California who wasn't even part of slavery draw the line just at Blacks being so special that they alone deserve a special reparation above and beyond all these others?
They tried in 1865, but whites have continued racism until 2023. So your long post full of excuses has no merit.
Almost every argument from someone white here makes the same stupid --- meritless fact free argument. And you guys pretend that everything stopped with slavery. It a disingenuous argument made purposefully. So once again,


Todays lesson:

Precedents Have Been Set for Reparations!

The opposition to black reparations is based on sheer racist hatred. Precedents have been set as other groups who have been harmed by the government have received reparations. As for the tired worn out excuse of “why should I pay for something I did not do,” here is an example of reparations made in modern times for things done by past generations.

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars..

So this alone sets the precedent for payment of reparations to blacks.


Check your history son. The Headright Program, Te Donation Land Act. The Servicemen's Readjustment Act. 3 of many programs that gave whites economic assistance and excluded blacks.

And whites still ask for more.

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