California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot, had 104.9 degree fever

California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages

Yeah? Fever is one of the listed side effects of the vaccine.
A 105 degree fever can cause permanent injury or kill. Show me where that is listed as a side effect

Right on the list of side effects. More common after the second dose. The question I would ask was how fast was the side effect fever able to be knocked down with over the counter meds?
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages

Yeah? Fever is one of the listed side effects of the vaccine.
A 105 degree fever can cause permanent injury or kill. Show me where that is listed as a side effect

Right on the list of side effects. More common after the second dose. The question I would ask was how fast was the side effect fever able to be knocked down with over the counter meds?
LOL a fever that high could cause organ damage.

Have fun
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Being in a ventilator from vivid has permanent effects too
LOL you are aware that doctors murdered covid patients with ventilators I presume. See the forced ventilation pushed the disease deeper into the lung tissue that either killed or caused permanent scarring. Oxygen tents were all that was needed
within a week of being on a ventilator the lower lobes of your lungs are unable to function properly and expel water vapor the unexpelled water vapor ( a by product of respiration) builds up in the lower lobes and results in Pneumonia and deep lung infections and death. The lungs stop working properly because the diaphragm gets weak because oxygen is being force fed via ventilator any. Questions
Infection is one potential risk associated with being on a ventilator; the breathing tube in the airway can allow bacteria to enter the lungs, which can lead to pneumonia. A ventilator can also damage the lungs, either from too much pressure or excessive oxygen levels, which can be toxic to the lungs.

should be one of the Last Resorts
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Being in a ventilator from vivid has permanent effects too
LOL you are aware that doctors murdered covid patients with ventilators I presume. See the forced ventilation pushed the disease deeper into the lung tissue that either killed or caused permanent scarring. Oxygen tents were all that was needed
within a week of being on a ventilator the lower lobes of your lungs are unable to function properly and expel water vapor the unexpelled water vapor ( a by product of respiration) builds up in the lower lobes and results in Pneumonia and deep lung infections and death. The lungs stop working properly because the diaphragm gets weak because oxygen is being force fed via ventilator any. Questions
LOL then no one died while on a ventilator.

Get medicated shirley
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Being in a ventilator from vivid has permanent effects too
LOL you are aware that doctors murdered covid patients with ventilators I presume. See the forced ventilation pushed the disease deeper into the lung tissue that either killed or caused permanent scarring. Oxygen tents were all that was needed
within a week of being on a ventilator the lower lobes of your lungs are unable to function properly and expel water vapor the unexpelled water vapor ( a by product of respiration) builds up in the lower lobes and results in Pneumonia and deep lung infections and death. The lungs stop working properly because the diaphragm gets weak because oxygen is being force fed via ventilator any. Questions
LOL then no one died while on a ventilator.

Get medicated shirley
Nearly 9 in 10 COVID-19 patients who are put on a ventilator die, New York hospital data suggests
I've known for at least 30 or 40 years to generally not trust Pfizer, Merck or any Big Pharma companies that profit from sickness, and make drugs with side-effects that are designed to make us sick. I'm pushing 60 and never had a flu shot...haven't been to a doctor in 11 years since I quit smoking.

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California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Considering the total amount of shots already given there should be a hell of a lot more of these but a few allergic reactions by some are expected now and then.

A fever isn't an allergic reaction.

A fever is an immune reaction to an infection. Without knowing the source of the infection, any claim that it's related to a vaccine is circumstantial.

It is more likely to be an infection acquired in hospital, or even an infection acquired when the patient received her inoculation.

No way to know at this point.
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Considering the total amount of shots already given there should be a hell of a lot more of these but a few allergic reactions by some are expected now and then.

A fever isn't an allergic reaction.

A fever is an immune reaction to an infection. Without knowing the source of the infection, any claim that it's related to a vaccine is circumstantial.

It is more likely to be an infection acquired in hospital, or even an infection acquired when the patient received her inoculation.

No way to know at this point.
Nope, an extreme fever that happens 5 minutes after a vaccine has to be attributed to the vaccine until the vaccine can be ruled out which is why the CDC issued new guidance
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Considering the total amount of shots already given there should be a hell of a lot more of these but allergic reactions by some are expected now and then.

Correct. I got the Moderna vaccine 24 hours ago. No reaction but I've grown a third eye and can now read minds. :113:

That is the long term effect of liberalism. You just think you can read minds!
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Considering the total amount of shots already given there should be a hell of a lot more of these but a few allergic reactions by some are expected now and then.

It is not just allergic reactions.
The whole danger of covid-19 is from the deadly over reaction by the immune system.
The virus itself is not at all dangerous.
And for a vaccine to work, it has to also stimulate the exact same reaction.
So if you would die if you were infected with covid-19, you will likely also die if vaccinated.
By simulating covid, then the vaccine risk causing the exact same fatal immune response.
What was the reason for there being two injections and not just one?

God bless you and the woman always!!!


If you had enough at one time to produce immunity, then you would also be far more at risk of being killed by the immune system's over response.
Dividing it into 2 small doses reduces the risk.
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages
Considering the total amount of shots already given there should be a hell of a lot more of these but a few allergic reactions by some are expected now and then.

A fever isn't an allergic reaction.

A fever is an immune reaction to an infection. Without knowing the source of the infection, any claim that it's related to a vaccine is circumstantial.

It is more likely to be an infection acquired in hospital, or even an infection acquired when the patient received her inoculation.

No way to know at this point.

No, the vaccine produces some degree of fever in everyone inoculated.
The whole point of a vaccine is to simulate an infection in order to stimulate an immune system response that it will remember.
It is not at all likely to be an accidental infection acquired in the hospital, or else hospitals would be too dangerous to be worth having.
If you read the vaccine warning, fever is one of the expected side effects.
In fact, it is did not induce a fever, it likely would not be working.

And an allergic reaction IS an immune response to a suspected infection.
That is what causes things like Lupus and diabetes.
The immune system can over response inappropriately.
That is what causes all allergies.
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California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages

Yeah? Fever is one of the listed side effects of the vaccine.
A 105 degree fever can cause permanent injury or kill. Show me where that is listed as a side effect
I've run fevers that high several times and wasn't even delirious. 105 is not dangerous in itself ( although it's not fun). Look it up.
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages

Yeah? Fever is one of the listed side effects of the vaccine.
A 105 degree fever can cause permanent injury or kill. Show me where that is listed as a side effect
I've run fevers that high several times and wasn't even delirious. 105 is not dangerous in itself ( although it's not fun). Look it up.
The first Italian mother who's kid gets a 105 fever from this is gonna come back with a shotgun and blow everyone away and I am gonna cheer her on.

So do not be there
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages

Yeah? Fever is one of the listed side effects of the vaccine.
A 105 degree fever can cause permanent injury or kill. Show me where that is listed as a side effect
I've run fevers that high several times and wasn't even delirious. 105 is not dangerous in itself ( although it's not fun). Look it up.

I also tend to run high fevers like that, but it is very risky.
It shows one is approaching the level of cytokine storm that can be fatal.
It is not good or useful, because a fever does not harm the covid-19 virus.
So the fever is a mistake by the immune system, and mistakes like that mean the immune system is dangerously out of control and randomly experimenting with very dangerous and desperate attempts to wipe out the unknown threat.

The virus is not a deadly threat.
All the people who died were killed by an over response by the immune system.
Look it up.
California nurse who took part in Pfizer vaccine trial describes illness after receiving shot | Fox News

A California pediatric nurse who participated in a trial of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine candidate told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that she woke up with a fever of 104.9 degrees after receiving the second of two shots in the trial.

A fever that high can cause permanent damages

Yeah? Fever is one of the listed side effects of the vaccine.
A 105 degree fever can cause permanent injury or kill. Show me where that is listed as a side effect
I've run fevers that high several times and wasn't even delirious. 105 is not dangerous in itself ( although it's not fun). Look it up.

I also tend to run high fevers like that, but it is very risky.
It shows one is approaching the level of cytokine storm that can be fatal.
It is not good or useful, because a fever does not harm the covid-19 virus.
So the fever is a mistake by the immune system, and mistakes like that mean the immune system is dangerously out of control and randomly experimenting with very dangerous and desperate attempts to wipe out the unknown threat.

The virus is not a deadly threat.
All the people who died were killed by an over response by the immune system.
Look it up.
This old lady can not figure out tabs in a browser, but she is a medical xpurt

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