California Moves to Give Reparations for Slavery


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

What the hell does a "bipartisan" vote mean? If a Republican voted for that then California is lost.
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

Why not? They have the money. Besides, Piglosi won't pass a bill without aid for her state.
Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat from Gardena who supported the bill, said he only wished it was more than a study.

He noted that Friday marked the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,” Bradford said. “I hear far too many people say, ‘Well, I didn’t own slaves, that was so long ago.' Well, you inherit wealth - you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans."

Who is this fucktard, IM2?
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

I really hate to verify this, and click the link. WHY would California democrat liberals do something so needless and stupid...but why do they allow race riots/looting and condemn ending social unrest? Who the hell side are the Democrats on? Criminals, Socialist, Anarchist LARPing to fight against da big bad evil system, ignoring the fact blacks commit like 60% of crimes even though they are like 35% of the populace. What systemic racism? "Systemic racism" died 50 years ago! instead we have this anti white systemic racism that vilifies whites continually for just existing.
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

What the hell does a "bipartisan" vote mean? If a Republican voted for that then California is lost.

Republicans are deathly afraid of media. They'd damn well better get over it, and soon.
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

With what money are they going to do this nonsense? They are way past broke now.
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

What the hell does a "bipartisan" vote mean? If a Republican voted for that then California is lost.
Give California their Independence and let them leave along with Oregon and Washington. :smoke:
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

What the hell does a "bipartisan" vote mean? If a Republican voted for that then California is lost.

Republicans are deathly afraid of media. They'd damn well better get over it, and soon.
Lets ask Nicholas Sandmann what he thinks about the "main stream media".. CNN is sans 80 million over their little anti white lies.
Even if the study materialized and reach the (surprise) conclusion that Reparations are indicated and a bill was passed at the State level.

That bill would never withstand a challenge in the Federal courts.

Reparations are (a) not indicated and (b) will never be paid.
California was never a slave State, but I’m happy that Leftards are forcing the last tax paying holdouts out of the Rust State.

Republicans created California into the worlds 6th largest economy, and it lies in ruins today. Infrastructure is gone, taxes are the highest, crime the worst, and education went from #1 to #49.

Equality and equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is more equitable and more market friendly.
Can I get reparations?

I am a slave of the state.

The fucking state forces me to give them a portion of the money that I make and then they give the money to welfare queens that never earned anything.

I am victim of slavery and I demand to be compensated.

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