CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

At no time in the history of humanity has any multicultural society been more stable than a monocultural [sic] society. Divide and Conquer has been a strategy known for millennia [sic].

Any serious discussion requires participants to understand the terms they are using.
What we see instead is the above - the keeping of native culture and religion and co-locating that religion and culture alongside British culture in the UK. This is a recipe for war. Different peoples, different faith, different cultures, different attitudes are far more abrasive than the same people, of the same faith, the same culture and same attitudes living alongside each other.

What is your nationality?

It makes no difference.. We are discussing ideas, and philosophies, that transcend national boundaries.
Even the moderates are a problem because a society needs to sacrifice fundamental freedoms in order to make multiculturalism work.

Imagine a world where all racial and religious minorities are removed from the UK. Now you no longer have to subject British citizens to draconian policing on speech and freedom of association. They can once again be FREE PEOPLE. The Race Relations act can be flushed down the shitter. They are free to criticize Islam without being sent to prison for doing so.

A lot of what you say is true, however the problems in the UK run much deeper than that. The Progressive movement in the UK is deeply entrenched and I do believe it is their goal to destroy the country. The Progressives wish for the entire world to live under a government very much in the image of Soviet Russia.

The UK has been under attack by them for decades, as is our country. Our governmental system makes it much harder for the Progressives to enact their agenda however.

I was over in the "Canada has a surplus" thread and followed the link to the CBC report and there was another report on the sidebar "ISIS threat could mute objections to expanded anti-terror laws, critics fear."

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney gave Canadians a preview last week of his bid to boost the powers of Canada's spy agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. . . .

But Blaney, who was joined on Thursday by senior officials from both CSIS and the RCMP, shared the highlights, including new provisions to allow the agency to track "homegrown" extremists abroad and extend witness protection to confidential sources.

"Now, more than ever, a radical individual or group of motivated extremists with access to technology can do significant harm to Canada from thousands of miles away," he told reporters.​

This is the misery that multiculturalism brings.

This Canadian isn't going over to fight for ISIS:


It's the Canadian version of this guy that Canadians have to worry about:


All of the NSA intrusions on Americans came about BECAUSE OF MULTICULTURALISM.

Every freedom has to be jettisoned in order to make multiculturalism work. Governments need to surveil their own people because the people are now so fractured that they're no longer all held together by common beliefs, attitudes, histories, values, etc.

Multiculteralism is not to blame. The governments efforts to control discussion about it, and the control of the radical elements is! Had the government been doing its job, the number of these radicals would be very small. However the government has used these people to further their own Progressive ideals. That is the underlying problem. It isn't multiculturalism, it is Progressivism.

Multiculturalism is like a cancer. The government's efforts in response to the cancer are the chemotherapy, the radiation treatments and the aggressive surgery needed to try to keep the body politic healthy and functioning.

At no time in the history of humanity has any multicultural society been more stable than a monocultural society. Divide and Conquer has been a strategy known for millennia.

Once again, I disagree with you. Progressivism is the cancer. Multiculteralism corrupted is the tool.

From the Canadian article:

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said she's "very concerned with the steady erosion of civil liberties" in Canada — beginning with anti-terrorism measures introduced by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Liberal government in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. . . .

Independent MP Brent Rathgeber agrees that the current international crisis and threat of homegrown terror "will provide cover for the government to expand the roles of CSEC and CSIS, and what they share with the Five Eyes."
That legislation is coming from Canada's Conservative (NOT Progressive) Government and it's not focused on guys like this:


No Muslims in Canada and no need for erosion of civil liberties or to be concerned about homegrown terror cells.
What we see instead is the above - the keeping of native culture and religion and co-locating that religion and culture alongside British culture in the UK. This is a recipe for war. Different peoples, different faith, different cultures, different attitudes are far more abrasive than the same people, of the same faith, the same culture and same attitudes living alongside each other.

What is your nationality?

It makes no difference.. We are discussing ideas, and philosophies, that transcend national boundaries.

It does make a difference in terms of what one may be expected to understand or not, and in what context certain comments are to be taken.
A lot of what you say is true, however the problems in the UK run much deeper than that. The Progressive movement in the UK is deeply entrenched and I do believe it is their goal to destroy the country. The Progressives wish for the entire world to live under a government very much in the image of Soviet Russia.

The UK has been under attack by them for decades, as is our country. Our governmental system makes it much harder for the Progressives to enact their agenda however.

I was over in the "Canada has a surplus" thread and followed the link to the CBC report and there was another report on the sidebar "ISIS threat could mute objections to expanded anti-terror laws, critics fear."

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney gave Canadians a preview last week of his bid to boost the powers of Canada's spy agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. . . .

But Blaney, who was joined on Thursday by senior officials from both CSIS and the RCMP, shared the highlights, including new provisions to allow the agency to track "homegrown" extremists abroad and extend witness protection to confidential sources.

"Now, more than ever, a radical individual or group of motivated extremists with access to technology can do significant harm to Canada from thousands of miles away," he told reporters.​

This is the misery that multiculturalism brings.

This Canadian isn't going over to fight for ISIS:


It's the Canadian version of this guy that Canadians have to worry about:


All of the NSA intrusions on Americans came about BECAUSE OF MULTICULTURALISM.

Every freedom has to be jettisoned in order to make multiculturalism work. Governments need to surveil their own people because the people are now so fractured that they're no longer all held together by common beliefs, attitudes, histories, values, etc.

Multiculteralism is not to blame. The governments efforts to control discussion about it, and the control of the radical elements is! Had the government been doing its job, the number of these radicals would be very small. However the government has used these people to further their own Progressive ideals. That is the underlying problem. It isn't multiculturalism, it is Progressivism.

Multiculturalism is like a cancer. The government's efforts in response to the cancer are the chemotherapy, the radiation treatments and the aggressive surgery needed to try to keep the body politic healthy and functioning.

At no time in the history of humanity has any multicultural society been more stable than a monocultural society. Divide and Conquer has been a strategy known for millennia.

Once again, I disagree with you. Progressivism is the cancer. Multiculteralism corrupted is the tool.

From the Canadian article:

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said she's "very concerned with the steady erosion of civil liberties" in Canada — beginning with anti-terrorism measures introduced by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Liberal government in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. . . .

Independent MP Brent Rathgeber agrees that the current international crisis and threat of homegrown terror "will provide cover for the government to expand the roles of CSEC and CSIS, and what they share with the Five Eyes."
That legislation is coming from Canada's Conservative (NOT Progressive) Government and it's not focused on guys like this:


No Muslims in Canada and no need for erosion of civil liberties or to be concerned about homegrown terror cells.

Divide and conquer. The best way to destroy a country is to get ALL sides at war with each other. Multiculteralism doesn't DO that. Multiculteralism allows people to interact with each other so they can see that those other guys over there are people..."just like me". It is hard to get one group to attack another group when the first group understands that they are the same.

Thus Progressives drive wedges between the groups. They are also adept at hiding their goals and at confusing people by changing the meanings of phrases and names. Your heart is in the right place. You just don't have the experience to understand what is going on.

Radical Muslims are a tool being used by the Progressives to make you hate anything that is not "white and British", or whatever your country of origin is. They are being used to make you fear anything that is not you. Thus, they can manipulate you into fighting the other groups. When they can get all the groups fighting they can swoop in and take over.

Their tool for regaining control is TOTALITARIANISM. And totalitarianism asked for, ("please, come save us from the meanies") is the most difficult to escape from.
What we see instead is the above - the keeping of native culture and religion and co-locating that religion and culture alongside British culture in the UK. This is a recipe for war. Different peoples, different faith, different cultures, different attitudes are far more abrasive than the same people, of the same faith, the same culture and same attitudes living alongside each other.

What is your nationality?

It makes no difference.. We are discussing ideas, and philosophies, that transcend national boundaries.

It does make a difference in terms of what one may be expected to understand or not, and in what context certain comments are to be taken.

I disagree. Please see my post above. Nationality is the enemy of the Progressives.
Divide and conquer. The best way to destroy a country is to get ALL sides at war with each other. Multiculteralism doesn't DO that. Multiculteralism allows people to interact with each other so they can see that those other guys over there are people..."just like me". It is hard to get one group to attack another group when the first group understands that they are the same.

Do you kill people who leave your faith? Do you have your daughter's clitoris circumcised? Do you kill your daughter if she brings dishonor onto your family?
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today launched, the latest element in the Muslim civil rights organization's work to monitor and challenge the growing anti-Muslim bigotry in American society.

CAIR's site presents detailed profiles of a number of individuals and institutions involved in the American Islamophobia network.

You may follow the link to get rid of your Islamophobia
Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. - Islamophobia

Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Islam: Murderous political machine developed by a sociopathic mass-murdering pedophile in the 7th Century; scourge on the buttocks of humanity; presently engaged in and wholly responsible for 100% of the wars currently being waged on this planet.

Huh... Since Islam is a dangerous, tyrannical political cult, designed as such from foundation... and since the purpose of the human being is to live free toward the pursuit of the fulfillment of its life, it therefore follows that the soundly reasoned understanding that Islam is a clear and present threat to one's life, that the rejection of such is perfectly reasonable, therefore not a potential 'phobia'.

It further follows that the projection that the rejection of Islam is irrational, is, in and of itself, irrational and bears out the reasonable conclusion that Islam is a threat and should be rejected by all culture's which desire to remain viable... .

Simple stuff.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today launched, the latest element in the Muslim civil rights organization's work to monitor and challenge the growing anti-Muslim bigotry in American society.

CAIR's site presents detailed profiles of a number of individuals and institutions involved in the American Islamophobia network.

You may follow the link to get rid of your Islamophobia
Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. - Islamophobia

Good for CAIR. Southern Policy Law Center has a list of anti-Muslim hate groups. Quite a bit of overlap. It's about time folks started challenging these charlatans in the open. Jews and Blacks are well ahead of the curve in exposing anti-semites and racists masquerading as "legitimately concerned" citizens and patriots.

Why are you linking to a hate group?

Islam is a hate group... Cair is Islamic... therefore Cair is a hate group.
Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Islam: Murderous political machine developed by a sociopathic mass-murdering pedophile in the 7th Century; scourge on the buttocks of humanity; presently engaged in and wholly responsible for 100% of the wars currently being waged on this planet.

Huh... Since Islam is a dangerous, tyrannical political cult, designed as such from foundation... and since the purpose of the human being is to live free toward the pursuit of the fulfillment of its life, it therefore follows that the soundly reasoned understanding that Islam is a clear and present threat to one's life, that the rejection of such is perfectly reasonable, therefore not a potential 'phobia'.

It further follows that the projection that the rejection of Islam is irrational, is, in and of itself, irrational and bears out the reasonable conclusion that Islam is a threat and should be rejected by all culture's which desire to remain viable... .

Simple stuff.

Simpler stuff: Do you or have you ever had any friends, friendly acquaintances, co-workers, or neighbors who were Muslim? Have you ever in your life spent so much as two hours at one stretch talking to a Muslim person?
What we see instead is the above - the keeping of native culture and religion and co-locating that religion and culture alongside British culture in the UK. This is a recipe for war. Different peoples, different faith, different cultures, different attitudes are far more abrasive than the same people, of the same faith, the same culture and same attitudes living alongside each other.

What is your nationality?

It makes no difference.. We are discussing ideas, and philosophies, that transcend national boundaries.

It does make a difference in terms of what one may be expected to understand or not, and in what context certain comments are to be taken.

I disagree. Please see my post above. Nationality is the enemy of the Progressives.

You're wrong, and I believe I mentioned nationality.
Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Islam: Murderous political machine developed by a sociopathic mass-murdering pedophile in the 7th Century; scourge on the buttocks of humanity; presently engaged in and wholly responsible for 100% of the wars currently being waged on this planet.

Huh... Since Islam is a dangerous, tyrannical political cult, designed as such from foundation... and since the purpose of the human being is to live free toward the pursuit of the fulfillment of its life, it therefore follows that the soundly reasoned understanding that Islam is a clear and present threat to one's life, that the rejection of such is perfectly reasonable, therefore not a potential 'phobia'.

It further follows that the projection that the rejection of Islam is irrational, is, in and of itself, irrational and bears out the reasonable conclusion that Islam is a threat and should be rejected by all culture's which desire to remain viable... .

Simple stuff.

Simpler stuff: Do you or have you ever had any friends, friendly acquaintances, co-workers, or neighbors who were Muslim? Have you ever in your life spent so much as two hours at one stretch talking to a Muslim person?

Oh... so you're needing to conflate the least common denominator of a cult, which was founded as a mass-murdering political machine and is presently engaged and wholly responsible for EVERY WAR PRESENTLY IN PROCESS ON THE PLANET, as a means to project the less threatening traits of the individual Muslim, so as to distract from the incontestable threat from the Islamic whole?

LOL! Adorable... .

But to answer your question: yes, I've personally known many Muslims and they ran the gamut from total douche to douche-lites... with none of them being what I would consider 'decent human beings'.

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