Bye, bye Pence!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!
He was toast the moment he did his job properly on Jan 6th. The rubes wanted him dead.

You don't recover from that.

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!
18 days Pence. I bet he loves that creep Flynn, but give him credit. He kept his job while hundreds lost theirs.

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!

Pence was never going to represent the GOP, nor be president.
I don't think Mike Pence has any aspirations to be the President.

He seemed like a reluctant VP...

Yeah, that's why he's giving a speech in...*checks notes*...New Hampshire.

That's meaningless. He could just be doing some general stumping to start getting people riled up for whoever the GOP candidate actually is.

Make Pence was, largely, an absent VP. Someone like Gore, though, was out in front on a lot of issues, inventing the interwebs, etc, that it gave him a degree of recognizability that made it possible for him to be a viable Presidential candidate. I just don't see where Pence as that...
The rubes wanted him dead.
thats a damn lie

Trump supporters did not/do not want pence dead

"And Pence, as vice president on that day, had no role other than a ceremonial one -- to oversee the formal certification of the electoral vote count that showed Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election"


If it was merely ceremonial why do it?

Biden would be certified as president with or without pence.

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!
He was toast the moment he did his job properly on Jan 6th. The rubes wanted him dead.

You don't recover from that.
You keep not realizing that you have been the biggest rubes for a lot longer. You are on double rube probation!
You've got Ron DeSantis waiting in the wings. Even liberals down here like DeSantis. If he runs, Florida comes off the table as a battleground state...

Ron was a legit Trump supporter who shamelessly ran ads that basically parodied the fact that his policies were right in line with America First.

I'd still like to see Pompeo in some capacity. As V.P, or, a key role in the administration if GOP win. Tim Scott would be an excellent choice for V.P as well. He's a real conservative, not a Neo-Con, that would make him a force in a presidential campaign IMO.

A DeSantis/Scott ticket would win in 2024 almost certainly.
You've got Ron DeSantis waiting in the wings. Even liberals down here like DeSantis. If he runs, Florida comes off the table as a battleground state...

Liberals in Texas like Geo. W. Bush- Until he ran for president.
Conservatives liked Bill Clinton - until he ran for president.

If Biden runs again in 2024, he'll win a second term. Absent a major catastrophe or a third party candidate splitting the base, Americans usually re-elect incumbents.
You've got Ron DeSantis waiting in the wings. Even liberals down here like DeSantis. If he runs, Florida comes off the table as a battleground state...

Ron was a legit Trump supporter who shamelessly ran ads that basically parodied the fact that his policies were right in line with America First.

I'd still like to see Pompeo in some capacity. As V.P, or, a key role in the administration if GOP win. Tim Scott would be an excellent choice for V.P as well. He's a real conservative, not a Neo-Con, that would make him a force in a presidential campaign IMO.

A DeSantis/Scott ticket would win in 2024 almost certainly.

I had the chance to meet and speak with Mike Pompeo, when he was Secretary of State, at CPAC last year. Nice guy, but he didn't strike me as being someone I'd run out and vote for...
You've got Ron DeSantis waiting in the wings. Even liberals down here like DeSantis. If he runs, Florida comes off the table as a battleground state...

Liberals in Texas like Geo. W. Bush- Until he ran for president.
Conservatives liked Bill Clinton - until he ran for president.

If Biden runs again in 2024, he'll win a second term. Absent a major catastrophe or a third party candidate splitting the base, Americans usually re-elect incumbents.

Pretty sure Biden will be handed the 25th long before that.

Biden has done absolutely nothing impressive thus far. He puts a lid on his days by mid-afternoon, at the latest. He still stammers and gaffes when giving speeches. He doesn't hold press conferences. With only occasional appearances, he stays out completely of the reach of the public eye.

I have $25,000 that says Biden doesn't win re-election in 2024. I've offered that bet to several libs, and not a single one will touch it. They know better...

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!

Pence was never going to represent the GOP, nor be president.
Why not?

He didn't troll on Twitter enough?
You've got Ron DeSantis waiting in the wings. Even liberals down here like DeSantis. If he runs, Florida comes off the table as a battleground state...

Liberals in Texas like Geo. W. Bush- Until he ran for president.
Conservatives liked Bill Clinton - until he ran for president.

If Biden runs again in 2024, he'll win a second term. Absent a major catastrophe or a third party candidate splitting the base, Americans usually re-elect incumbents.

Pretty sure Biden will be handed the 25th long before that.

Biden has done absolutely nothing impressive thus far. He puts a lid on his days by mid-afternoon, at the latest. He still stammers and gaffes when giving speeches. He doesn't hold press conferences. With only occasional appearances, he stays out completely of the reach of the public eye.

I have $25,000 that says Biden doesn't win re-election in 2024. I've offered that bet to several libs, and not a single one will touch it. They know better...
But the elections are rigged bro.....

Dems now can win every election for now on......because of China and Venezuela and stuff

If Biden runs again in 2024, he'll win a second term.
You don't know that anymore than anybody else unless you have a crystal ball. You're simply conveying your own bias. It all depends on who the Republicans run against him. A lot of people are going to be reluctant to reelect an 82 year old man to the presidency knowing the more than fair odds he won't live to finish the term. As long as the Republican candidate isn't Trump Part II they will have that advantage right out of the gate. I doubt very much Biden runs again anyway, so the point is likely moot.

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!
I hope you’re right. Pence is a warmongering establishment lackey, like nearly all the pols of both parties in the imperial capital on the Potomac.

Pence spent 4 years sucking up to the biggest con man the world has ever seen. He heaped lavish praise and served as an echo chamber for the former, twice impeached president. No lap dog anywhere could have done it better.

But, with the game on the line, Pence showed his true colors and weak spine. He failed the biggest test of his career, to stand up for Trump and protect him from the evil Democrats by swinging the 2020 election Trump's way. And for that, Pence is forever in the Trump Cult doghouse.

Bye, bye the love and admiration of the Cult. Bye, bye any hopes for a future elected office. And, all because Pence failed to recognize that law is whatever Trump says it is. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and state laws do not count. Trump's word is the only thing that counts. Bigly!!!
I hope you’re right. Pence is a warmongering establishment lackey, like nearly all the pols of both parties in the imperial capital on the Potomac.
Is that why Trump picked him as his VP?

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