BUSTED: Mother of Roy Moore Accuser Contradicts Key Detail of Daughter’s Sexual Advancement Claim

McConnell takes a page from the Democrats - vilifies Moore before investigation / evidence, calls for Moore to immediately step down...

McConnell Believes Moore Accusers, Says He Should ‘Step Aside’

McConnell is in an extremely UN-Comfortable position for him right now - as the MAJORITY LEADER. He would much rather lose the Senate and be the minority leader where he can oppose the Democrats, not have to lead, and not be held accountable for anything he did...if he ever did anything. He's trying to hand the reins over to the Democrats just as fast as he can.

F*wad needs to be removed from the role he is in and voted out of office (and not because of anything regarding the Moore situation).

So the Senate Majority Leader believes the women

How long before other key Republicans follow suit?

The senate majority leader is a swamp creature.

Creepy Roy has never left the swamp
Talking on the phone is not a sex crime.
It is if you are talking sexy or romantic and arranging a date.

Evidence that this actually happened?
You people are in such denial.

Au contraire. You people who are willing to violate the rule of law and due process are the ones who are in denial.
Lemme know when you hear cries of, ”lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!”
Talking on the phone is not a sex crime.
It is if you are talking sexy or romantic and arranging a date.

Evidence that this actually happened?
You people are in such denial.

Au contraire. You people who are willing to violate the rule of law and due process are the ones who are in denial.

First, what would a 32 year old man be thinking of when wanting a date with a 14 year old girl? Take her out for an ice cream soda and pat her on the head? Second, no one is prosecuting him at this point. No one is saying "Lock him up!! Lock him up!!" when no charges have been filed and no due process has taken place. What people are thinking is that he is not fit to be a US senator. That's all. Think about it and realize your hypocrisy.
McConnell takes a page from the Democrats - vilifies Moore before investigation / evidence, calls for Moore to immediately step down...

McConnell Believes Moore Accusers, Says He Should ‘Step Aside’

McConnell is in an extremely UN-Comfortable position for him right now - as the MAJORITY LEADER. He would much rather lose the Senate and be the minority leader where he can oppose the Democrats, not have to lead, and not be held accountable for anything he did...if he ever did anything. He's trying to hand the reins over to the Democrats just as fast as he can.

F*wad needs to be removed from the role he is in and voted out of office (and not because of anything regarding the Moore situation).

Michael Horowitz also says Moore did it but he says you should still support Moore. I do not believe that Moore should be seated if he wins. This is a rare case where I think McConnell is right according to the broken watch theory.
What a surprise that you don't think he should be seated. We are so shocked that you would say that!
Michael Horowitz also says Moore did it ...
Does Horowitz have evidence or a link?

There is evidence. She apparently told several people after it happened. Maybe she had a Ouija board that told her that Moore would run for the Senate 40 years later. Also Moore's denial was somewhat tepid on Hannity. She did not come forward until the Washington Post talked to her. Horowitz is a supporter of Moore and if he believes it happened, that is not good.
She told several people? Who? What do these people say?
When someone says they can't remember if they diddled little girls, then you know they did.

It's that simple, folks.

He wasn't asked if he diddled little girls, you piece of shit.
McConnell takes a page from the Democrats - vilifies Moore before investigation / evidence, calls for Moore to immediately step down...

McConnell Believes Moore Accusers, Says He Should ‘Step Aside’

McConnell is in an extremely UN-Comfortable position for him right now - as the MAJORITY LEADER. He would much rather lose the Senate and be the minority leader where he can oppose the Democrats, not have to lead, and not be held accountable for anything he did...if he ever did anything. He's trying to hand the reins over to the Democrats just as fast as he can.

F*wad needs to be removed from the role he is in and voted out of office (and not because of anything regarding the Moore situation).

Michael Horowitz also says Moore did it but he says you should still support Moore. I do not believe that Moore should be seated if he wins. This is a rare case where I think McConnell is right according to the broken watch theory.

Why should anyone care what Michael Horowitz believes?
Let me understand this, how many years ago did this happen, and what, after all the investigations leveled against this guy over the years this finally surfaces? her mother claims she didn't have a phone in her bedroom but apparently the family had 30' long extension line? Really? I for one don't know much about this guy but one has to admit this is becoming a rather interesting story.
One fact appears to be relevant, the swamp, as the Donald calls it, is freaking deep and one should stay clear.
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
Hey dont forget the key piece of evidence working for Moore is the Mama didnt remember where the house phone was that day! Big Stuff!

But Mama said her daughters description of her relationship with Moore was accurate
How would the mother know? The daughter supposedly only talked to him in her bedroom, and mom didn't come along on the supposed date.
Looks like a new 14 year old accuser coming out

A new woman is expected to come forward Monday to accuse Senate candidate Roy Moore of assaulting her as a minor in Alabama.

The announcement came from attorney Gloria Allred, who has represented woman who have accused President Trump and comedian Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct or assault. The individual would be the fifth person to accuse the Republican Senate nominee of inappropriate conduct with them, including one who said Moore, then a 32-year-old prosecutor, had sexual contact with her when she was 14.
Gloria Allred? Yeah, she's known for all the credible charges she was instigated against Republicans
Her client is a trump supporter.
Bullshit. One thing we know is that she's mentally unstable.
WHY did the Democrats not call for Mendez to immediately step down, and instead allow him to go to trial for him to either be found innocent or guilty before even CONSIDERING asking him to step aside?

WHY didn't snowflakes / Democrats demand Bill Clinton step down after he was found guilty of contempt of court and stripped of his ability to practice law in Arkansas?

Why didn't snowflakes / Democrats demand Charlie Rangel step down the THIRD time he was caught engaging in tax evasion and hiding money when he was on the Committee responsible for writing the tax code?

If accusation of criminal activity is good enough to cause one to lose their seat, should that not be the standard for all?

Not according to Democrats / snowflakes
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to decieve:

They say if you want to catch a liar, merely let them talk. In the case of Judge Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman, just let her mother talk.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Corfman’s mother Nancy Wells contradicted a key detail of her daughter’s sexual advancement claim against the Alabama GOP Senate candidate. As Breitbart News reporter Aaron Klein noted on Sunday, “Wells, 71, says that her daughter did not have a phone in her bedroom during the period that Moore is reported to have allegedly called Corfman – purportedly on Corfman’s bedroom phone – to arrange at least one encounter.” Breitbart News reports: Citing Corfman, the Postreported: After her mother went into the courtroom, Corfman says, Moore asked her where she went to school, what she liked to do and whether he could call her sometime. She remembers giving him her number and says he called not long after. She says she talked to Moore on her phone in her bedroom, and they made plans for him to pick her up at Alcott Road and Riley Street, around the corner from her house.
Your source is not credible. Will you people ever realize that the source of information is important: needs to be credible, reliable. Believing what you want to believe is just not good enough.
funny, you don't get to say who is or isn't credible. so what you gonna do?
WHY did the Democrats not call for Mendez to immediately step down, and instead allow him to go to trial for him to either be found innocent or guilty before even CONSIDERING asking him to step aside?

WHY didn't snowflakes / Democrats demand Bill Clinton step down after he was found guilty of contempt of court and stripped of his ability to practice law in Arkansas?

Why didn't snowflakes / Democrats demand Charlie Rangel step down the THIRD time he was caught engaging in tax evasion and hiding money when he was on the Committee responsible for writing the tax code?

If accusation of criminal activity is good enough to cause one to lose their seat, should that not be the standard for all?

Not according to Democrats / snowflakes

He hasn't lost his seat

He has yet to be elected


Why are these 'known' scandals - like those exposed in the DNC's leaked personal e-mails - not matter if the Democrats get caught or UNTIL election time?
Mitch McConnell is looking for a potential write in candidate in Alabama

It would split the GOP vote and ensure a Democratic win

I don't know... repug types are pretty good at holding their noses and voting party over country
like the dems are accustomed to doing like for Clinton. twice.

I'm guessing you didn't defend Clinton back then.
i will never vote democrat. ever. I find their party scum and out of sync with reality. they are an evil party filled with hate.

you go vote for sexual predators, moron.... it's all good.

gotta love it. I look forward to the t-shirts... make America sexual predators again.
well we do know the democrats do vote for sexual predators. It is even documented with proof.

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