Brown's stepfather say's he's sorry


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Translation: He's sorry his "Burn This Bitch Down !" found it's way on video.

Stepfather apologizes for remarks during Missouri protest

The stepfather of a black teenager who was gunned down by a Missouri police officer apologized on Wednesday for his emotional comments during fiery protests last week, but said he did not cause the rioting.
Louis Head said his emotions "got the best of me" during protests against a grand jury's decision not to indict white Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson for killing 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9 in the St. Louis suburb.
Head was caught on video comforting Brown's mother after the Nov. 24 decision, and then turning to a crowd of protesters and screaming repeatedly: "Burn this bitch down."

Something came over me as I watched and listened to my wife, the mother of Michael Brown, Jr., react to the gut-wrenching news that the cop who killed her son wouldn't be charged with a crime," Head said in a statement obtained by Reuters. The statement was first reported by CNN and NBC.
On Tuesday, St. Louis County police said they were investigating who was responsible for setting fires, looting and destroying property during the demonstrations and named Head as a person of interest.
The findings will be presented to the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, police said.
Head, in his statement, said he was "angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were."

MORE: Stepfather apologizes for remarks during Missouri protest - Yahoo News
Head said he does not deserve blame for inciting riots..... "a state of emergency and send a message of war, and not peace, before a grand jury decision was announced is also wrong," Head said....."It set the stage for my outbursts," he said.

Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.
Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.

Charge him with what? Inciting a riot? I don't know how I feel about "charging" people for saying words.
Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.

Charge him with what? Inciting a riot? I don't know how I feel about "charging" people for saying words.
As I said, if he and his family were informed of the verdict prior to the public announcement, charge him with inciting a riot.

If that was the case, they decided to go out into public, and react as they did. This includes any Missouri calls to the family lawyer (reverend?) week then contacted the family. Anyone else find it strange they were standing above the crowd?

Again, why weren't they told of the decision beforehand? If they were, why act like you heard it for the first time then?
Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.

Charge him with what? Inciting a riot? I don't know how I feel about "charging" people for saying words.
As I said, if he and his family were informed of the verdict prior to the public announcement, charge him with inciting a riot.

If that was the case, they decided to go out into public, and react as they did. This includes any Missouri calls to the family lawyer (reverend?) week then contacted the family. Anyone else find it strange they were standing above the crowd?

Again, why weren't they told of the decision beforehand? If they were, why act like you heard it for the first time then?

Are you kidding me? Are you trying to make this sound as if it's some kind of conspiracy theory rather than a couple of parents who are devastated that they lost their son? Good God! Regardless of what you think of them, they are human beings who lost a child. People who are in excruciating pain will speak without thinking first. That is a fact.
I totally disagree with the riots and I don't think the police were wrong to shoot this kid. However, I do NOT blame the parents for their grief and anger. I would think there was something the matter with them if they weren't angry and grieving. That is totally NORMAL for people who have lost a child.
The grand jury decision was wrong, and the choice to declare "a state of emergency and send a message of war, and not peace, before a grand jury decision was announced is also wrong," Head said.

He was angry that the law enforcement officials anticipated a riot and called up the National guard......
Looks like that was a good call seeing the way the people of Ferguson reacted to the decision....

The guy should be charged...
The grand jury decision was wrong, and the choice to declare "a state of emergency and send a message of war, and not peace, before a grand jury decision was announced is also wrong," Head said.

He was angry that the law enforcement officials anticipated a riot and called up the National guard......
Looks like that was a good call seeing the way the people of Ferguson reacted to the decision....

The guy should be charged...

I don't. When you lose your child, you could be considered "temporarily insane."
He says that he's sorry and that he spoke out of turn, in so many words, that he didn't mean to incite a riot and was just behaving like any grieving parent. The anger and shock are totally normal parts of the grief process, and the pain is especially acute when it's your child that you lost.
Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.

Charge him with what? Inciting a riot? I don't know how I feel about "charging" people for saying words.

I think the standard is "don't cry fire in a crowded theatre.' There is no doubt in my mind that Louis Head crossed the line.
Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.

Charge him with what? Inciting a riot? I don't know how I feel about "charging" people for saying words.
So for you "saying words" have no consequences? Wise up pal. All the Tree Dwellers were looking for were the encouraging words from Head (Not even remotely ever a 'father' to Big Mike).
What would your response be if you were in a movie theatre and someone started screaming "WATCH OUT EVERYONE HE"S GOT A MACHINE GUN!!!!!? And a couple of hundred panicked people trampled your little girl trying to run from the theatre.
Word's have consequences.
He says that he's sorry and that he spoke out of turn, in so many words, that he didn't mean to incite a riot and was just behaving like any grieving parent. The anger and shock are totally normal parts of the grief process, and the pain is especially acute when it's your child that you lost.
Big Mike WAS NOT related to Head. Head had only been banging the old lady for a few weeks.
Was the family informed of the verdict before hand? If so, as is custom, charge him and his family. Bar any monetary settlement from reaching them until all businesses have been reimbursed for damages. Send the irs after them over the Tshirts.

If they weren't informed, make this asshole sweat at a minimum.

Charge him with what? Inciting a riot? I don't know how I feel about "charging" people for saying words.
As I said, if he and his family were informed of the verdict prior to the public announcement, charge him with inciting a riot.

If that was the case, they decided to go out into public, and react as they did. This includes any Missouri calls to the family lawyer (reverend?) week then contacted the family. Anyone else find it strange they were standing above the crowd?

Again, why weren't they told of the decision beforehand? If they were, why act like you heard it for the first time then?

Are you kidding me? Are you trying to make this sound as if it's some kind of conspiracy theory rather than a couple of parents who are devastated that they lost their son? Good God! Regardless of what you think of them, they are human beings who lost a child. People who are in excruciating pain will speak without thinking first. That is a fact.
For starters, Head was only Browns stepfather for one month, the boy and his siblings were reared around btwn mom and biological dad....who did actually call for peace and no violence.

I'm not taking away from his claim of grief, but I'm also not giving his piss poor behavior a pass because of it either. At best he is a violent moron, at worst he saw the opportunity to be the big man on campus and it may have just bit him in the butt.
The old lady and her latest boyfriend will settle with the cops for a few thousand bucks. The new boyfriend needs some work on his 'grille'.
The pair will burn through any settlement money in a couple of months.
When the money is gone so will Head.
Last time I checked they knew 10 minutes before.

Apologize? I don't want to hear it.
Well, it's too late to say "Sorry". It will be much better if he did not say anything!
He could save church, businesses, etc. And of course a lot of people could not be injured! No, it's too late to say "Sorry"

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