Bribery on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2003
It appears the Republicans will go to any lengths to get their way. Evidence was presented at hearing for a Question of Privilege in the House yesterday, that Republicans and the Pharmaceutical industry bribed and threatened members of both parties who originally voted against the Medicare bill. They held open the vote for three hours (the previous record was 27 or so minutes) in order to twist arms and offer 100,000 dollar contributions to members to change votes. We the American people should not tolerate such abuses of our House. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay or House Majority Whip Roy Blunt were nowhere to be found during this hearing, instead sending Nancy Johnson to answer these charges.

These actions are indefensible, obviously since none of the elected Republican leadership bothered to show up and defend them.
Originally posted by acludem
It appears the Republicans will go to any lengths to get their way. Evidence was presented at hearing for a Question of Privilege in the House yesterday, that Republicans and the Pharmaceutical industry bribed and threatened members of both parties who originally voted against the Medicare bill. They held open the vote for three hours (the previous record was 27 or so minutes) in order to twist arms and offer 100,000 dollar contributions to members to change votes. We the American people should not tolerate such abuses of our House. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay or House Majority Whip Roy Blunt were nowhere to be found during this hearing, instead sending Nancy Johnson to answer these charges.

These actions are indefensible, obviously since none of the elected Republican leadership bothered to show up and defend them.
I'm not sure that "arm twisting" is the same as bribery and threatening. There has been a trading of favors and monetary backing for causes since the day man first walked planet earth. To suggest that this is only a republican modus operandi is naive.

If there were true bribery and threatening in the legal sense of the words than those responsible, not the entire republican party, should be held accountable. But again, to suggest that only republicans can and do perform acts in contravention of the law is ludicrous.
The story is a crock of shit.

Apparently promises were made to one member to help out his son in the race to replace his soon to be vacant seat. Then that was changed to a $100k bribe. Once again, all words with zero proof. Just another smear tactic I can laugh at.
I must admit, I was repeated statements made by Democrats during the hearing. They said that evidence would be brought forth. Those who made the accusations said they heard offers being made by lobbyists, we'll have to wait and see what happens. However, IF this happened, and I wouldn't doubt it, it should be dealt with quickly. Holding open a 15 minute vote for 3 hours did happen, and it's never happened before in 214 years. That in and of itself was a massive abuse of power by the Republicans.
Originally posted by acludem
I must admit, I was repeated statements made by Democrats during the hearing. They said that evidence would be brought forth.

That says it all right there. Accusations should be given with evidence. When do you suppose we'll see this evidence and how long could it possibly take to produce it? Until then it's nothing more than sour grapes.
Originally posted by acludem
I must admit, I was repeated statements made by Democrats during the hearing. They said that evidence would be brought forth. Those who made the accusations said they heard offers being made by lobbyists, we'll have to wait and see what happens. However, IF this happened, and I wouldn't doubt it, it should be dealt with quickly. Holding open a 15 minute vote for 3 hours did happen, and it's never happened before in 214 years. That in and of itself was a massive abuse of power by the Republicans.
I'm sorry but I fail to see how the Republicans are the only beneficiaries of "offers being made by lobbyists". Lobbying goes both ways...for or against an issue and lobbyists run the gamut of conservatives and liberals. Also, holding open a 15 minute vote for 3 hours doesn't appear to be against the law nor does it appear that it's against the rules of congress. What's the big deal? If you are insinuating that the Republicans used blackmail as a tool to get votes I have to ask what are Democrats afraid the Republicans were going to disclose? You see, I cannot be blackmailed into doing anything I would not ordinarily do because my hands are clean. If I gave up my vote or agreed to do something because someone offered me something I wanted more than the vote or to not do something, that's a choice I would have to make. Notice the word choice?
As far as the three hour vote goes, it does not technically violate House rules, it does violate an order given by the Speaker of the House at the beginning of this session. He ordered any who sit in the chair to strictly enforce the 15 minute vote, and not allow for votes to take longer. It may not have been a legal violation, it was an ethical violation. It violated precedent, custom, and 214 years of tradition. The conduct of this Republican leadership has besmirched the reputation of the House.

As far as the use of blackmail, they've admitted it. A congressman was told that support would be withheld from his son, who is seeking to replace him, if he did not change his vote, he changed his vote. The bribery I refer to, according to some, was committed by pharmaceutical lobbyists, if these charges are true. I never stated they only tried to bribe Republicans, but Republicans receive a massive majority of pharmaceutical and insurance money for campaigns.
Originally posted by acludem
As far as the three hour vote goes, it does not technically violate House rules, it does violate an order given by the Speaker of the House at the beginning of this session. He ordered any who sit in the chair to strictly enforce the 15 minute vote, and not allow for votes to take longer. It may not have been a legal violation, it was an ethical violation. It violated precedent, custom, and 214 years of tradition. The conduct of this Republican leadership has besmirched the reputation of the House.

As far as the use of blackmail, they've admitted it. A congressman was told that support would be withheld from his son, who is seeking to replace him, if he did not change his vote, he changed his vote. The bribery I refer to, according to some, was committed by pharmaceutical lobbyists, if these charges are true. I never stated they only tried to bribe Republicans, but Republicans receive a massive majority of pharmaceutical and insurance money for campaigns.
No offense, but so what? Every single day traditions are being challenged in this country on behalf of liberals. Just because something is tradition doesn't make those who buck it criminals or unethical.

Secondly, as for the charge of bribery, it isn't bribery to receive massive amounts of any monies from lobbiest as long as the donations are made legally. That's the system. Both republicans and democrats benefit from lobbying. I still fail to see the relevance of any of your arguments.

If some guy is willing to change his vote because he wants his son to get elected, he's more guilty and so is the son.
where were all the crybabys when the democrats walked out [ran off and hid] on the good people of Texas? 3 hours to vote big deal... these special jerks shut down the state gov for what...2 or 3 weeks. because they were going to lose a vote so stopped a quorem[?] for happening till to late to do anything. bribery??.. you say politics at work, backroom deals..been going on for 200 plus years and will by going on long after we are gone.
Originally posted by jon_forward
where were all the crybabys when the democrats walked out [ran off and hid] on the good people of Texas? 3 hours to vote big deal... these special jerks shut down the state gov for what...2 or 3 weeks. because they were going to lose a vote so stopped a quorem[?] for happening till to late to do anything. bribery??.. you say politics at work, backroom deals..been going on for 200 plus years and will by going on long after we are gone.
I should think that just proves my point that it's not the Republicans only who've pulled some stupid stunts. Not by a long shot!!!

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