It appears the Republicans will go to any lengths to get their way. Evidence was presented at hearing for a Question of Privilege in the House yesterday, that Republicans and the Pharmaceutical industry bribed and threatened members of both parties who originally voted against the Medicare bill. They held open the vote for three hours (the previous record was 27 or so minutes) in order to twist arms and offer 100,000 dollar contributions to members to change votes. We the American people should not tolerate such abuses of our House. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay or House Majority Whip Roy Blunt were nowhere to be found during this hearing, instead sending Nancy Johnson to answer these charges.
These actions are indefensible, obviously since none of the elected Republican leadership bothered to show up and defend them.
These actions are indefensible, obviously since none of the elected Republican leadership bothered to show up and defend them.