Breonna Taylor case: Grand jury recordings released

You know what I am referring to.
sorry bubba, I have no clue what you're talking about. The police that entered that apartment did so legally. Period. had nothing to do with the validity of the warrant. talk to the judge.

They did not. They did not knock or alert the person that they had a warrant.

That's just not true. The best way to have avoided this would have been for Brianna Taylor to have not let drugs be sold from where she lives. In the end her death was her fault.

You tell them. She was black so obviously she was dealing drugs.

Nope. Her boy friend was. One can assume she was partaking in said drugs, where is the toxicology report? She basically killed her self.

If she would have had drugs in her system it would have been reported. But again, she is black, obviously she does drugs right?
How did she buy a new car with no job?
You know what I am referring to.
sorry bubba, I have no clue what you're talking about. The police that entered that apartment did so legally. Period. had nothing to do with the validity of the warrant. talk to the judge.

They did not. They did not knock or alert the person that they had a warrant.

That's just not true. The best way to have avoided this would have been for Brianna Taylor to have not let drugs be sold from where she lives. In the end her death was her fault.

You tell them. She was black so obviously she was dealing drugs.

Nope. Her boy friend was. One can assume she was partaking in said drugs, where is the toxicology report? She basically killed her self.

If she would have had drugs in her system it would have been reported. But again, she is black, obviously she does drugs right?
How did she buy a new car with no job?

Who said she had no job? The same people who claimed she had been fired?
You know what I am referring to.
sorry bubba, I have no clue what you're talking about. The police that entered that apartment did so legally. Period. had nothing to do with the validity of the warrant. talk to the judge.

They did not. They did not knock or alert the person that they had a warrant.

That's just not true. The best way to have avoided this would have been for Brianna Taylor to have not let drugs be sold from where she lives. In the end her death was her fault.

You tell them. She was black so obviously she was dealing drugs.

Nope. Her boy friend was. One can assume she was partaking in said drugs, where is the toxicology report? She basically killed her self.

If she would have had drugs in her system it would have been reported. But again, she is black, obviously she does drugs right?
How did she buy a new car with no job?

Who said she had no job? The same people who claimed she had been fired?
She was fired after a dead body showed up in her car lol say his name .. do you know it? I thought blm!??? Lol you frauds baba
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?
he shot? that whole self defense thing really can't sink into your head. that tells me all I need to know tommy.

I'll tell you what, they pull back and then what? summarize that for us what happens next?e
Nobody gets killed and the city saves 12 million for a start.
that's not an answer. what comes next? do you think the DEA folks just leave? dude, I asked you to play out the scenario with your retreat, what comes next, the DEA officers ain't going anywhere. you think tenants in the complex are safe with a dug dealer lunatic with a gun shooting up the place? or don't you care about the innocent folks in the complex. and if you don't care, why do you care about the girl that got shot? I guess no one's life is of any value.
It is an answer. The police should have the skills to de-escalate the situation. And nobody dies. If a few bags of drugs get flushed away so what ?
Cops are supposed to de escalate a situation where they are being shot at? Are you fucking retarded? :cuckoo:
Well that would have been the correct thing to do. The gunman isnt going anywhere and they have time to de-escalate and sort things out so that the innocent do not get hurt. That is what happens here in civilisation.
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?
he shot? that whole self defense thing really can't sink into your head. that tells me all I need to know tommy.

I'll tell you what, they pull back and then what? summarize that for us what happens next?e
Nobody gets killed and the city saves 12 million for a start.
that's not an answer. what comes next? do you think the DEA folks just leave? dude, I asked you to play out the scenario with your retreat, what comes next, the DEA officers ain't going anywhere. you think tenants in the complex are safe with a dug dealer lunatic with a gun shooting up the place? or don't you care about the innocent folks in the complex. and if you don't care, why do you care about the girl that got shot? I guess no one's life is of any value.
It is an answer. The police should have the skills to de-escalate the situation. And nobody dies. If a few bags of drugs get flushed away so what ?
Cops are supposed to de escalate a situation where they are being shot at? Are you fucking retarded? :cuckoo:
Well that would have been the correct thing to do. The gunman isnt going anywhere and they have time to de-escalate and sort things out so that the innocent do not get hurt. That is what happens here in civilisation.
When someone is shooting at you, you dont have time to de escalate, and its insulting to our intelligence that you would even suggest such a thing. If someone is shooting at you, you better shoot back quick, unless you want to die.
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?
he shot? that whole self defense thing really can't sink into your head. that tells me all I need to know tommy.

I'll tell you what, they pull back and then what? summarize that for us what happens next?e
Nobody gets killed and the city saves 12 million for a start.
that's not an answer. what comes next? do you think the DEA folks just leave? dude, I asked you to play out the scenario with your retreat, what comes next, the DEA officers ain't going anywhere. you think tenants in the complex are safe with a dug dealer lunatic with a gun shooting up the place? or don't you care about the innocent folks in the complex. and if you don't care, why do you care about the girl that got shot? I guess no one's life is of any value.
It is an answer. The police should have the skills to de-escalate the situation. And nobody dies. If a few bags of drugs get flushed away so what ?
Cops are supposed to de escalate a situation where they are being shot at? Are you fucking retarded? :cuckoo:
Well that would have been the correct thing to do. The gunman isnt going anywhere and they have time to de-escalate and sort things out so that the innocent do not get hurt. That is what happens here in civilisation.
When someone is shooting at you, you dont have time to de escalate, and its insulting to our intelligence that you would even suggest such a thing. If someone is shooting at you, you better shoot back quick, unless you want to die.
They should not be breaking into a house without having a fall back position, especially when people might die. That is just good practice.
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?
he shot? that whole self defense thing really can't sink into your head. that tells me all I need to know tommy.

I'll tell you what, they pull back and then what? summarize that for us what happens next?e
Nobody gets killed and the city saves 12 million for a start.
that's not an answer. what comes next? do you think the DEA folks just leave? dude, I asked you to play out the scenario with your retreat, what comes next, the DEA officers ain't going anywhere. you think tenants in the complex are safe with a dug dealer lunatic with a gun shooting up the place? or don't you care about the innocent folks in the complex. and if you don't care, why do you care about the girl that got shot? I guess no one's life is of any value.
It is an answer. The police should have the skills to de-escalate the situation. And nobody dies. If a few bags of drugs get flushed away so what ?
Cops are supposed to de escalate a situation where they are being shot at? Are you fucking retarded? :cuckoo:
Well that would have been the correct thing to do. The gunman isnt going anywhere and they have time to de-escalate and sort things out so that the innocent do not get hurt. That is what happens here in civilisation.
When someone is shooting at you, you dont have time to de escalate, and its insulting to our intelligence that you would even suggest such a thing. If someone is shooting at you, you better shoot back quick, unless you want to die.
They should not be breaking into a house without having a fall back position, especially when people might die. That is just good practice.
they had a fall back and it worked cause they are all still alive,,,
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?

Because they thought drugs were in the apartment, and just surrounding the place gives them time to flush the evidence down the toilet.

Which is more important? Finding drugs or refraining from harming innocent people?

So the police should only do a warrant search if there is zero risk of harming someone?

They announced, they knocked, he shot at them.

Whether they knocked and announced themselves is questionable. Only 1 person claims they knocked and announced their presence. Everyone else heard nothing. He changed his story after initially telling the police they did not knock or announce their presence. Yet Cameron told the grand jury that they had conclusively determined the police had knocked and announced their presence. The fact that charges against Walker was dropped shows how shaky this whole thing is.

The police said they knocked and announced, one person was brave enough to confirm that.

They dropped the charges for political reasons, people are claiming they didn't hear the cops for political reasons.

Or maybe they told the truth and the one witness lied. The fact that all charges were dropped tells you who is telling the truth. You are the piece of dogshit that is playing politics. The upcoming Biden Administration should open up a civil rights investigation of the police and the AG.,

That the charges were dropped just shows how gutless the DA is.

The same police that are going to enforce all the new gun laws your side wants to pass?

What charges were dropped?

One officer was charged with wanton endangerment because he shot into a neighboring apartment.

Talking about the charges against the guy who shot at the cops.

Sorry! That is self-defense if he truly did not know they were cops.

That's what a trial is supposed to find out. Just dropping the charges is gutless.

What charges are you talking about? You seem extremely confused! AG of the state held a grand jury regarding the cops. The local AG for Louisville (A Democrat) did not charge the boyfriend with shooting the cop.

Charges against Breonna Taylor's boyfriend dropped for now

Those charges were dropped by the local DA, a Democrat, the police chief was fired, and the mayor received a no-confidence vote by the city council, Democrats one and all. If you read the article, they still could made against the boyfriend, but it appears to be a case of self-defense against a home invasion.

A valid warrant was provided, so it cannot be a "home invasion".

The cops say they announced, and went in when no answer was given, again, not a home invasion.

If you come to my house, knock on my door, say it is the police, then bust down my door and I didn't hear a thing, you are going to get shot also.

My daughter-in-law's Mom and step-father lived in Virginia and were sitting in their apartment one afternoon, when someone busted in the door and when her step-Dad stood up to confront them, he was shot with a sawed-off shotgun in the hand and shoulder, causing him to lose the use of his right hand and arm. Oh, those teenagers had watched enough TV that they yelled "Police" as they broke down the door. This happened about 10 years ago. The only thing that saved them was their son was upstairs where their gun was kept and he did not get down the stairs in time before they fled.

It's not the cops fault if you don't hear it as long as they clearly and loudly announce their intent and have a valid warrant.

If they are knocking on door in the middle of the night, it is their damn fault!
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?

Because they thought drugs were in the apartment, and just surrounding the place gives them time to flush the evidence down the toilet.

Which is more important? Finding drugs or refraining from harming innocent people?

So the police should only do a warrant search if there is zero risk of harming someone?

They announced, they knocked, he shot at them.

Whether they knocked and announced themselves is questionable. Only 1 person claims they knocked and announced their presence. Everyone else heard nothing. He changed his story after initially telling the police they did not knock or announce their presence. Yet Cameron told the grand jury that they had conclusively determined the police had knocked and announced their presence. The fact that charges against Walker was dropped shows how shaky this whole thing is.

The police said they knocked and announced, one person was brave enough to confirm that.

They dropped the charges for political reasons, people are claiming they didn't hear the cops for political reasons.

Or maybe they told the truth and the one witness lied. The fact that all charges were dropped tells you who is telling the truth. You are the piece of dogshit that is playing politics. The upcoming Biden Administration should open up a civil rights investigation of the police and the AG.,

That the charges were dropped just shows how gutless the DA is.

The same police that are going to enforce all the new gun laws your side wants to pass?

What charges were dropped?

One officer was charged with wanton endangerment because he shot into a neighboring apartment.

Talking about the charges against the guy who shot at the cops.

Sorry! That is self-defense if he truly did not know they were cops.

That's what a trial is supposed to find out. Just dropping the charges is gutless.

What charges are you talking about? You seem extremely confused! AG of the state held a grand jury regarding the cops. The local AG for Louisville (A Democrat) did not charge the boyfriend with shooting the cop.

Charges against Breonna Taylor's boyfriend dropped for now

Those charges were dropped by the local DA, a Democrat, the police chief was fired, and the mayor received a no-confidence vote by the city council, Democrats one and all. If you read the article, they still could made against the boyfriend, but it appears to be a case of self-defense against a home invasion.

A valid warrant was provided, so it cannot be a "home invasion".

The cops say they announced, and went in when no answer was given, again, not a home invasion.

If you come to my house, knock on my door, say it is the police, then bust down my door and I didn't hear a thing, you are going to get shot also.

My daughter-in-law's Mom and step-father lived in Virginia and were sitting in their apartment one afternoon, when someone busted in the door and when her step-Dad stood up to confront them, he was shot with a sawed-off shotgun in the hand and shoulder, causing him to lose the use of his right hand and arm. Oh, those teenagers had watched enough TV that they yelled "Police" as they broke down the door. This happened about 10 years ago. The only thing that saved them was their son was upstairs where their gun was kept and he did not get down the stairs in time before they fled.

It's not the cops fault if you don't hear it as long as they clearly and loudly announce their intent and have a valid warrant.

If they are knocking on door in the middle of the night, it is their damn fault!

So warrants to procure drugs which can easily be flushed down a toilet should be limited to daylight hours with the people in question given ample warning?
Well that would have been the correct thing to do. The gunman isnt going anywhere and they have time to de-escalate and sort things out so that the innocent do not get hurt. That is what happens here in civilisation.
you don't know too much about this stuff I see. wow.
You know what I am referring to.
sorry bubba, I have no clue what you're talking about. The police that entered that apartment did so legally. Period. had nothing to do with the validity of the warrant. talk to the judge.

They did not. They did not knock or alert the person that they had a warrant.

That's just not true. The best way to have avoided this would have been for Brianna Taylor to have not let drugs be sold from where she lives. In the end her death was her fault.

You tell them. She was black so obviously she was dealing drugs.

Nope. Her boy friend was. One can assume she was partaking in said drugs, where is the toxicology report? She basically killed her self.

If she would have had drugs in her system it would have been reported. But again, she is black, obviously she does drugs right?
How did she buy a new car with no job?

Who said she had no job? The same people who claimed she had been fired?
She was fired after a dead body showed up in her car lol say his name .. do you know it? I thought blm!??? Lol you frauds baba

False, she was never fired and no dead body showed up in her car.
She had quit a county job as an EMT, only to take a higher paying private EMT job, 4 years ago.
Don't get me wrong - it was a tragedy that this girl was caught in the middle of all of this and she ended up getting killed. I feel bad and pray for her and her family...but damn.... this all was NEEDLESS, pointless, and a complete waste....
Why couldnt they pull back and talk him out ?

Because they thought drugs were in the apartment, and just surrounding the place gives them time to flush the evidence down the toilet.

Which is more important? Finding drugs or refraining from harming innocent people?

So the police should only do a warrant search if there is zero risk of harming someone?

They announced, they knocked, he shot at them.

Whether they knocked and announced themselves is questionable. Only 1 person claims they knocked and announced their presence. Everyone else heard nothing. He changed his story after initially telling the police they did not knock or announce their presence. Yet Cameron told the grand jury that they had conclusively determined the police had knocked and announced their presence. The fact that charges against Walker was dropped shows how shaky this whole thing is.

The police said they knocked and announced, one person was brave enough to confirm that.

They dropped the charges for political reasons, people are claiming they didn't hear the cops for political reasons.

Or maybe they told the truth and the one witness lied. The fact that all charges were dropped tells you who is telling the truth. You are the piece of dogshit that is playing politics. The upcoming Biden Administration should open up a civil rights investigation of the police and the AG.,

That the charges were dropped just shows how gutless the DA is.

The same police that are going to enforce all the new gun laws your side wants to pass?

What charges were dropped?

One officer was charged with wanton endangerment because he shot into a neighboring apartment.

Talking about the charges against the guy who shot at the cops.

Sorry! That is self-defense if he truly did not know they were cops.

That's what a trial is supposed to find out. Just dropping the charges is gutless.

What charges are you talking about? You seem extremely confused! AG of the state held a grand jury regarding the cops. The local AG for Louisville (A Democrat) did not charge the boyfriend with shooting the cop.

Charges against Breonna Taylor's boyfriend dropped for now

Those charges were dropped by the local DA, a Democrat, the police chief was fired, and the mayor received a no-confidence vote by the city council, Democrats one and all. If you read the article, they still could made against the boyfriend, but it appears to be a case of self-defense against a home invasion.

A valid warrant was provided, so it cannot be a "home invasion".

The cops say they announced, and went in when no answer was given, again, not a home invasion.

If you come to my house, knock on my door, say it is the police, then bust down my door and I didn't hear a thing, you are going to get shot also.

My daughter-in-law's Mom and step-father lived in Virginia and were sitting in their apartment one afternoon, when someone busted in the door and when her step-Dad stood up to confront them, he was shot with a sawed-off shotgun in the hand and shoulder, causing him to lose the use of his right hand and arm. Oh, those teenagers had watched enough TV that they yelled "Police" as they broke down the door. This happened about 10 years ago. The only thing that saved them was their son was upstairs where their gun was kept and he did not get down the stairs in time before they fled.

It's not the cops fault if you don't hear it as long as they clearly and loudly announce their intent and have a valid warrant.

If they are knocking on door in the middle of the night, it is their damn fault!

So warrants to procure drugs which can easily be flushed down a toilet should be limited to daylight hours with the people in question given ample warning?

Warrants can NEVER be to GET evidence.
They have to ALREADY have all the evidence they need before they can justify a warrant.
The ONLY time a no-knock warrant is justifiable is when there is a hostage.
False, she was never fired and no dead body showed up in her car.
She had quit a county job as an EMT, only to take a higher paying private EMT job, 4 years ago.
so you wrote her biography? wow, you knew her.
If they are knocking on door in the middle of the night, it is their damn fault!
it's who's fault? So when you were in the navy, you always let folks know ahead of time what was going on? really now?

In war, it is legal to kill people who are no immediate threat, including civilians.
But police NEVER have that authority or justification.
Since they CAUSED all the danger by smashing down a door in the middle of the night, then they get absolutely NO right to claim self defense.
Well that would have been the correct thing to do. The gunman isnt going anywhere and they have time to de-escalate and sort things out so that the innocent do not get hurt. That is what happens here in civilisation.
you don't know too much about this stuff I see. wow.

The police said she had a rifle and was shooting at them.
They lied.
There was no rifle and she was not shooting.
Therefore, they were guilty of murder for shoot an innocent by stander.

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