BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...

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The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court did not go into force until 1 July 2002. That is a half-century AFTER Israel's implementation of Self-Determination and the UN Recommendation for a "Jewish State" [Part II ā€¢ Boundaries ā€¢ Section B ā€¢ The Jewish State ā€¢ A/RES/181 (II)]...

No matter what this guy says, no matter how he would like to frame it, it is a mistake of fact. There was no crime of "Apartheid" committed because the statute had not even been written yet.
Resolution 181 was rejected and never implemented. If it was signed by both sides it would have been a land/border treaty but it was not. I don't know why you keep bringing it up.

Israel was created as an apartheid state. It was still apartheid when it was outlawed by the UN in 1974, Israel was still apartheid by the Rome Statute in 2002. It is still apartheid today.
Indeed, your frantic screeching about ā€œapartheidā€ is rather embarrassing as you have failed to understand where that phony label came from.

Indeed, for those who havenā€™t seen the ESCWA hit piece yet, the frauds, antisemites and Islamic terrorist misfits who compiled the UN report claiming ā€œapartheidā€ have an obvious agenda.

ESCWA comprises 18 Arab countries:Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, the State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

The ESCWA is something of a roll call of Islamic backwaters including the ā€œState of Pallyā€™landā€

U.N. chief AntoniĆ³ Guterres rejected a report published by ECSWA, a Beirut-based agency of the world bodyā€” ECSWAā€”comprised entirely of 18 Arab states, which accuses Israel of ā€œapartheid.ā€

The reportā€™s chief author is Richard Falk, a former U.N. official who was condemned repeatedly by the UK and other governments for antisemitism.

In 2011, Falk was also denounced by his own boss, former U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, for espousing 9/11 conspiracy theories which accused the U.S. government, instead of Al Qaeda, of perpetrating the 9/11 terror attacks.

The new report, said Guterresā€™ spokesman, ā€œdoes not reflect the views of the Secretaryā€‘General.ā€

U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the report, and called on the UN to withdraw it
I noticed that you did not say anything about a single thing in the report.

It was all about sliming the messenger.
Hurt feelings? I noticed you didnā€™t comment on a single point I raised?

Now thatā€™s funny. Virginia Tilley was a contributor to the ESCWA report that Richard Falk was derided for.

It looks like the same cast of charlatans in the YouTube video. I guess the same folks appear where ever they can find an audience of folks like you.
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: An International Armed Conflict has no real winners or losers. You can characterize the outcome in any fashion you wish. But the outside observers have eyes. They can form their own opinion.

All of that was turn-key available to Israel. If the Arab League had NOT invaded, the Arab State would have been quite large. But the Arag League forces took what territory that Israel did not have under control.
You have to remenber that the Arab states did not attack Israel. And that the 1948 war was stopped by a UN Security Council Resolution. Thare were no losers to that war. And, a war by foreign Arab states have absolutely nothing to do with Palestinian land.

The Arab states did not attack Israel. When two sets of forces clash, one attacks and one is the opponent.

By Armistice Agreement, the conflict/hostility ends when a Peace Treaty or some peaceful alternative is achieved. The Arab Palestinians did not accept any peaceful arrangement except for the Oslo Accords (and that cessation of hostilities did not last very long).

Thare were no losers to that war. And, a war by foreign Arab states have absolutely nothing to do with Palestinian land.

You no doubt know it was the League of Arab States (LAS) @ ā†’ Seventh Arab League Summit Conference that declared the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated.

You no doubt remember that it was the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan that abandon and cut all ties with the West Bank ā†’ leaving it in the hands of the Israelis the only government in place and capable of exercising authority.

You can spout that perspective all you want - believing that the Arab Palestinians are the masters of their own fate (self-determination); but who really believes that. The Arab Palestinians have to be in possession of (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other States. You can believe, or even pretend, has its territory, and some fools might even believe that. You can pretend that the Arab Palestinian has a stand-alone government. Again, you can believe, or even pretend, that is true. But ask youself: Who is going to support the life-style of the corrupt government when all the donor money is gone? How are the Arab Palestinians going to pay for the stipends the those in jail on various hostile acts?

But at the end of the day, when did Arab Palestinians become the bearer of supreme authority [actually (not theoretically)] answerable to no other external power] within any part of the territory formerly under the Mandate?

Most Respectfully,
An International Armed Conflict has no real winners or losers. You can characterize the outcome in any fashion you wish. But the outside observers have eyes. They can form their own opinion.
OK, but Israel claims that it won land in a defensive war.

That is a lie.
But at the end of the day, when did Arab Palestinians become the bearer of supreme authority [actually (not theoretically)] answerable to no other external power] within any part of the territory formerly under the Mandate?
A state does not cease to exist when it is under occupation.
But at the end of the day, when did Arab Palestinians become the bearer of supreme authority [actually (not theoretically)] answerable to no other external power] within any part of the territory formerly under the Mandate?
A state does not cease to exist when it is under occupation.
Your invented ā€œState of Palā€™istanā€?
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You are trying to win a horse race with a miniature pony.

Israel won all of its wars with the Arabs. However, the Arab-Israeli Conflict is ongoing and has serious diplomatic implications for non-involved countries.

An International Armed Conflict has no real winners or losers. You can characterize the outcome in any fashion you wish. But the outside observers have eyes. They can form their own opinion.
OK, but Israel claims that it won land in a defensive war.
That is a lie.

"Lie" is a very poor choice of words. It should be an objective and educated perspective that should be considered.

The Arab-Palestinians have an outsider's perspective since they were not a party to the conflict initially or a contributor of consequence to major follow-on conflicts until the introduction of the quasi-political Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters. The Arab-Palestinians were, at one-time, victims; but, are now subjecting themselves to self-inflicted injuries
(on a recurring basis).

āœ¦ The War of Independence (1947-49)
āœ¦ The Sinai Campaign of 1956
āœ¦ The Six-Day War (June 1967)
āœ¦ The Yom Kippur War (October 1973)

IF you can review the history and honestly say that the Arab-Palestinians are better-off today THEN they were in May 1948, so be it... Believe what you will. That is your perspective...The Arab-Palestinians often give the appearance of evolving into a cult-like practice and engage in self-sacrifice and mortification ā†’ act (many times) on the assumption of monetary reward (Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund) and orgy participation in the afterlife. But they do not act in the name of peace, good order, and security for their people.

Most Respectfully,
"Lie" is a very poor choice of words. It should be an objective and educated perspective that should be considered.
Israel claims that it won Palestinian land when it won a defensive war with Palestine's neighboring Arab states.

Lie is accurate. In face lies would be more accurate because there are several.

1) None of those Arab states attacked Israel.

2) The war was called by a UN Security Council armistice resolution. Nobody won that war.

3) Winning Palestinians land in a war with its neighbors is a unique legal concept. I don't see anything legal here.
The Arab-Palestinians have an outsider's perspective since they were not a party to the conflict...
Indeed, how can Palestine consistently lose land in someone else's war.

Another of my never answered questions.

In a letter released yesterday, 452 civil society groups ā€“ unions, movements, political parties and organizations ā€“ from tens of countries around the world called on the United Nations General Assembly and its Member States, currently meeting in New York, to investigate Israeli apartheid and to impose targeted sanctions to stop Israeli apartheid and illegal annexation of Palestinian land.

The letter marks the launch of a global public campaign calling on the UN to assume its responsibility for the investigation and eradication of Israelā€™s apartheid regime, similar to the role it had played in ending apartheid in Southern Africa.

The global letter cites ā€œthe mounting recognition of Israelā€™s maintenance of an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people.ā€ It notes that 47 independent human rights experts within the United Nations stated that the Israeli government plans to illegally annex large parts of the occupied West Bank would constitute ā€œa vision of a 21st-century apartheid.ā€

Blah, blah, blah.

Why do you want to encourage the Palestinians to keep starting fights they keep losing? How many of them are you willing to see die, to destroy Israel?
Losing? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Israel keeps getting bigger and bigger.

In a letter released yesterday, 452 civil society groups ā€“ unions, movements, political parties and organizations ā€“ from tens of countries around the world called on the United Nations General Assembly and its Member States, currently meeting in New York, to investigate Israeli apartheid and to impose targeted sanctions to stop Israeli apartheid and illegal annexation of Palestinian land.

The letter marks the launch of a global public campaign calling on the UN to assume its responsibility for the investigation and eradication of Israelā€™s apartheid regime, similar to the role it had played in ending apartheid in Southern Africa.

The global letter cites ā€œthe mounting recognition of Israelā€™s maintenance of an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people.ā€ It notes that 47 independent human rights experts within the United Nations stated that the Israeli government plans to illegally annex large parts of the occupied West Bank would constitute ā€œa vision of a 21st-century apartheid.ā€

Blah, blah, blah.

Why do you want to encourage the Palestinians to keep starting fights they keep losing? How many of them are you willing to see die, to destroy Israel?
Losing? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Israel keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Well, its lies get bigger and bigger.
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court did not go into force until 1 July 2002. That is a half-century AFTER Israel's implementation of Self-Determination and the UN Recommendation for a "Jewish State" [Part II ā€¢ Boundaries ā€¢ Section B ā€¢ The Jewish State ā€¢ A/RES/181 (II)]...

No matter what this guy says, no matter how he would like to frame it, it is a mistake of fact. There was no crime of "Apartheid" committed because the statute had not even been written yet.
Resolution 181 was rejected and never implemented. If it was signed by both sides it would have been a land/border treaty but it was not. I don't know why you keep bringing it up.

Israel was created as an apartheid state. It was still apartheid when it was outlawed by the UN in 1974, Israel was still apartheid by the Rome Statute in 2002. It is still apartheid today.
Indeed, your frantic screeching about ā€œapartheidā€ is rather embarrassing as you have failed to understand where that phony label came from.

Indeed, for those who havenā€™t seen the ESCWA hit piece yet, the frauds, antisemites and Islamic terrorist misfits who compiled the UN report claiming ā€œapartheidā€ have an obvious agenda.

ESCWA comprises 18 Arab countries:Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, the State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

The ESCWA is something of a roll call of Islamic backwaters including the ā€œState of Pallyā€™landā€

U.N. chief AntoniĆ³ Guterres rejected a report published by ECSWA, a Beirut-based agency of the world bodyā€” ECSWAā€”comprised entirely of 18 Arab states, which accuses Israel of ā€œapartheid.ā€

The reportā€™s chief author is Richard Falk, a former U.N. official who was condemned repeatedly by the UK and other governments for antisemitism.

In 2011, Falk was also denounced by his own boss, former U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, for espousing 9/11 conspiracy theories which accused the U.S. government, instead of Al Qaeda, of perpetrating the 9/11 terror attacks.

The new report, said Guterresā€™ spokesman, ā€œdoes not reflect the views of the Secretaryā€‘General.ā€

U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the report, and called on the UN to withdraw it
I noticed that you did not say anything about a single thing in the report.

It was all about sliming the messenger.

He is slimy.......
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Terms like "War"
(War of Attrition), "WIN," and "LOSS" are not applicable in International Armed Conflicts (IAC) when they de-evolve into a susstained insurgency. You have to consider the elements of the position at the time the Peace Treaty is completed.

Laymen use these words in a quick fashion to define outcomes. They are used in news accounts that are looking for uncomplicated dialog.

"Lie" is a very poor choice of words. It should be an objective and educated perspective that should be considered.

My opposing view is thatyou believe that by the time the Armistice was put in place, the Arab Palestinians had more territorial control then they did before the 1948 conflict started. I Oppose that view. My position is that the Arab Palestinians did not have any sovereign holding before the Israeli War of Independence, and they had zero control of any territory after the War. If you call that a better position, just say so...

Israel claims that it won Palestinian land when it won a defensive war with Palestine's neighboring Arab states.
What particular source are you citing an official entity advancing this position and makes this claim? I would like to see the context.

I would suspect that the Israelis would official say something to the effect that it was a conflict (1948) of a significant cost to the people of Israel.

Lie is accurate. In face lies would be more accurate because there are several.

Yeah, yeah... I want to seee the official source and the context in which you derived the interpretation.

What I saw from the official site was (excerpt): "Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repulsed the invaders in fierce intermittent fighting,"
The thumbnail site did not use the words Win, loss, lost, and only used the term "defeat/defeated" relative to a domestic political outcome. It use the term "War" in connection with the descriptive phrase "War of Attrition" or "War of Independence."
1) None of those Arab states attacked Israel.


This is one of those points of order that an entire book can be written.

From my perspective, when the Arab League Forces crossedd their respective demarcations and entered the Territory under UN Trusteeship, they became the aggressor. By the time of the Armistice, what was not under control of the Israelis wass occupied by the Arab League.

2) The war was called by a UN Security Council armistice resolution. Nobody won that war.

The UN generally likes to put inplace Armistice Agreements to manage a ceasefire.

3) Winning Palestinians land in a war with its neighbors is a unique legal concept. I don't see anything legal here.

The Arab Palestinians had no sovereign territory. The Israelis did not take any Arab Palestinians territory. The unpartitioned territory not under Israeli Effective Control was under the Effective Control of the Arab League.

Technically speaking, in 1948/49 the Arab League Forces took the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Most Respectfully,

In a letter released yesterday, 452 civil society groups ā€“ unions, movements, political parties and organizations ā€“ from tens of countries around the world called on the United Nations General Assembly and its Member States, currently meeting in New York, to investigate Israeli apartheid and to impose targeted sanctions to stop Israeli apartheid and illegal annexation of Palestinian land.

The letter marks the launch of a global public campaign calling on the UN to assume its responsibility for the investigation and eradication of Israelā€™s apartheid regime, similar to the role it had played in ending apartheid in Southern Africa.

The global letter cites ā€œthe mounting recognition of Israelā€™s maintenance of an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people.ā€ It notes that 47 independent human rights experts within the United Nations stated that the Israeli government plans to illegally annex large parts of the occupied West Bank would constitute ā€œa vision of a 21st-century apartheid.ā€

Blah, blah, blah.

Why do you want to encourage the Palestinians to keep starting fights they keep losing? How many of them are you willing to see die, to destroy Israel?
Losing? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Israel keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Well, its lies get bigger and bigger.

And "Palestine" gets smaller and smaller.
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
āœā†’ Toddsterpatriot, et al,

Shhhh! They might hear. The Palestinians have not lost anything...

And "Palestine" gets smaller and smaller.

Someday, they will wise -up.

Most Respectfully,

By then, they'll be smaller than Lichtenstein.
My opposing view is thatyou believe that by the time the Armistice was put in place, the Arab Palestinians had more territorial control then they did before the 1948 conflict started.
So you are back to the Palestinians have no rights canard.

Other than being under foreign military control, you have not explained how that happened.
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