BREAKING: France vows to supply first western tanks to Ukraine.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
sounds more and more like 1863-66, Germany and USA will follow Frances lead! It’s the only way to end this war !

Way to go France!
These vehicles can swim and can be helpful to cross a river. for example the dnipro

Way to go France!

They were used in Irak, destroying 20 tanks, very successful, no losses. 105mm HEAT can pen 350mm steel. Its for Recon, sees day and night 4km with thermals, is amphibious. Can turn on the spot, unlike other wheeled tanks. F used them in Afghanistan and Mali and other places.
All over for the US in Ukey Land
American military planning was once world class. But who would plan a proxy war against Russia, one of the acknowledged masters of artillery with far better air defense technology than any in the West, and then equip our puppet Ukraine with inferior weapons and only enough ammunition to last six months? And surely American planners couldn’t help knowing that there was no longer a manufacturing base for resupply, and NATO warehouses were practically empty?
Hide Titlose . You are a laughing stock .:
All over for the US in Ukey Land

Hide Titlose . You are a laughing stock .:
I know he is a rotten teethed wanker with stinking breath, junk food belly, unwashed hair and mad eyes of a child molester but what is a Titlose?

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