Breaking! Conservative Boris Johnson expected to win in Europe

What's shakin' fellas?







Good stuff!
I read there has already been a gain in the sterling on the news, as well as against the euro. Sounds like they are hoping for some of the success the US is experiencing.
Yes Boris is gonna win... good job Boris, yea!!!

do you have a question?
No thank you for contributing in understanding the role! You bow down to the greatest party on earth the conservative party
Glad your happy... I have a lot of respect for the conservative ideology.

You might want to get used to it: Trump in the US, Bolsonaro in Brazil, and now Boris Johnson. It's pretty obvious the world is starting to see through the thinly-veiled sham that is socialism, globalism, and liberalism.

Read the writing on the wall.
Wow, you trolls sure don’t know how to act, even when you get your way.

We're not "acting". This is for real, dude.
yes, acting, I wasn’t referring to fake acting smart guy... it refers to your actual words and actions
368 conservative
191 labor

Current exit polls show MASSIVE win for Borris Johnson & BREXIT

Poor poor liberals

Boris Johnson on course for huge win in UK election, exit poll suggests - CNN

Yall just don't get it yet. You scream and yell and stomp your feet and everyone around the world is giving you the finger.
Time for Scotland to leave.

I don't think the neighborhood nit wits understand what just happened.

That's ok, do we need to explain it to you?
Listening to bbc and someone from labour explains why they are losing big. Lol
You mean... people in Europe are finally waking up to the TYRANNICAL GLOBALIST BULL SHIT they've been enduring?

Hmmm... we'll see how real it is...
Looks like a landslide.

A combination of citizens angry as hell that their vote in Brexit has been ignored, coupled with a far left, wannabe Marxist socialist, assured a Conservative victory.

Like Trump, Boris had to appeal to blue collar voters to the North, bringing a little more libertarianism than the former Cons. I think this vote bodes very well for Trump. Citizens want to dictate their direction, self determination. Not be beholden to foreign powers.

I'm guessing more Dems are looking at the impeachment as slightly less appealing. The UK may not be America, but the resentment of voters is the same.

Canada is a slow learner. We had two not very popular Establishment candidates, expectations for them are very low. I don't dislike Trudeau, but I think he doesn't appreciate the situation Canada is in and it's going to get worse.

Don't turn your back on Trump, he's the fighter the West needs.
The Sun, a British newspaper, summed it up nicely in a front page editorial: (Quoted material in blue)

WELL done, Britain. Well done, Boris.

If the exit poll proves accurate — still a big “if” — the Tories have pulled it off in spectacular style.
They have achieved a massive Commons majority and the fourth term in power that seemed improbable after nine years of austerity. They have destroyed Corbyn and his Marxist thugs.
Boris’s election was a huge risk, though he had no choice. At stake was the survival of Brexit.
But the very future of Britain as a free market economy was too. It was vital the Tories won and it appears they have, convincingly.
Corbyn and his poisonous, anti-Semitic cult have been crushed, hopefully terminally.
The country must NEVER again be placed at risk from their extremism. Never.

Britain has been saved and now Boris can reunite us and steer us into a new era

Red Jeremy (Corbyn) will cling to his party power for now but even he, wild-eyed as he is, knows his own will toss him out at the earliest opportunity.
CNN is having a hard time explaining this outcome. Conservatives were supposed to be a thing of the past and the people were supposed to be demanding to reverse Brexit.
CNN is claiming the vote was all about Brexit, not the rejection of the far left socialist Agendas of the lunatic left.

This is hysterical. Keep ignoring the truth, liberals.

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