Brazile Continues To Raze Clinton And Her Criminal Candidacy / Team ... SEXISM Within The Ranks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Took MILLIONS from THE Russian Leader of the Russian Uranium One Purchase Effort
Espionage/Mishandling Classified/False Statements/Jeopardized Natl Security
'Bought' DNC/'Money Laundering'
...add another one on the quickly-building criminal resume, thanks to DONNA BRAZILE again...

'New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog'

"Former Democratic Party boss Donna Brazile’s forthcoming book fueled new turmoil on Monday as another excerpt showed her taking aim at Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this time leveling allegations of sexism against the campaign’s top male lieutenants.

The Huffington Post reported on the passage, in which Brazile complained about her treatment by campaign manager Robby Mook and his team.

The two supposedly were at odds over Mook’s refusal to let her hire a temporary CEO when she took over the Democratic National Committee on an interim basis.

Describing a tense conference call on the matter, Brazile reportedly wrote: “I have worked with men all my life in politics and I can sense when they get to this part about not being able to deal with a woman. This is not a racial thing. This was a gender thing.”

She also reportedly wrote that she interjected during the call to say: “You know, this does not feel like a negotiation to me. This feels like power and control. Gentlemen, let’s just put our dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because I know mine is bigger than all of yours.”

Democrats being a bunch of SEXISTS should surprise no ne - after all, that was part of what was exposed when the DNC's personal e-mails were leaked to the public.


New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog



Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".
Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".
Not to mention she feared for her life, a la 'Seth Rich'...
Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".

Yes........that is TRUE:

Donna Brazile fires back at Hillary Clinton staffers: 'I'm not Patsy the slave'

Donna Brazile fires back at Hillary Clinton: 'I'm not Patsy the slave'
Next, Donna will reveal that she is a trans sexual. Then she'll be that much closer to being the ultimate victim! Hillary will be unscathed as always, but Donna's book sales will climb!

Stay tuned, Donna has more tricks up her sleeve.
Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".
Not to mention she feared for her life, a la 'Seth Rich'...
Yeah. She keeps her blinds closed. Let's hope the guy who hid in Rand Paul's house, jumped him, and broke his ribs doesn't get pissed off at her.
Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".
Not to mention she feared for her life, a la 'Seth Rich'...
Yeah. She keeps her blinds closed. Let's hope the guy who hid in Rand Paul's house, jumped him, and broke his ribs doesn't get pissed off at her.
Can't make this shit up.
You can't, anyway. No imagination. Sad really.
Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".
Not to mention she feared for her life, a la 'Seth Rich'...
Yeah. She keeps her blinds closed. Let's hope the guy who hid in Rand Paul's house, jumped him, and broke his ribs doesn't get pissed off at her.
Can't make this shit up.
You can't anyway. No imagination. Sad really.
Donna seems to be covering all outrage bases. I read earlier that she said Hillary treated her like a "slave".
Not to mention she feared for her life, a la 'Seth Rich'...
Yeah. She keeps her blinds closed. Let's hope the guy who hid in Rand Paul's house, jumped him, and broke his ribs doesn't get pissed off at her.
Can't make this shit up.
You can't anyway. No imagination. Sad really.
Yep. Like I said. LOLOLOLOLOL
Why she still walks free is the only question that remains.

Hopefully that question will be shortly answered.
Took MILLIONS from THE Russian Leader of the Russian Uranium One Purchase Effort
Espionage/Mishandling Classified/False Statements/Jeopardized Natl Security
'Bought' DNC/'Money Laundering'
...add another one on the quickly-building criminal resume, thanks to DONNA BRAZILE again...

'New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog'

"Former Democratic Party boss Donna Brazile’s forthcoming book fueled new turmoil on Monday as another excerpt showed her taking aim at Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this time leveling allegations of sexism against the campaign’s top male lieutenants.

The Huffington Post reported on the passage, in which Brazile complained about her treatment by campaign manager Robby Mook and his team.

The two supposedly were at odds over Mook’s refusal to let her hire a temporary CEO when she took over the Democratic National Committee on an interim basis.

Describing a tense conference call on the matter, Brazile reportedly wrote: “I have worked with men all my life in politics and I can sense when they get to this part about not being able to deal with a woman. This is not a racial thing. This was a gender thing.”

She also reportedly wrote that she interjected during the call to say: “You know, this does not feel like a negotiation to me. This feels like power and control. Gentlemen, let’s just put our dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because I know mine is bigger than all of yours.”

Democrats being a bunch of SEXISTS should surprise no ne - after all, that was part of what was exposed when the DNC's personal e-mails were leaked to the public.


New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog


Your OP is false. The Russian who paid millions to the Clinton Foundation has SOLD his stake in Uranium One by the time this deal was in the works.

There wasn’t even a hint of espionage in the email debacle. Comey didn’t even use that word. He also said there was no hint that her server had ever been hacked or that classified materials fell into the wrong hands even accidentally. So that’s also a lie.

There is no evidence of money laundering either. The IRS investigated that at the behest of Judicial Watch.

So your entire opening paragraph is a series of bald faced lies.

This from the guy who claims that Trump is innocent until he’s been charged and convicted.

Clinton has never been charged or convicted. Why are you calling her a criminal?

Things must be slow at the Russian troll farm today, eh Evgeny. How does a working guy like you have time to make 15,000 posts a year? Hmmm?? Enquiringly minds want to know.
Took MILLIONS from THE Russian Leader of the Russian Uranium One Purchase Effort
Espionage/Mishandling Classified/False Statements/Jeopardized Natl Security
'Bought' DNC/'Money Laundering'
...add another one on the quickly-building criminal resume, thanks to DONNA BRAZILE again...

'New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog'

"Former Democratic Party boss Donna Brazile’s forthcoming book fueled new turmoil on Monday as another excerpt showed her taking aim at Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this time leveling allegations of sexism against the campaign’s top male lieutenants.

The Huffington Post reported on the passage, in which Brazile complained about her treatment by campaign manager Robby Mook and his team.

The two supposedly were at odds over Mook’s refusal to let her hire a temporary CEO when she took over the Democratic National Committee on an interim basis.

Describing a tense conference call on the matter, Brazile reportedly wrote: “I have worked with men all my life in politics and I can sense when they get to this part about not being able to deal with a woman. This is not a racial thing. This was a gender thing.”

She also reportedly wrote that she interjected during the call to say: “You know, this does not feel like a negotiation to me. This feels like power and control. Gentlemen, let’s just put our dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because I know mine is bigger than all of yours.”

Democrats being a bunch of SEXISTS should surprise no ne - after all, that was part of what was exposed when the DNC's personal e-mails were leaked to the public.


New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog


Your OP is false. The Russian who paid millions to the Clinton Foundation has SOLD his stake in Uranium One by the time this deal was in the works.

There wasn’t even a hint of espionage in the email debacle. Comey didn’t even use that word. He also said there was no hint that her server had ever been hacked or that classified materials fell into the wrong hands even accidentally. So that’s also a lie.

There is no evidence of money laundering either. The IRS investigated that at the behest of Judicial Watch.

So your entire opening paragraph is a series of bald faced lies.

This from the guy who claims that Trump is innocent until he’s been charged and convicted.

Clinton has never been charged or convicted. Why are you calling her a criminal?

Things must be slow at the Russian troll farm today, eh Evgeny. How does a working guy like you have time to make 15,000 posts a year? Hmmm?? Enquiringly minds want to know.
It has been proven that the money paid to the Clinton Foundation came through the Russian from the KGB Bank, the primary financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

1. The Russian KGB Bank & The Clintons:
Coincidently, the KGB Bank was the one signing the checks for Bills half-a-million-dollars-a-speech fees.

Coincidently, 'Fat Tony' Podesta, broether of Hillary's Campaign Manager who helped found the Podesta Group, was acting as an Un-Registered foreign agent, working for the KGB Bank AND working for the Russia Spy Agency (which doesn't seem to bother any snowflakes).

2. Hillary Server Crimes:
Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations to include both Influence Peddling and - as Comey stated - 'Espionage'. Go read the definition Comey used and cited.

With her server, aside from jeopardizing our national security, she committed the crimes of 'Criminal Mishandling of Classified', Illegal Storage of Classified', Illegal Transporting of Classified', Illegal sharing of classified', 'Illegal Destruction of Classified', Illegally Obstructing justice' - Failure to Comply With A Subpoena, 'Making False Statements, and THOUSANDS OF CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS OF THE FOIA AND THE FEDERAL RECORDS ACT.

Give it up, troll. Anyone who has ever handled classified, worked with classified, knows the laws, and is not a delusional / lying snowflake knows she broke the law. Spare us all of the repeated spewing of bullshit when someone threatens your alternate reality.
Took MILLIONS from THE Russian Leader of the Russian Uranium One Purchase Effort
Espionage/Mishandling Classified/False Statements/Jeopardized Natl Security
'Bought' DNC/'Money Laundering'
...add another one on the quickly-building criminal resume, thanks to DONNA BRAZILE again...

'New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog'

"Former Democratic Party boss Donna Brazile’s forthcoming book fueled new turmoil on Monday as another excerpt showed her taking aim at Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this time leveling allegations of sexism against the campaign’s top male lieutenants.

The Huffington Post reported on the passage, in which Brazile complained about her treatment by campaign manager Robby Mook and his team.

The two supposedly were at odds over Mook’s refusal to let her hire a temporary CEO when she took over the Democratic National Committee on an interim basis.

Describing a tense conference call on the matter, Brazile reportedly wrote: “I have worked with men all my life in politics and I can sense when they get to this part about not being able to deal with a woman. This is not a racial thing. This was a gender thing.”

She also reportedly wrote that she interjected during the call to say: “You know, this does not feel like a negotiation to me. This feels like power and control. Gentlemen, let’s just put our dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because I know mine is bigger than all of yours.”

Democrats being a bunch of SEXISTS should surprise no ne - after all, that was part of what was exposed when the DNC's personal e-mails were leaked to the public.


New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog


Your OP is false. The Russian who paid millions to the Clinton Foundation has SOLD his stake in Uranium One by the time this deal was in the works.

There wasn’t even a hint of espionage in the email debacle. Comey didn’t even use that word. He also said there was no hint that her server had ever been hacked or that classified materials fell into the wrong hands even accidentally. So that’s also a lie.

There is no evidence of money laundering either. The IRS investigated that at the behest of Judicial Watch.

So your entire opening paragraph is a series of bald faced lies.

This from the guy who claims that Trump is innocent until he’s been charged and convicted.

Clinton has never been charged or convicted. Why are you calling her a criminal?

Things must be slow at the Russian troll farm today, eh Evgeny. How does a working guy like you have time to make 15,000 posts a year? Hmmm?? Enquiringly minds want to know.
It has been proven that the money paid to the Clinton Foundation came through the Russian from the KGB Bank, the primary financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

1. The Russian KGB Bank & The Clintons:
Coincidently, the KGB Bank was the one signing the checks for Bills half-a-million-dollars-a-speech fees.

Coincidently, 'Fat Tony' Podesta, broether of Hillary's Campaign Manager who helped found the Podesta Group, was acting as an Un-Registered foreign agent, working for the KGB Bank AND working for the Russia Spy Agency (which doesn't seem to bother any snowflakes).

2. Hillary Server Crimes:
Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations to include both Influence Peddling and - as Comey stated - 'Espionage'. Go read the definition Comey used and cited.

With her server, aside from jeopardizing our national security, she committed the crimes of 'Criminal Mishandling of Classified', Illegal Storage of Classified', Illegal Transporting of Classified', Illegal sharing of classified', 'Illegal Destruction of Classified', Illegally Obstructing justice' - Failure to Comply With A Subpoena, 'Making False Statements, and THOUSANDS OF CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS OF THE FOIA AND THE FEDERAL RECORDS ACT.

Give it up, troll. Anyone who has ever handled classified, worked with classified, knows the laws, and is not a delusional / lying snowflake knows she broke the law. Spare us all of the repeated spewing of bullshit when someone threatens your alternate reality.

I’m not the troll here. And you’ve been caught flat out lying right off the top.

You’re the one spewing bullshit, flinging around accusations which Comey has repeatedly denied. There was no espionage, no criminal wrong doing, no charges, no convictions and no crime!

17 investigations, $100 million spent investigating the Clintons and you have no charges, no convictions and no crimes.

It is past time for you to stop referring to the Clintons as “criminals” since they haven’t been arrested or convicted, unlike Donald Trump who has settled cases for fraud and racial discrimination and whose charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising.
Took MILLIONS from THE Russian Leader of the Russian Uranium One Purchase Effort
Espionage/Mishandling Classified/False Statements/Jeopardized Natl Security
'Bought' DNC/'Money Laundering'
...add another one on the quickly-building criminal resume, thanks to DONNA BRAZILE again...

'New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog'

"Former Democratic Party boss Donna Brazile’s forthcoming book fueled new turmoil on Monday as another excerpt showed her taking aim at Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this time leveling allegations of sexism against the campaign’s top male lieutenants.

The Huffington Post reported on the passage, in which Brazile complained about her treatment by campaign manager Robby Mook and his team.

The two supposedly were at odds over Mook’s refusal to let her hire a temporary CEO when she took over the Democratic National Committee on an interim basis.

Describing a tense conference call on the matter, Brazile reportedly wrote: “I have worked with men all my life in politics and I can sense when they get to this part about not being able to deal with a woman. This is not a racial thing. This was a gender thing.”

She also reportedly wrote that she interjected during the call to say: “You know, this does not feel like a negotiation to me. This feels like power and control. Gentlemen, let’s just put our dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because I know mine is bigger than all of yours.”

Democrats being a bunch of SEXISTS should surprise no ne - after all, that was part of what was exposed when the DNC's personal e-mails were leaked to the public.


New Dem turmoil as Donna Brazile levels sexism accusations against Clinton's top dog


Your OP is false. The Russian who paid millions to the Clinton Foundation has SOLD his stake in Uranium One by the time this deal was in the works.

There wasn’t even a hint of espionage in the email debacle. Comey didn’t even use that word. He also said there was no hint that her server had ever been hacked or that classified materials fell into the wrong hands even accidentally. So that’s also a lie.

There is no evidence of money laundering either. The IRS investigated that at the behest of Judicial Watch.

So your entire opening paragraph is a series of bald faced lies.

This from the guy who claims that Trump is innocent until he’s been charged and convicted.

Clinton has never been charged or convicted. Why are you calling her a criminal?

Things must be slow at the Russian troll farm today, eh Evgeny. How does a working guy like you have time to make 15,000 posts a year? Hmmm?? Enquiringly minds want to know.
It has been proven that the money paid to the Clinton Foundation came through the Russian from the KGB Bank, the primary financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

1. The Russian KGB Bank & The Clintons:
Coincidently, the KGB Bank was the one signing the checks for Bills half-a-million-dollars-a-speech fees.

Coincidently, 'Fat Tony' Podesta, broether of Hillary's Campaign Manager who helped found the Podesta Group, was acting as an Un-Registered foreign agent, working for the KGB Bank AND working for the Russia Spy Agency (which doesn't seem to bother any snowflakes).

2. Hillary Server Crimes:
Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations to include both Influence Peddling and - as Comey stated - 'Espionage'. Go read the definition Comey used and cited.

With her server, aside from jeopardizing our national security, she committed the crimes of 'Criminal Mishandling of Classified', Illegal Storage of Classified', Illegal Transporting of Classified', Illegal sharing of classified', 'Illegal Destruction of Classified', Illegally Obstructing justice' - Failure to Comply With A Subpoena, 'Making False Statements, and THOUSANDS OF CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS OF THE FOIA AND THE FEDERAL RECORDS ACT.

Give it up, troll. Anyone who has ever handled classified, worked with classified, knows the laws, and is not a delusional / lying snowflake knows she broke the law. Spare us all of the repeated spewing of bullshit when someone threatens your alternate reality.

I’m not the troll here. And you’ve been caught flat out lying right off the top.

You’re the one spewing bullshit, flinging around accusations which Comey has repeatedly denied. There was no espionage, no criminal wrong doing, no charges, no convictions and no crime!

17 investigations, $100 million spent investigating the Clintons and you have no charges, no convictions and no crimes.

It is past time for you to stop referring to the Clintons as “criminals” since they haven’t been arrested or convicted, unlike Donald Trump who has settled cases for fraud and racial discrimination and whose charitable foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising.
Dragon Lady you have become totally triggered. Why are you ranting, raving, insulting me, and attacking me when it is Democrat Donna Brazile that is laying waste to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party, revealing their dirty little secrets, corruption, and crime?

It seems like you and Alec Baldwin have something in common - both of you seem to have very public meltdowns and blame others for it.


While Hillary controlled the DNC's finances and all DNC decision-making after 'Buying' the DNC, this was reportedly the only ad the DNC would approve for Bernie and pay for.

Former Clinton advisor calls Donna Brazile “certifiably nuts”/“kooky” for claiming sexism in DNC

Yes and as I posted in an earlier thread on this subject, the soulless and corrupt Hillary henchman are doing their character assassination on DONNA BRAZILE.....A BLACK WOMAN.

Character Assassinations of those who expose their corruption, scandals, and crimes are what the Clintons have proved for years they do best...

...2nd or 3rd only to being associated with Clinton-connected persons' 'accidents' ... like the guy who died of a heart attack after that dumbbell fell on his neck and crushed his esophagus... :p
Wonder what she is going to reveal next...

(Hope she has body guards...)

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