Braddock the Egyptian


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There seems to be an eerie connection between hieroglyph-stylized art (from Ancient Egypt) and modern-era 'pedestrian street-pulp art' (i.e., comic book art) which, like hieroglyphs, speak perhaps to a timeless human curiosity about 'gods of everyday life.'


Braddock was a mean-spirited American vigilante who always wore a ski mask and carried a shiny silver pistol, which he used to enforce street-law in a Los Angeles that had become over-run by blood-sucking evil-doers of the night. Braddock challenged the dominion of a self-proclaimed 'vampire clan' called The Ugly Americans who created power-realms in L.A. using the force of Satanic magic to release a feeling of general uneasiness onto the city. The Ugly Americans were led by a British Airways airline stewardess named Elsa who joined forces with an international narcotics crimelord named Busey who recruited minions willing to use extreme measures to achieve their ends.

Elsa and Busey got wind of the 'heroic' deeds of Braddock, whose actions were reported in a special Op-Ed weekend series of the L.A. Times titled, "The Justified Vigilante" written by an idealistic female journalist named Edie (a graduate of Yale University who obtained a Master's degree in journalism from Duke University). Edie wrote, "Braddock has changed the way Americans feel about general urban vigilance, despite his 'rogue tactics' and has challenged the 'street-allure' of Elsa and Busey's 'Ugly Americans'." Edie and America learned of Braddock's name when the vigilante sent a notice to the L.A. Times (after tying up two hitmen of the Ugly Americans and leaving them on the footsteps of the LAPD main station/office) which stated, "I, Braddock, am a new-age Robin Hood, and I intend to become Pat Garrett when I bring down Busey!"

Elsa and Busey decided to send out patrols of goons to scour L.A. looking for the ski-mask wearing Braddock (L.A.'s self-proclaimed 'Captain America'). Braddock was soon found breaking up an alley skirmish between two Hispanic gang members and three members/goons of the Ugly Americans who were trying to frighten away the ethnic gang to expand the arm of influence of the Ugly Americans. The goons sent by Elsa and Busey paralyzed Braddock by sneaking up on him and debilitating him with electric stun-guns before he could create panic-fire in the alley with his handy-dandy silver pistol. Braddock was dragged back to Elsa and Busey's lavish apartment.

When Braddock woke, he realized he was in Ancient Egypt! Surrounded by the animalia-head-dress wearing guards of the cruel Pharaoh Akhenaten, Braddock found himself carried to the court of the Pharaoh's wife Queen Tiye. Tiye wanted to make Braddock his love-slave, but the confused American vigilante from L.A. was still trying to determine how he ended up in Ancient Egypt. While in his prison-cell, Braddock received a psychic message from a voice which told him, "Do not worry, Braddock! Elsa and Busey have sent you through a space-time portal which carries people to Ancient Egypt so they could see if you survived a slavery-gauntlet. It's a test the Ugly Americans have performed for years now, and if you survive the test, you will return to become a 'grand duke' of the army of the Ugly Americans!"

Braddock realized that he would not only have to survive this insane and improbable Egyptian-travel test, but he would also have to convince the Ugly Americans that he would not join their corrupt underworld syndicate. Braddock decided to start courting Queen Tiye as her 'sex-slave' and convincing her to give him precious Egyptian artifacts and jewelry. When Tiye started becoming hypnotized by Braddock's 'human-shrewd' charms, she gave him many valuable and precious items of Egyptian jewelry, stones, and gems. When Braddock was returned to his own time (having been pardoned from execution by Akhenaten after being cajoled by Tiye) and found himself in L.A. again, he told Elsa and Busey he deceptively would gladly join the Ugly Americans.

When Braddock got a moment of free time, he took the Egyptian jewelry and gems given to him by Tiye and sold them to an international museum of Egyptian archaeologists and collectors for $30 million and escaped with the money and retired to a very comfortable beach-home in Oahu (Hawaii) where he reunited with his high-school sweetheart Morgan and married. Braddock had three beautiful children who all attended Yale University (one of them even studied archaeology and wrote a very well-reviewed book on Ancient Egypt!). Braddock could not be happier, since he realized he conquered the 'demons of tyranny,' but in the back of his mind, he could not help remembering the haunting elegance of the Egypt he saw in person (through Elsa and Busey's space-time portal) or the attractiveness of Queen Tiye. He decided to start writing a series of comic books for DC Comics titled, "Batman: Ancient Egypt" in which Batman arrives in the court of Pharaoh Akhenaten (after going through a space-time portal!) and challenges him for the hand of Tiye.




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