BP petrol stations and Iceland stores are the first to be shut by pingdemic

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The government paid £38bn for a test n track app that is now bringing the UK to a standstill. But I suspect that the app was not designed to cope with the levels of infection that Boris has allowed to take hold of the UK.

The problem has been exacerbated by a lack of HGV drivers following brexit. The governments reaction to that is to make the hgv tests easier to pass. We will oay the price for that shortly.

The issues are many but chief amongst them is that there is no scheme to pay folk if they isolate. So the choice is stay safe and starve or chance it and get fed.

England reopened on monday and is set to close sometime next week. Jognson hasnt got a fucking clue.
The issues are many but chief amongst them is that there is no scheme to pay folk if they isolate. So the choice is stay safe and starve or chance it and get fed.

This is at the core of the most devastating reality about the entire #CoronaHoax2020.

It's not just a matter of people forced out of work, and not being paid. But at that level, yes, it becomes a choice between cowering in place, under the false guise of being “safe”, and starving; or going out, taking the risks that are involved in living one's life, and earning a living so that one can afford food.

Tho0se responsible for exploiting the #CoronaHoax are wealthy and secure enough that they do not need to worry about their own livelihoods, and they don't give a shit about ordinary people whose livelihoods are threatened by their tyrannical bullshit.

But, beyond that, shutting down large portions of the workforce, shutting down businesses, disrupts the supply chain; to the degree that even those who are working and earning a paycheck may still not be able to obtain things that they need, because adequate supplies are not available at any price.

Again, the criminals and tyrants responsible for imposing all this don't need to worry. They are powerful and wealthy and secure, and do not need to worry about their own ability to survive, and they do not give a shit about the rest of us.

They'll look straight into the cameras, and tell us that they are doing all of this to us to protect us from the “deadly disease” that they've hyperbolized a routine flu outbreak into being. Then they'll go back to their mansions, and sit down at a sumptuous dinner table, while we, whom they purport to be protecting, face possible homelessness, hunger, and other poverty-related ills imposed by these pieces of shit.
This is at the core of the most devastating reality about the entire #CoronaHoax2020.

It's not just a matter of people forced out of work, and not being paid. But at that level, yes, it becomes a choice between cowering in place, under the false guise of being “safe”, and starving; or going out, taking the risks that are involved in living one's life, and earning a living so that one can afford food.

Tho0se responsible for exploiting the #CoronaHoax are wealthy and secure enough that they do not need to worry about their own livelihoods, and they don't give a shit about ordinary people whose livelihoods are threatened by their tyrannical bullshit.

But, beyond that, shutting down large portions of the workforce, shutting down businesses, disrupts the supply chain; to the degree that even those who are working and earning a paycheck may still not be able to obtain things that they need, because adequate supplies are not available at any price.

Again, the criminals and tyrants responsible for imposing all this don't need to worry. They are powerful and wealthy and secure, and do not need to worry about their own ability to survive, and they do not give a shit about the rest of us.

They'll look straight into the cameras, and tell us that they are doing all of this to us to protect us from the “deadly disease” that they've hyperbolized a routine flu outbreak into being. Then they'll go back to their mansions, and sit down at a sumptuous dinner table, while we, whom they purport to be protecting, face possible homelessness, hunger, and other poverty-related ills imposed by these pieces of shit.
For the record, we only elect Bond Villain's like Pelosi Galore.

Have you ever seen her ice cream collection?


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