Tommy Robinson loses libel case brought by Syrian schoolboy

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Joy unbounded across the nation as white trash criminal gets hammered in court. As I predicted a few months back he has been stung for costs and the Judge still has to set the damages.

What sort of evil bastard persecutes a teenage boy because of his religion?

Lennon, do the world a favour and top yourself. You wont be missed.

Joy unbounded across the nation as white trash criminal gets hammered in court. As I predicted a few months back he has been stung for costs and the Judge still has to set the damages.

What sort of evil bastard persecutes a teenage boy because of his religion?

Lennon, do the world a favour and top yourself. You wont be missed.


What a whack job, Robinson is.

Good going! Shut this moron down. Both the UK and the US have right-wing thugs that hurl with seeming impunity baseless accusations against innocent people.
Took a lot of courage for this youngster to stand up for himself. His family were forced to move to another town. And now lennon is going to put him through University.
Robinson would be better off moving to Australia or the US where a harshly realistic assessment of is not grounds for libel though I have only barest details to go on.

I just know UK + any fair assessment of Islam= libel.
Robinson would be better off moving to Australia or the US where a harshly realistic assessment of is not grounds for libel though I have only barest details to go on.

I just know UK + any fair assessment of Islam= libel.
What is "a fair assessment of Islam"? Christianity has its fair share of crackpots like graham, robertson, hagee, jeffress, d james kennedy, focus on the family, etc., all taliban, all authoritarian. Try accounting for these people.
What is "a fair assessment of Islam"? Christianity has its fair share of crackpots like graham, robertson, hagee, jeffress, d james kennedy, focus on the family, etc., all taliban, all authoritarian. Try accounting for these people.
I don't have to account for them. You can say whatever you like about Christianity, even intentionally defame
it with false charges, and no one in America can sue you for libel.

Go ahead. Say something about the Catholic church and pederasty. See what happens.
Call Jesus a fraud and a God a piece of garbage. All is protected speech.

But say something about Mohammad and his child bride and see what happens in England.

I know nothing about this case beside who is suing Robinson, or whatever his name is.
I only know the idea of free speech in the UK is a joke, especially when it comes to insulting Islam.
What is "a fair assessment of Islam"? Christianity has its fair share of crackpots like graham, robertson, hagee, jeffress, d james kennedy, focus on the family, etc., all taliban, all authoritarian. Try accounting for these people.
Yes, but the point being made [which you are making now] is you can say these things about Christianity but not Islam [which is not the fault of Islam, but white liberals]...that is certainly a "fair assessment"
now we expect the usual twats defending that asshole by hiding behind children.

Robinson would be better off moving to Australia or the US where a harshly realistic assessment of is not grounds for libel though I have only barest details to go on.

I just know UK + any fair assessment of Islam= libel.

Do you know WHY he lost? He attacked this kid because he was a Muslim, but claimed this kid wasn't innocent. He said Jamal was “not innocent and he violently attacks young English girls in his school”.

That's a libel case. It'd be a libel case in Australia and the US too. The US is sue-me-land, he'd probably have sued Yaxley-Lennon ten times and would have won 12 times.
Do you know WHY he lost? He attacked this kid because he was a Muslim, but claimed this kid wasn't innocent. He said Jamal was “not innocent and he violently attacks young English girls in his school”.

That's a libel case. It'd be a libel case in Australia and the US too. The US is sue-me-land, he'd probably have sued Yaxley-Lennon ten times and would have won 12 times.
I'm getting one side of the story from you so don't expect me to defend what happened.
Yaxley-Robinson made allegations which were either true or false.
That's where the case should have been judged, not in a libel court.

Did the Muslim boy assault other students or not. Based on the one account I could see
that is never addressed.
I'm getting one side of the story from you so don't expect me to defend what happened.
Yaxley-Robinson made allegations which were either true or false.
That's where the case should have been judged, not in a libel court.

Did the Muslim boy assault other students or not. Based on the one account I could see
that is never addressed.

Well, if you say something about someone and you can't prove it's true, then it's libel.

However, even if they are, should they be outed in the national press for it? There are plenty of bullies in the world, why would only the Muslim bullies get outed?
Well, if you say something about someone and you can't prove it's true, then it's libel.

However, even if they are, should they be outed in the national press for it? There are plenty of bullies in the world, why would only the Muslim bullies get outed?

That's for Yaxley_Robinson to answer. Perhaps after all the grooming gang crap were he stood up for
English girls being raped, addicted and enslaved by gangs of Pakistani men, and took lots
of hits for his trouble, he is sensitive to pernicious Muslims in England.

I don't know anything about this case in fact, however. Seems like English prosecutor was most
incensed that Muslims were named by Yaxley Robinson as school bullies.

Like I said, in the UK one of the biggest crimes one can commit is to speak frankly about the effect
Muslims have on the once great nation.
Well, if you say something about someone and you can't prove it's true, then it's libel.

However, even if they are, should they be outed in the national press for it? There are plenty of bullies in the world, why would only the Muslim bullies get outed?
You are on record as saying that the gang rape victims were indulging in consensual sex (despite some being only 11), and stating that the rapists were only "tapping" those children -- as in tapping some ass.

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That's for Yaxley_Robinson to answer. Perhaps after all the grooming gang crap were he stood up for
English girls being raped, addicted and enslaved by gangs of Pakistani men, and took lots
of hits for his trouble, he is sensitive to pernicious Muslims in England.

I don't know anything about this case in fact, however. Seems like English prosecutor was most
incensed that Muslims were named by Yaxley Robinson as school bullies.

Like I said, in the UK one of the biggest crimes one can commit is to speak frankly about the effect
Muslims have on the once great nation.
In Rotherham, alone, well over 1000 children have been raped out of a metropolitan population of about 300000. The rape gangs were virtually all Pakistani and the rape victims nearly all British. The rapists called the children "easy meat" because they were British while authorities refused to do anything about them because the perps were Pakistani.
In Rotherham, alone, well over 1000 children have been raped out of a metropolitan population of about 300000. The rape gangs were virtually all Pakistani and the rape victims nearly all British. The rapists called the children "easy meat" because they were British while authorities refused to do anything about them because the perps were Pakistani.
Many English authorities helped cover up the crimes for fear of being seen as anti Muslim.
It's like being called a racist here but much worse because the UK is filled with cowardly, worn out
And much of the blame goes to the rigid English class system that sees the girls of working class families
that grooming gangs targeted as expendable and not worth the bother anyway.

You can bet the daughters of the upper crust English weren't touched by the filthy vermin that
ran those rape gangs.
Many English authorities helped cover up the crimes for fear of being seen as anti Muslim.
It's like being called a racist here but much worse because the UK is filled with cowardly, worn out
And much of the blame goes to the rigid English class system that sees the girls of working class families
that grooming gangs targeted as expendable and not worth the bother anyway.

You can bet the daughters of the upper crust English weren't touched by the vermin that
ran those rape gangs.

and that is why Tommy is such a zealous supporter of the rapes.

They are just "chav" children in his book.

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