Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

Their prices are high because they have to make up losses from the CONSTANT THEFT
End the ridiculous GOP war on drugs which has given us 10 times as many prisoners per capita as anywhere else and has made the inner city into war zones of black gangsters killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to ****in the suburbs. And it's beyond time to text the rich again and invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure so that there is a level playing field and there is hope in inner cities and for that matter everywhere in the country again....
Are you ignorant enough to believe the vaccine was a hoax? Actually we didn't spend enough money in countries like this because of stupidity in the GOP and the Orange Clown. The worst pandemic response anywhere and leaders of conservative nut jobs around the world....
After 40 years of GOP mismanagement
Are you serious, Frank? 40 years of GOP mismanagement? Tell me, when has the GOP ever been in charge of managing the country's direction for 40 years?
Are you on serious drugs?
Maybe LSD and Dilaudid?

it is time for a Democratic landslide
A democratic landslide Frank?
You guys have told me for years that you already had a Democratic landslide:
  1. In the 2018 Midterms!
  2. In 2020 taking the WH back by 7 million people!
  3. In the 2022 Midterms in Arizona, PA and elsewhere!
so we can fix some of these problems
You assholes have had 11,000 chances to "fix some of the problems," thing is, you are the fuckers who have largely CREATED most of the problems! And every chance you've had, you've not fixed one thing but only added even more!
  • Now we have 11 million illegals, more than 40 states overnight filling our "sanctuary cities" and Joe Biden doesn't even address it as a problem!
  • He is too busy instigating or inflaming wars all over the planet then handing out hundreds of billions in "solutions" while ignoring his own backyard!
  • Our country is likely filled with terror cells because of him!
  • And the upside isn't much better. If they ain't terrorists, they are millions of people with no homes, no jobs, no skills, no food, no healthcare, no clothes, no jobs, no language, no education, no culture, and nowhere to go!
  • All being paid for by a bankrupt government living off of borrowed money we can't even afford the interest payments on, while the dummfuk seeks to hand out another hundred billions to our enemies in a conflict he helped create!
It just seems that way since your crap propaganda started with Rush Limbaugh and then Fox noise, both incredible liars and the worst thing that has ever happened to American politics, Super Duper.

If you count all taxes, everyone in the country is paying between 25 and 30% of income and taxes. A flat tax, Super Duper. If mainstream media was left wing they might mention that, they are rhino corporate swine who leave out inconvenient facts, but at least they are not constructing an imaginary hateful anti American divisive piece of crap world that you think exists. There is no evidence of any election fraud or vaccine fraud or global warming fraud etc etc except for some stupid collage in E Anglia and a couple of nut case crap professors.... Change the damn channel and try a news outlet for crying out loud. Your Internet conspiracy nut jobs are even worse obviously....
They were no more liars or less than the left wing media sources you rely on. You really asre stupid and uninformed.

There is no flat tax and if you coungt all taxes it proves you wrong.

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