Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

Trust me there are pages of laws broken by it including his employment contract.
Trust no one. Not even me.

Drafts of Supreme Court opinions are not classified documents like national security files, said University of California, Berkeley criminal law professor Orin Kerr, meaning their disclosure would not automatically trigger a criminal investigation.
Most republicans didn't think it was an issue till now. We will see how many are comfortable giving rapists that kinda power.
I am a conservative Republican. I don't see how overturning Roe has anything to do with giving power to rapists. They are disgusting criminals that should spend a long time in prison. The woman that was raped and the newly conceived baby are both victims of the rapist.

Ethel Waters, Jesse Jackson, and Eartha Kitt were all conceived by rape.
I am a conservative Republican. I don't see how overturning Roe has anything to do with giving power to rapists. They are disgusting criminals that should spend a long time in prison. The woman that was raped and the newly conceived baby are both victims of the rapist.

Ethel Waters, Jesse Jackson, and Eartha Kitt were all conceived by rape.
You don't see how forcing women that had been raped to have a baby is intrusive.
When are you assholes going to learn that everything cannot go your way?
Impeachment is a legal remedy for removing those Justices.

I'd rather include their removal in the new Abortion Rights Amendment soon to be sweeping the nation.
Yes. I assume it was leaked by some leftist scumbag. That’s what we’ve been discussing. What about it?

ONce again we see, that you can't trust liberals, on anything. THeir world view gives them justification, in their minds, to betray any trust.
What’s good for th

We are in the zone of lying and cheating on the courts. At least packing the courts isn’t lying or cheating.
Well McConnell did seat a justice in a election year which he would under Obama.
? It is improper to release the draft. Obviously, the intent of the leaker was to induce blowback to see if some Justice might just cave-in.

However, with the opinion expected by June or July anyway, your guess is way off. Actually, I’d assume most Republicans are thrilled at this hoped-for outcome.
Took control of the timeline away from the democrats--the midterm distraction will fade by Aug. but don't despair, the commie democrats will come up with another---WWIII?
? It is improper to release the draft. Obviously, the intent of the leaker was to induce blowback to see if some Justice might just cave-in.

However, with the opinion expected by June or July anyway, your guess is way off. Actually, I’d assume most Republicans are thrilled at this hoped-for outcome.
Is it still improper if we found out it was say, Chief Justice Robert’s staff who leaked it ? Or is it just improper if you find our it’s a liberal staff worker ?
What’s good for th

We are in the zone of lying and cheating on the courts. At least packing the courts isn’t lying or cheating.
No evidence of any lying or cheating. So, your premises blow. And the court packing idea is retarded. If you make it 13 justices, that can later be changed to 21 by your opponents down the road.

All you are doing with this court packing crap is conceding that substance and procedure and the rule of law and the Constitution are meaningless to you. All you care about is raw power and getting whatever shit you desire.
Well McConnell did seat a justice in a election year which he would under Obama.
Have you ever considered using English? Editing? Spell check. Grammar check? Logic? Honesty? Nah. Of course not.
Is it still improper if we found out it was say, Chief Justice Robert’s staff who leaked it ? Or is it just improper if you find our it’s a liberal staff worker ?
It’s improper no matter who did it or why. Is this really such a difficult concept for you?
I doubt it. I don't think the number of abortions will even slow down.

Which is the sad part of it all, all this and it will not even have the desired effect.

That aside, Texas has already charged a woman with murder for self induced abortion. The next step is for the states to treat every miscarriage as a murder investigation.
The way the process works is, they study the case and decide which way they will "vote" in the decision. In this case, they came out 6-3. At that point the Chief Justice assigns one of the "6" to draft the opinion. When the draft is complete it is circulated among all the justices, then feedback comes in, it's re-written a few times, but the final tally generally does not change.

Anyone seeing this development and attributing it to "radical right-wingers" on the court is an idiot. RvW was a horrible decision - possibly the worst in the past 50 years. It is based on nothing, and takes a horrific leap into policy-making, which the Court has no right or power to do. It has NOTHING TO DO with abortion, or public policy on abortion. That aspect is left to the state legislatures, where it belongs.

The reason why Leftists in Congress have been so fixated on RvW when interviewing Republican nominees is because they have KNOWN ALL ALONG what a horrible decision it was, and how easily it could be overturned, given the right case.

Unfortunately for the public dialog, Democrats are too stupid to separate the Constitutional issue from the public policy issue. And of course there has never been sufficient support for the Leftists position on abortion to do anything legislatively. Which is why they constantly lie about polls showing that the public supports them. Liars.
Sure, it’s Nicaragua, Honduras and now the United States who have walked backwards on woman’s rights. Great company to be in. Wonder if women will be allowed to retain the right to vote if the right has its way…..

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