Bombshell: lawsuit claims Alec Baldwin wasn't supposed to fire the gun at all when he killed an innocent woman

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Was he just being unnecessarily violent, as his history has shown him to be many times?

The suit is claiming assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and deliberate infliction of harm. It also states that the scene being shot did not require a gun to be fired.
Was he just being unnecessarily violent, as his history has shown him to be many times?

The suit is claiming assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and deliberate infliction of harm. It also states that the scene being shot did not require a gun to be fired.
Was he just being unnecessarily violent, as his history has shown him to be many times?

The suit is claiming assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and deliberate infliction of harm. It also states that the scene being shot did not require a gun to be fired.
I'm actually wondering why the prosecutor pointed a gun (without proving it had been cleared) at the jurors in the Rittenhouse trial, with his finger on the trigger....

Witness intimidation by the prosecutor (AUTOMATIC MISTRIAL AND PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT)!!!
Was he just being unnecessarily violent, as his history has shown him to be many times?

The suit is claiming assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and deliberate infliction of harm. It also states that the scene being shot did not require a gun to be fired.

If elitist Alex Baldwin would have taken just the basic NRA safety class that unfortunate woman would be alive today. Instead he towed the woke leftist line his Hollywood peers do. All based on politics and zero facts.
I'm actually wondering why the prosecutor pointed a gun (without proving it had been cleared) at the jurors in the Rittenhouse trial, with his finger on the trigger....

Witness intimidation by the prosecutor (AUTOMATIC MISTRIAL AND PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT)!!!

Because he’s an uninformed leftist, just like Baldwin.
I'm actually wondering why the prosecutor pointed a gun (without proving it had been cleared) at the jurors in the Rittenhouse trial, with his finger on the trigger....

Witness intimidation by the prosecutor (AUTOMATIC MISTRIAL AND PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT)!!!
First time the twerp ever picked one up
Was he just being unnecessarily violent, as his history has shown him to be many times?

The suit is claiming assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and deliberate infliction of harm. It also states that the scene being shot did not require a gun to be fired.
WOW More character assassination by the local Trumpanzee.

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