Boehner: booze, gold, women, cigarettes and vacations

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Disgraced Ex-Congressman Attacks John Boehner in New Book -

Ney’s most dramatic accusations are against his fellow Ohioan John Boehner, the man he once saw as his biggest rival to someday being speaker. He describes Boehner as “a bit lazy” and “a man who was all about winning and money. He was a chain-smoking, relentless wine drinker who was more interested in the high life--golf, women, cigarettes, fun, and alcohol.” He said Boehner “spent almost all of his time on fundraising, not policy.” He “golfed, drank constantly, and took the easy way legislatively.” Ney recalled Boehner handing out checks on the House floor and said his ties with a tobacco company were so tight that lawmakers could get free cigarettes from Boehner’s office. His golfing, Ney said, was “nonstop” and “paid for by lobbyists.”

Nothing about Boehner we didn't already know but there are other things (at the link) that might be news to some.

rw's - save yourselves some time: Just post one head-in-the-sand denial and then all the rest of you can just post "ditto".
Funny typo in the subject -

I meant to write "golf" but wrote "gold" by mistake.

Siggy would love that because its so damn accurate.

But, virus is right - rw's are just not smart enough to realize how bad they've been screwed over by their party.
Funny typo in the subject -

I meant to write "golf" but wrote "gold" by mistake.

Siggy would love that because its so damn accurate.

But, virus is right - rw's are just not smart enough to realize how bad they've been screwed over by their party.

They saw enough to elect people to the party to change the way Washington does business.
I don't see anyone doing the same thing with the Dem party. :eusa_whistle:
14% approval rating
Poll: Congress Has 14 Percent Approval Rating
I saw him on Meet the Press Sunday.
His eyes were bloodshot.
He was probably knocking back a few the night before.
Probably got up late,threw down a few aspirin with some black coffee.
Had a few cigarettes then went on TV.

A real man's man.

A throwback to when men were free to be men.
Funny typo in the subject -

I meant to write "golf" but wrote "gold" by mistake.

Siggy would love that because its so damn accurate.

But, virus is right - rw's are just not smart enough to realize how bad they've been screwed over by their party.

They saw enough to elect people to the party to change the way Washington does business.
I don't see anyone doing the same thing with the Dem party. :eusa_whistle:
14% approval rating
Poll: Congress Has 14 Percent Approval Rating

Electing a bunch of teepotters who are owned by the Koch brother is nothing to be proud of. And, one by one, the voters are throwing the crooks out.
the Rightists here can't attack your source either ;)

They all know its true and they can't defend it.

Boehner has no control, no leadership, no nothing. The potters have run all over him and when they don't bother tromping on him, there's always McCain and Graham who all but spit in Boehner's face.

Boehner is a terrible disgrace to the congress and the US.
so Obama

does not go on vaction
doen't smoke
doesn't drink
doesn't " golf"

WTF are you some kind of hypocrite?

  • why yes, yes you are
Electing a bunch of teepotters who are owned by the Koch brother is nothing to be proud of. And, one by one, the voters are throwing the crooks out.

If that was true, Mitt Romney would be President.

Actually, you may well be correct.

What Koch's (Adelson, Bush's Brain) didn't count on was Mittens' running off at the mouth. If they had been able to shut him up, they might have pulled it off.

Thankfully, for the United States, idiot Etch A Sketch thought he had something to add - you know, like 47% of us are victims, on the take. LOL
Funny typo in the subject -

I meant to write "golf" but wrote "gold" by mistake.

Siggy would love that because its so damn accurate.

But, virus is right - rw's are just not smart enough to realize how bad they've been screwed over by their party.

They saw enough to elect people to the party to change the way Washington does business.
I don't see anyone doing the same thing with the Dem party. :eusa_whistle:
14% approval rating
Poll: Congress Has 14 Percent Approval Rating

Electing a bunch of teepotters who are owned by the Koch brother is nothing to be proud of. And, one by one, the voters are throwing the crooks out.

Tea party is not owned by the Koch brothers.
Same can be said that the Unions own the Dem party.

The point is I see no voters in the Democratic party wanting to change the way business is done in Washington, even though just as many Dem voters disapprove of the way D.C. does business.
It seems to me that Repubs are more informed than Dems about their party.
Boehner is panicked that they will raise the price of drinks at the Congressional CC

"On my pay, I can't afford $2 for Chivas for crissakes"

so Obama

does not go on vaction
doen't smoke
doesn't drink
doesn't " golf"

WTF are you some kind of hypocrite?

  • why yes, yes you are

Now, now, don't get your panties in such a wad.

Boehner plays golf 4 days out of every seven (Look it up. Its true.)
Boehner is a drunk and this isn't the first time we've heard this. The president does indeed toss back a beer or a glass of wine with dinner. BIG difference.
Obama quit smoking while Boehner has bragged about being a chain smoker. (Look it up. Its true.)
Any and all president, Dem or pub, are on duty, 24/7.
Boehner "works" three days a week and only until 2 in the afternoon. The short days are thanks to lazy bum, John McCain. (Look it up. Its true.)

Face it. Our president is a spiffy clean family man.

Neener neener and all that.
I've never been a big fan of his anyway, I told my congressman not to vote for his as speaker both times. But I would bet there are dems that have bad habits also.
They saw enough to elect people to the party to change the way Washington does business.
I don't see anyone doing the same thing with the Dem party. :eusa_whistle:
14% approval rating
Poll: Congress Has 14 Percent Approval Rating

Electing a bunch of teepotters who are owned by the Koch brother is nothing to be proud of. And, one by one, the voters are throwing the crooks out.

Tea party is not owned by the Koch brothers.
Same can be said that the Unions own the Dem party.

The point is I see no voters in the Democratic party wanting to change the way business is done in Washington, even though just as many Dem voters disapprove of the way D.C. does business.
It seems to me that Repubs are more informed than Dems about their party.

teepotters are indeed owned by Kochs.

and, Unions couldn't afford to buy new underwear for the Kochs. There's no comparison.

What rw's are informed about is what fux, limbaugh, beck want you to be informed aobut.

Good gawd, get your head outta yer butt. Even limbaugh said he gets paid to say certain things that have nothing at all to do with facts.
I saw him on Meet the Press Sunday.
His eyes were bloodshot.
He was probably knocking back a few the night before.
Probably got up late,threw down a few aspirin with some black coffee.
Had a few cigarettes then went on TV.

A real man's man.

A throwback to when men were free to be men.

he's goin to need all that taxpayer-funded (aka-you) socialized medicine he can get later in life livin that lifestyle :thup: Prolly does the tanning beds too ;)
I've never been a big fan of his anyway, I told my congressman not to vote for his as speaker both times. But I would bet there are dems that have bad habits also.

"bad habits"???


You call Boehner's graft and corruption "bad habits"??????

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