Bob's Last Rodeo


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Mueller has some real issues with his past. He lead a patrol into an ambush in Vietnam and then got decorated for dragging one of his Marines to safety. He was never much of an FBI agent because he's not all that bright. Somewhere along the line he took credit for somebody else's work or did a solid for some politician and got the Director job. It's not hard to keep that job because the pols figured replacing him would end with him blackmailing them. FBI is notorious for collecting dirt on friends and foes alike for insurance purposes.....there's those words from Strzok..."Insurance policy". Even now, the FBI is protecting him and Comey to save their brand. He didn't see 9/11 coming although the hijackers were drawing attention to themselves. Tenet at CIA got blamed for that but it was Mueller's AOR. He brought Comey in as his punk to cover his bony ass when he screwed up, which was often. He thought of himself as successful enough to join a Trump golf club, then couldn't afford the greens fees, had a brawl with Trump and got kicked out. Long story short, the guy is an over the hill jackass who's looking at one last chance to redeem himself. He may just be the one who ends up behind bars for what he's already pulled on Trump associates and the President himself. Trump turned him down for the Director's job after he fired Comey....what do you suppose will be the answer when he begs Trump for a pardon for himself? :eusa_angel:
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This guy is a buffoon who was already charged with prosecutorial misconduct on several other cases.

If Judge Sullivan throws out Mueller's plea deal tomorrow and frees him, Trump should fire both Mueller and Rosenstein ten minutes later. Have their offices sealed, and both escorted out of their buildings. Issue an immediate pardon to Flynn and Manafort released for time served (in solitary where he's been kept). Then address the nation as to what's happening and dare the Rats to impeach him which they will either do or don't do. No matter what certain GOP Senators say, they'll never vote to convict and this all ends tomorrow.
While it's well known the political fascade won't amount to a hill of beans ,because we exist within a corrupt system ,does it really have to devolve to character assassination as well?

This guy is a buffoon who was already charged with prosecutorial misconduct on several other cases.

If Judge Sullivan throws out Mueller's plea deal tomorrow and frees him, Trump should fire both Mueller and Rosenstein ten minutes later. Have their offices sealed, and both escorted out of their buildings. Issue an immediate pardon to Flynn and Manafort released for time served (in solitary where he's been kept). Then address the nation as to what's happening and dare the Rats to impeach him which they will either do or don't do. No matter what certain GOP Senators say, they'll never vote to convict and this all ends tomorrow.

I personally think all of Mueller's victims need to band together in a class action lawsuit against him for defamation of character, subjorning perjury, and harassment, slander and libel.
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While it's well known the political fascade won't amount to a hill of beans ,because we exist within a corrupt system ,does it really have to devolve to character assassination as well?


If you're referring to Mueller, he's a target-rich environment. For over a year and a half he's pretended he's a superior power to both the President and the Congress. He's enriching himself on the taxpayer's dime while ignoring his charter instead of admitting there is nothing to this collusion/obstruction nonsense. The son of a bitch needs an old fashioned ass-kicking and his corrupt FBI needs to be torn asunder and cleaned out, root and branch.
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I personally think all of Mueller's victims need to band together in a class action lawsuit against him for defamation of character, subjorning perjury, and harassment, slander and libel.

There has been an attempted coup on the President of the United States. Anybody who disagrees hasn't seen what's really going on here. And it's not just the leftist trash in our's the GOPer bastards who support Trump to his face but will never help him close our southern border or end China's theft of our wealth. This whole group of scoundrels needs to be exposed and removed from any office they can try it again....ever.
"WillPower, post: 21405980, member: 71576"]
While it's well known the political fascade won't amount to a hill of beans ,because we exist within a corrupt system ,does it really have to devolve to character assassination as well?


If you're referring to Mueller, he's a target-rich environment.


For over a year and a half he's pretended he's a superior power to both the President and the Congress.

More he's addressing a potus and congress above the law

He's enriching himself on the taxpayer's dime while ignoring his charter instead of admitting there is nothing to this collusion/obstruction nonsense.

he was hired to sort that nonsense out

The son of a bitch needs an old fashioned ass-kicking and his corrupt FBI needs to be torn asunder and cleaned out, root and branch

when are you going to realize the entire system is corrupt, one CAN"T last as a part of it w/o subscribing to it's darker side.

you want to know what i think?

I think the biggest targets in DC just might be those sorts that don't sign onto the bullsh*t all the incumbents are up to their eyeballs in

mueller aint going anywhere


"WillPower, post: 21405980, member: 71576"]
While it's well known the political fascade won't amount to a hill of beans ,because we exist within a corrupt system ,does it really have to devolve to character assassination as well?


If you're referring to Mueller, he's a target-rich environment.


For over a year and a half he's pretended he's a superior power to both the President and the Congress.

More he's addressing a potus and congress above the law

He's enriching himself on the taxpayer's dime while ignoring his charter instead of admitting there is nothing to this collusion/obstruction nonsense.

he was hired to sort that nonsense out

The son of a bitch needs an old fashioned ass-kicking and his corrupt FBI needs to be torn asunder and cleaned out, root and branch

when are you going to realize the entire system is corrupt, one CAN"T last as a part of it w/o subscribing to it's darker side.

you want to know what i think?

I think the biggest targets in DC just might be those sorts that don't sign onto the bullsh*t all the incumbents are up to their eyeballs in


You build a wall one brick at a time Sparky....and you tear one down the same way. Take the money out of politics and you get rid of the corruption. You start by making the networks and their affiliates and various web sites provide FREE air and print space to viable candidates. That means reelection fund-raising is no longer the main activity of elected assemblies. Any legislator who doesn't recuse himself from a vote that could enrich him, is automatically removed from the body and prosecuted. Can you stop all which route a highway takes and all that involves, or whether a certain part of town gets gerrymandered into a district to insure a victory? Probably not, but you can sure put a dent in the big stuff and that's no longer an option, that's now a necessity.
"WillPower, post: 21405980, member: 71576"]
While it's well known the political fascade won't amount to a hill of beans ,because we exist within a corrupt system ,does it really have to devolve to character assassination as well?


If you're referring to Mueller, he's a target-rich environment.


For over a year and a half he's pretended he's a superior power to both the President and the Congress.

More he's addressing a potus and congress above the law

He's enriching himself on the taxpayer's dime while ignoring his charter instead of admitting there is nothing to this collusion/obstruction nonsense.

he was hired to sort that nonsense out

The son of a bitch needs an old fashioned ass-kicking and his corrupt FBI needs to be torn asunder and cleaned out, root and branch

when are you going to realize the entire system is corrupt, one CAN"T last as a part of it w/o subscribing to it's darker side.

you want to know what i think?

I think the biggest targets in DC just might be those sorts that don't sign onto the bullsh*t all the incumbents are up to their eyeballs in


You build a wall one brick at a time Sparky....and you tear one down the same way. Take the money out of politics and you get rid of the corruption. You start by making the networks and their affiliates and various web sites provide FREE air and print space to viable candidates. That means reelection fund-raising is no longer the main activity of elected assemblies. Any legislator who doesn't recuse himself from a vote that could enrich him, is automatically removed from the body. Can you stop all which route a highway takes and all that involves, or whether a certain part of town gets gerrymandered into a district to insure a victory? Probably not, but you can sure put a dent in the big stuff and that's no longer an option, that's now a necessity.[/QUOTE]

got 6 minutes?

Mueller has some real issues with his past. He lead a patrol into an ambush in Vietnam and then got decorated for dragging one of his Marines to safety. He was never much of an FBI agent because he's not all that bright. Somewhere along the line he took credit for somebody else's work or did a solid for some politician and got the Director job. It's not hard to keep that job because the pols figured replacing him would end with him blackmailing them. FBI is notorious for collecting dirt on friends and foes alike for insurance purposes.....there's those words from Strzok..."Insurance policy". Even now, the FBI is protecting him and Comey to save their brand. He didn't see 9/11 coming although the hijackers were drawing attention to themselves. Tenet at CIA got blamed for that but it was Mueller's AOR. He brought Comey in as his punk to cover his bony ass when he screwed up, which was often. He thought of himself as successful enough to join a Trump golf club, then couldn't afford the greens fees, had a brawl with Trump and got kicked out. Long story short, the guy is an over the hill jackass who's looking at one last chance to redeem himself. He may just be the one who ends up behind bars for what he's already pulled on Trump associates and the President himself. Trump turned him down for the Director's job after he fired Comey....what do you suppose will be the answer when he begs Trump for a pardon for himself? :eusa_angel:

^^^^^^ This just goes to show that knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Russian bots and trolls really do exist on this board.

How much do you get paid per post? Is there an extra nickle for every response you get?

Find this job on Craigslist?

You're not fit to clean Mueller's toilet or shine his shoes.
^^^^^^ This just goes to show that knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Russian bots and trolls really do exist on this board.

How much do you get paid per post? Is there an extra nickle for every response you get?

Find this job on Craigslist?

You're not fit to clean Mueller's toilet or shine his shoes.

The twerps and gNat are a couple of girlie-boys thrilled by the prospect of loser like Mueller taking on a macho President....Your problem is you're both dumb as rocks and are doomed to say stupid things and get laughed at....same as it ever was, same as it ever was.
got 6 minutes?


And? Who's ever doubted that the richest folks are the swinging dicks? Our system, believe it or not and although it was designed by the Founders who were rich elitists, has multiple ways to counter the rich and their influence. At one time, not long ago, Standard Oil, AT&T, US Steel, and General Motors controlled our country....none of them have any power today. Rich men are no more necessarily evil men than anybody else. Bill Gates was a monster building his empire, same as Warren Buffett, Trump, and all the rest. Now, because of guilt, lack of any more wealth to grab, or for whatever reason, they've turned altruistic. Trump donates his presidential salary to charity. Name a democrat who ever did that. He is in fact richer than all past Presidents combined, with General Washington coming in a close second. Both men left their palaces and came to work for us so it's possible but men like these only come along one or twice a century. We have to get behind them and help out while we can.
We have to get behind them and help out while we can.

This is what happens when we do>>>>


Okay win...go get drunk and dwell on how life has passed you by. Me? I'm excited by how our country is on the rebound and small towns and cities are getting some jobs back. The world is in AWE of us again....we just dropped a dune buggy on freaking MARS! We're almost energy-independent and our Brothers in Arms are getting pay raises and new equipment. Trump is fixing things so fast it's mind-boggling all while he's being dogged and made fun of by people who ain't a pimple on his ass.
These are the good old days....get up and dance a jig! :dance:
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