board challenge: are you willing to do it?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
old saying: when you are up to your ass in gators it aint time to talk about draining the swamp....

we all talk about how we are divided by the partisan bickering.....i do a thread on partisan bickering i get all kinds of comments on how right i am...then everyone goes right back to bickering....

so here is my purposal: how long can each of you go without the hot button terms....neo con...loon liberal...demorats...(you know who you are) libtard...freeper..birther...could you as a single poster....step up to the plate and be that poster who trys to make a difference without partisan name calling?

just a thought....a challenging thought
sure echo...we dont wanna go too pc...but wouldnt that aid conversation instead of hampering it...i truly believe we all have basic things in common...we want a safe secure place to raise our work...but we all seem to disagree on how to get here...lets work on common ground first and foremost...i know its hard but i truly believe that if we talk long enough we will find things in common...why focus so much on the differences? that does not mean to negate our differences but to learn that we are all very simple scared humans in need of a great deal of validation from others and peer reinforcement. nothing in the span of time ...alas we will never accept that....if we did we would realize that living in harmony beats the hell out of what we are living in now....and i dont think it would take much to find the common ground....we only have to drown out the drums of the extremes on both sides....the drums of distraction
old saying: when you are up to your ass in gators it aint time to talk about draining the swamp....

we all talk about how we are divided by the partisan bickering.....i do a thread on partisan bickering i get all kinds of comments on how right i am...then everyone goes right back to bickering....

so here is my purposal: how long can each of you go without the hot button terms....neo con...loon liberal...demorats...(you know who you are) libtard...freeper..birther...could you as a single poster....step up to the plate and be that poster who trys to make a difference without partisan name calling?

just a thought....a challenging thought

I've been trying to do that all week bones...but i will put an extra effort forth to keep even more to civility.

I accept your challenge.

EDIT: Look at the "bil to force obama birth cert" thread for an example of me disagreeing with a poster without being a D.B. about it.
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sure echo...we dont wanna go too pc...but wouldnt that aid conversation instead of hampering it...i truly believe we all have basic things in common...we want a safe secure place to raise our work...but we all seem to disagree on how to get here...lets work on common ground first and foremost...i know its hard but i truly believe that if we talk long enough we will find things in common...why focus so much on the differences? that does not mean to negate our differences but to learn that we are all very simple scared humans in need of a great deal of validation from others and peer reinforcement. nothing in the span of time ...alas we will never accept that....if we did we would realize that living in harmony beats the hell out of what we are living in now....and i dont think it would take much to find the common ground....we only have to drown out the drums of the extremes on both sides....the drums of distraction

Yes, and a sense of humor sure helps too bones!

My family and some of my friends are hard core conservatives. So what? I still love them and hang with them! My friends on here are libs, hard core libs, conservatives and middle of the road whatnots. Who cares? It cracks me up the ones that feel the need to say, "F*ing brainless libs" or "Stupid a$$ clueless cons" all the time. They love to label an entire group, instead of what the person is. That's why most of these political threads are so meaningless, because they turn into nothing else but mindless name calling.
old saying: when you are up to your ass in gators it aint time to talk about draining the swamp....

we all talk about how we are divided by the partisan bickering.....i do a thread on partisan bickering i get all kinds of comments on how right i am...then everyone goes right back to bickering....

so here is my purposal: how long can each of you go without the hot button terms....neo con...loon liberal...demorats...(you know who you are) libtard...freeper..birther...could you as a single poster....step up to the plate and be that poster who trys to make a difference without partisan name calling?

just a thought....a challenging thought

Fuck you. you neocon libtard fascist hippie!

old saying: when you are up to your ass in gators it aint time to talk about draining the swamp....

we all talk about how we are divided by the partisan bickering.....i do a thread on partisan bickering i get all kinds of comments on how right i am...then everyone goes right back to bickering....

so here is my proposal: how long can each of you go without the hot button terms....neo con...loon liberal...demorats...(you know who you are) libtard...freeper..birther...could you as a single poster....step up to the plate and be that poster who tries to make a difference without partisan name calling?

just a thought....a challenging thought
Adolescence prevails where anonymity enables.
sure echo...we dont wanna go too pc...but wouldnt that aid conversation instead of hampering it...i truly believe we all have basic things in common...we want a safe secure place to raise our work...but we all seem to disagree on how to get here...lets work on common ground first and foremost...i know its hard but i truly believe that if we talk long enough we will find things in common...why focus so much on the differences? that does not mean to negate our differences but to learn that we are all very simple scared humans in need of a great deal of validation from others and peer reinforcement. nothing in the span of time ...alas we will never accept that....if we did we would realize that living in harmony beats the hell out of what we are living in now....and i dont think it would take much to find the common ground....we only have to drown out the drums of the extremes on both sides....the drums of distraction

Yes, and a sense of humor sure helps too bones!

My family and some of my friends are hard core conservatives. So what? I still love them and hang with them! My friends on here are libs, hard core libs, conservatives and middle of the road whatnots. Who cares? It cracks me up the ones that feel the need to say, "F*ing brainless libs" or "Stupid a$$ clueless cons" all the time. They love to label an entire group, instead of what the person is. That's why most of these political threads are so meaningless, because they turn into nothing else but mindless name calling.

Yep, I'm cool with several more liberal posters here, then again for the most part neither they nor I are 'attack posters.' Oh there are some liberals I will name call, but I suppose that is retaliatory. I don't like when I go there, though 'Silly Willy' does often seem appropriate.

In real life close to half of my friends are liberal, some much so. A few family members too. I rarely bring up politics, though when they do so, I like working the ideas, not attacking someone I love. While I'm not lovey dovey on the board, I try to keep the same keel.
Great idea. One question:how will I know I'm still making sense if I can't count the number of times I'm called a "libtard" and a "contard" in the same thread?
I'm not changing my ways for anyone! I intend to carry on being downright rude, arrogant and insulting wherever I post.
I'm an asshole, but I try to never use the words "liberal", "conservative", "Democrat" or "Republican" as an insult.

I do use them, however its a factual thing rather than an insult thing.
I have foresworn the use of unduly colorful language already. No more may I refer to the stupid argument of an ignorant oppoent as the handiwork of a douchebag. Except in the use of the quote function, I no longer use the f word or similar cuss language.

I even committed to cutting back a bit on the resort to the use of ad hominem. (Some logical fallacies are just funnier than others.)

I have been pretty good at honoring my word on the whole cuss word thing. :eusa_angel:

I have a much spottier record relative to my commitment to not using ad hominems. :shock:

Now I cannot even make reference to mental libtardation?

This is gonna SUCK!

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