Blue Pill vs Red Pill


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA
There appears to be a similar and related thread, I'll link to such shortly for continuity...

Meanwhile, excerpt text of a recent email I've sent to local candidates and party members on the theme/meme starting to shape political races within the past couple~few decades. ...
We got off on the topic of "woke" versus "base" and also "Redpill", where "Red Pill" is a meme of late making the internet/cyber rounds as a reference to Conservative and/or "alt-right" dialogue/thinking/conversations. Basically this is referring back to the 1999 science fiction movie "The Matrix"

The Matrix - Wikipedia

where the hero character Neo(new), a computer 'hacker' of sorts, has wandered down a "rabbit hole" of the internet and encounters a person of interest and is offered the choice by that protagonist; Morpheus,

Morpheus - Wikipedia

to take one of two pills to swallow. One, the "Blue Pill" will return and sustain the current existence of "Blissful Ignorance" and the other is the "Red Pill" which will open his eyes and awareness to: " Knowledge, Reality, "free your mind".

So this all brings us to a theme/meme/concept for messaging/branding in this years' elections, to gist of; "Blue Pill vs Red Pill ?". Stick with the decades old disinformation, distortions, and delusions of the Left~Blue Pill, or go for the Hard Truths and Reality of a Real, Workable, and Prosperous Future assuring your Life and Liberties via the Red Pill ~ Conservative and Republican Party-Candidates-Agenda.

Blue Pill vs Red Pill ?

That could be a theme/meme/motif/message of our campaigns for this election cycle.

As a yard sign;

Top line = Blue donkey and words "Blue Pill ?" (in blue color)

Next line = "Vs" or "Or" (in black)

Third line = Red Elephant and words "Red Pill ?" (in red color)

As bumper sticker, left to right; "Donkey and "Blue Pill ?"(in blue) Vs(black) "Elephant and "Red Pill ?"(in red)

T-shirt, similar to the sign design/format above.
Also, a reference of sort, though it is a bit of a Left leaning slant on the subject of "red pill" but worth looking at, in the vein of Sun Tzu's advice to know your opponent/enemy;

The Matrix's Red Pill or Blue Pill—Which Is Better?​

Is it better to free your mind? Or live in blissful ignorance? Two WIRED writers argue it out.
The Biggest 'Matrix' Question of All: Red Pill or Blue Pill?
For context and expansion/depth, the other related thread;

Do you believe in the Red Pill, or The Blue Pill?​

[From about Oct. 2020]
It is not an all or nothing game. At their extremes, neither position is worth two hoots in hell, as neither one represents truth and radicalism usually comes to radical ends in negative impact on society and the world, no matter which side of the political fence it starts from.
It is not an all or nothing game. At their extremes, neither position is worth two hoots in hell, as neither one represents truth and radicalism usually comes to radical ends in negative impact on society and the world, no matter which side of the political fence it starts from.
Definitely a blue piller.
Just a realist. Pretty much a centrist, pragmatist. My crap always works. The "us" versus "them" mentality in politics is a stupid waste of resource, ideas, and money. The same idea can be the perfect solution of the moment or a complete abomination, depending on which side suggests it at the moment. Now that is some truth to wrap your head around.
I saw that TV commercial many times. I'm not paying hard earned cash for sugar pills hoping for a placebo effect.
Hmmm.. red pill or blue pill?
All depends on the answer to ONE SIMPLE QUESTION.

I like the pinkish white called Tafil. The latest are almost white called Anslolit.
The blue diamond shape lets me paint yellow and work as a speed bump at Walmart
Come has always been the color of the communist left.

If that was true, then why is the GOP logo a RED elephant, and the Dems are BLUE donkeys?

I'm thinking it's the GOP that are the communists.
A few decades ago the colors were reversed. Most likely Dems would be more associated with Communists with the proper color and the elites made the change.
There appears to be a similar and related thread, I'll link to such shortly for continuity...

Meanwhile, excerpt text of a recent email I've sent to local candidates and party members on the theme/meme starting to shape political races within the past couple~few decades. ...
We got off on the topic of "woke" versus "base" and also "Redpill", where "Red Pill" is a meme of late making the internet/cyber rounds as a reference to Conservative and/or "alt-right" dialogue/thinking/conversations. Basically this is referring back to the 1999 science fiction movie "The Matrix"

The Matrix - Wikipedia

where the hero character Neo(new), a computer 'hacker' of sorts, has wandered down a "rabbit hole" of the internet and encounters a person of interest and is offered the choice by that protagonist; Morpheus,

Morpheus - Wikipedia

to take one of two pills to swallow. One, the "Blue Pill" will return and sustain the current existence of "Blissful Ignorance" and the other is the "Red Pill" which will open his eyes and awareness to: " Knowledge, Reality, "free your mind".

So this all brings us to a theme/meme/concept for messaging/branding in this years' elections, to gist of; "Blue Pill vs Red Pill ?". Stick with the decades old disinformation, distortions, and delusions of the Left~Blue Pill, or go for the Hard Truths and Reality of a Real, Workable, and Prosperous Future assuring your Life and Liberties via the Red Pill ~ Conservative and Republican Party-Candidates-Agenda.

Blue Pill vs Red Pill ?

That could be a theme/meme/motif/message of our campaigns for this election cycle.

As a yard sign;

Top line = Blue donkey and words "Blue Pill ?" (in blue color)

Next line = "Vs" or "Or" (in black)

Third line = Red Elephant and words "Red Pill ?" (in red color)

As bumper sticker, left to right; "Donkey and "Blue Pill ?"(in blue) Vs(black) "Elephant and "Red Pill ?"(in red)

T-shirt, similar to the sign design/format above.
Also, a reference of sort, though it is a bit of a Left leaning slant on the subject of "red pill" but worth looking at, in the vein of Sun Tzu's advice to know your opponent/enemy;

The Matrix's Red Pill or Blue Pill—Which Is Better?​

Is it better to free your mind? Or live in blissful ignorance? Two WIRED writers argue it out.
The Biggest 'Matrix' Question of All: Red Pill or Blue Pill?
This was a good read, thank you.

I raised my kid as a Free Thinker;

When he was in Junior High, I revealed to him the truth about the history and taxonomies that were involved in his education, and the reasons the system does what it was designed to do;

He viewed all three movies at the beginning of High School, so he is very familiar with these concepts. After being in the work force and at college for several years, he confided to me once at a dinner at his grandmother's, pretty much this same sentiment that was expressed in your OP's linked article;

". . It's exhausting to know just enough to be afraid and annoyed and outraged, but not really be able to meaningfully change things—at least not quickly. I mean, hell, even Neo is exhausted by his battling for truth. Once he wakes up, everything only gets worse—and worse, and worse, and worse for three whole long movies. Neo himself barely survives the torture of enlightenment and the responsibility it demands. Good for him for keeping at it! But don't you think as he wanders the wasteland of reality, he ever just wishes he were back in his apartment, his body healthy, his room a mess, worrying about nothing more important than his dumb job?"

He told me he just wants a "normal," life and to not know the insanity behind what is really going on. . . I can't say I blame him.

So, I told him, you have to live the best life you know how, w/o creating more problems if you can, and live with integrity I suppose. Other than that. . . . the world is going to do what the world is going to do.

Completely oversimplified version of a complex political system but OK for kids who grew up in front of a video game screen I guess.
There appears to be a similar and related thread, I'll link to such shortly for continuity...

Meanwhile, excerpt text of a recent email I've sent to local candidates and party members on the theme/meme starting to shape political races within the past couple~few decades. ...
We got off on the topic of "woke" versus "base" and also "Redpill", where "Red Pill" is a meme of late making the internet/cyber rounds as a reference to Conservative and/or "alt-right" dialogue/thinking/conversations. Basically this is referring back to the 1999 science fiction movie "The Matrix"

The Matrix - Wikipedia

where the hero character Neo(new), a computer 'hacker' of sorts, has wandered down a "rabbit hole" of the internet and encounters a person of interest and is offered the choice by that protagonist; Morpheus,

Morpheus - Wikipedia

to take one of two pills to swallow. One, the "Blue Pill" will return and sustain the current existence of "Blissful Ignorance" and the other is the "Red Pill" which will open his eyes and awareness to: " Knowledge, Reality, "free your mind".

So this all brings us to a theme/meme/concept for messaging/branding in this years' elections, to gist of; "Blue Pill vs Red Pill ?". Stick with the decades old disinformation, distortions, and delusions of the Left~Blue Pill, or go for the Hard Truths and Reality of a Real, Workable, and Prosperous Future assuring your Life and Liberties via the Red Pill ~ Conservative and Republican Party-Candidates-Agenda.

Blue Pill vs Red Pill ?

That could be a theme/meme/motif/message of our campaigns for this election cycle.

As a yard sign;

Top line = Blue donkey and words "Blue Pill ?" (in blue color)

Next line = "Vs" or "Or" (in black)

Third line = Red Elephant and words "Red Pill ?" (in red color)

As bumper sticker, left to right; "Donkey and "Blue Pill ?"(in blue) Vs(black) "Elephant and "Red Pill ?"(in red)

T-shirt, similar to the sign design/format above.
Also, a reference of sort, though it is a bit of a Left leaning slant on the subject of "red pill" but worth looking at, in the vein of Sun Tzu's advice to know your opponent/enemy;

The Matrix's Red Pill or Blue Pill—Which Is Better?​

Is it better to free your mind? Or live in blissful ignorance? Two WIRED writers argue it out.
The Biggest 'Matrix' Question of All: Red Pill or Blue Pill?
Hilarious every time some idiot reposts it.
Come has always been the color of the communist left.

If that was true, then why is the GOP logo a RED elephant, and the Dems are BLUE donkeys?

I'm thinking it's the GOP that are the communists.
A few decades ago the colors were reversed. Most likely Dems would be more associated with Communists with the proper color and the elites made the change.

Got a link to back up your claim? Because since I started voting in 1982, Dems have always been blue, and the GOP has always been red.
Come has always been the color of the communist left.

If that was true, then why is the GOP logo a RED elephant, and the Dems are BLUE donkeys?

I'm thinking it's the GOP that are the communists.
Because of the 2000 election.

Before that, blue had signified the incumbent party and red the challenger.

Here's a shot from the reportage of the 1980 election...


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