Blue funk: US ‘satisfaction’ takes deepest dive ever recorded


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Biden instills confidence in no one. He speaks in short sentences, says nothing when he does speak expect negative stuff.

The Democrat-controlled CONgress is a train wreck that also speaks with great negativity and offers socialist solutions that are empty promises. It is controlled by leftist extremists who always paint a bleak picture of America now and then. Hate and contempt for America drip from so many of the DemonRats mouths in Congress.

Trump was always upbeat and positive about America.

The liberal media told us that the election of President Biden was going to yank America out of its dark days plagued by the coronavirus, economic depression, and former President Donald Trump’s tweets, but a new survey shows that U.S. “satisfaction” has hit rock bottom.
In the latest Gallup survey, satisfaction is the lowest the firm has recorded, down to 39%. And the survey started in 2001 showed its steepest one-year plunge, down from 53% a year ago, before the virus swept through the world and when the Trump economy was sky-high.
“Americans' satisfaction with seven broad aspects of the way the country functions is collectively at its lowest in two decades of Gallup measurement. This includes satisfaction with the overall quality of life in the U.S., assessments of government, corporate and religious influence, and perceptions of the economic and moral climates,” said the analysis.

Biden is so child-like. This describes our current situation with Biden and the Democrats to a 'T'.

Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road. Isaiah 3:12 (NLT)

Yes, Trumpism was a total failure. Trump ruined the economy increased the trade deficit to it's highest in twelve years and is going to be tried for his crimes against the USA..
Biden instills confidence in no one. He speaks in short sentences, says nothing when he does speak expect negative stuff.

The Democrat-controlled CONgress is a train wreck that also speaks with great negativity and offers socialist solutions that are empty promises. It is controlled by leftist extremists who always paint a bleak picture of America now and then. Hate and contempt for America drip from so many of the DemonRats mouths in Congress.

Trump was always upbeat and positive about America.

The liberal media told us that the election of President Biden was going to yank America out of its dark days plagued by the coronavirus, economic depression, and former President Donald Trump’s tweets, but a new survey shows that U.S. “satisfaction” has hit rock bottom.
In the latest Gallup survey, satisfaction is the lowest the firm has recorded, down to 39%. And the survey started in 2001 showed its steepest one-year plunge, down from 53% a year ago, before the virus swept through the world and when the Trump economy was sky-high.
“Americans' satisfaction with seven broad aspects of the way the country functions is collectively at its lowest in two decades of Gallup measurement. This includes satisfaction with the overall quality of life in the U.S., assessments of government, corporate and religious influence, and perceptions of the economic and moral climates,” said the analysis.

Biden is so child-like. This describes our current situation with Biden and the Democrats to a 'T'.

Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road. Isaiah 3:12 (NLT)
Sounds like Isaiah would fit right in with QAnon..
Burning chariots and all...right? maybe sporting lasers?
Biden is so child-like. This describes our current situation with Biden and the Democrats to a 'T'.

Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road. Isaiah 3:12 (NLT)
Sounds like Isaiah would fit right in with QAnon..
You wouldn’t say that if it was the Quran because you’re a pussy.
Yes, Trumpism was a total failure. Trump ruined the economy ...

Not. Until your ChiComm pals set off the Wuhan virus we had a great economy with 3.5% unemployment a year ago, including record-low black and Latino unemployment.

We also had the best real-wage growth in 40 years.

Even with all the ill-advised Blue State Governor and Blue City Mayor lockdowns we still are at under 7% unemployment so strong is the Trump economy.
Yes, Trumpism was a total failure. Trump ruined the economy ...

Not. Until your ChiComm pals set off the Wuhan virus we had a great economy with 3.5% unemployment a year ago, including record-low black and Latino unemployment.

We also had the best real-wage growth in 40 years.

Even with all the ill-advised Blue State Governor and Blue City Mayor lockdowns we still are at under 7% unemployment so strong is the Trump economy.

Current unemployment figures are a Dimm ruse!
Yes, Trumpism was a total failure. Trump ruined the economy ...

Not. Until your ChiComm pals set off the Wuhan virus we had a great economy with 3.5% unemployment a year ago, including record-low black and Latino unemployment.

We also had the best real-wage growth in 40 years.

Even with all the ill-advised Blue State Governor and Blue City Mayor lockdowns we still are at under 7% unemployment so strong is the Trump economy.
Biden instills confidence in no one. He speaks in short sentences, says nothing when he does speak expect negative stuff.

The Democrat-controlled CONgress is a train wreck that also speaks with great negativity and offers socialist solutions that are empty promises. It is controlled by leftist extremists who always paint a bleak picture of America now and then. Hate and contempt for America drip from so many of the DemonRats mouths in Congress.

Trump was always upbeat and positive about America.

The liberal media told us that the election of President Biden was going to yank America out of its dark days plagued by the coronavirus, economic depression, and former President Donald Trump’s tweets, but a new survey shows that U.S. “satisfaction” has hit rock bottom.
In the latest Gallup survey, satisfaction is the lowest the firm has recorded, down to 39%. And the survey started in 2001 showed its steepest one-year plunge, down from 53% a year ago, before the virus swept through the world and when the Trump economy was sky-high.
“Americans' satisfaction with seven broad aspects of the way the country functions is collectively at its lowest in two decades of Gallup measurement. This includes satisfaction with the overall quality of life in the U.S., assessments of government, corporate and religious influence, and perceptions of the economic and moral climates,” said the analysis.

>> Results are based on telephone interviews conducted January 4-15, 2021 with a random sample of –1,023— adults, ages 18+, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. <<

Biden was sworn in five days after the poll ended. So what in the fuck does it have to do with Biden?

You'll also notice the Capitol Insurrection took place at the beginning of the polling period.

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