Bloomberg backs down! WooT!!!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
[ame=]#OCCUPYWALLSTREET WINS! Bloomberg backs down, protestors stay in park - YouTube[/ame]

Huge news! This morning at 6 o'clock, MoveOn members, union members, community organizers and thousands of others gathered in Zuccotti Park to stand in solidarity with the people who are occupying Wall Street and to defend them from eviction by Mayor Bloomberg.

They were supported by hundreds of thousands of people from around the country like you who signed petitions and flooded the city with calls.
Yeah of course, screw the taxpaying citizens who actually live there... they just need to deal with it.

Typical for Emperor Bloomberg.
Smart move on Bloomie's part.

Leave them alone and they'll go home carrying their tails behind them
Smart move on Bloomie's part.

Leave them alone and they'll go home carrying their tails behind them

10 day forcast still shows highs in the 60s and lows in the upper 40s so the weather will not be kicking them out anytime soon.

The real fun begins when lows start dipping into the 30's. Thats when we find out who has the good cold weather gear, and who goes home.
Lets see what happens when McDonalds,Starbucks,Dentist Offices,Joe's Pizza,Sol's Deli,Rachaels Massage Parlor, and "Gerbils R Us" Refuses to let the protesters use their "Very Clean Restrooms", then it's back to pooping and urinating on cars, trees and sidewalk landscaping,
Oh for God's sake...geez sure know how to see out of only one eye.
They were not going to be "kicked out"...they were going to be removed so the city could clean up the God awful mess these people are making.
During the night, instead of doing nothing, the people actually started to clean up the mess they are making.
Thus...the reason to evacuate them is no longer present. must get awful dizzy.
Well, at least now, first time New York tourists have found out what parts of New York smell like,then they can tell their friends who were planning a New York City vacation, they will cancel their plans , and go somewhere else that doesn't smell like a horses ass.
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET WINS! Bloomberg backs down, protestors stay in park - YouTube

Huge news! This morning at 6 o'clock, MoveOn members, union members, community organizers and thousands of others gathered in Zuccotti Park to stand in solidarity with the people who are occupying Wall Street and to defend them from eviction by Mayor Bloomberg.

They were supported by hundreds of thousands of people from around the country like you who signed petitions and flooded the city with calls.

So the Pee Party gets to keep living in it's own filth?


You consider it a win so these idiots could live in an area with no sanitation and a smell that's so bad that it's bringing rats?


wow, the standards of victory are very low for the left.
Lets see what happens when McDonalds,Starbucks,Dentist Offices,Joe's Pizza,Sol's Deli,Rachaels Massage Parlor, and "Gerbils R Us" Refuses to let the protesters use their "Very Clean Restrooms", then it's back to pooping and urinating on cars, trees and sidewalk landscaping,

I find it odd that nobody has put up the Tardis potties. It only makes sense.
They aren't just in the park. There are over 5,000 now. Marched down Broadway and the police are just following. 5,000 now sleeping on the city streets? Bloomberg has a big mess now.

What a terrorist could do right now. There is no hope for security of any kind, not even from a wacko which are certainly there.
Oh for God's sake...geez sure know how to see out of only one eye.
They were not going to be "kicked out"...they were going to be removed so the city could clean up the God awful mess these people are making.
During the night, instead of doing nothing, the people actually started to clean up the mess they are making.
Thus...the reason to evacuate them is no longer present. must get awful dizzy.

Exactly true. I live here and that is exactly what it was all about.
First of all, the park they are occupying is privately owned...not city property. The area needed to be cleaned up from a sanitary standpoint....and the owner of the property was concerned that he will be held liable if soimeone tripped over garbage as it is his respojnsibility to keep it clean.
However, with urging of the city...and likely a deal made that the city will incurr any liable lawsuits, the owner of the property decided to avoid an issue and agreed to not force a clean up.

But if Boop wants to spin it that the city wanted to evict be it.

It shows how uninformed she is.
Lets see what happens when McDonalds,Starbucks,Dentist Offices,Joe's Pizza,Sol's Deli,Rachaels Massage Parlor, and "Gerbils R Us" Refuses to let the protesters use their "Very Clean Restrooms", then it's back to pooping and urinating on cars, trees and sidewalk landscaping,

I find it odd that nobody has put up the Tardis potties. It only makes sense.

Porta potties are rented and the Tardis are not meant for constant use [i think] and also cost money to use.

As seen in the past, liberals will break items with money in them open once they are good and wound up.
Over 5,000 people that have no idea what the other 4,999 are doing or why they're even there. They prefer to sleep and eat in an area with human waste all around. They have no unity, they don't even care if they look like complete idiots with no plan. But Hell Yea!! they get to stay Whoooo Hoooo!! ROTFLMBO
Over 5,000 people that have no idea what the other 4,999 are doing or why they're even there. They prefer to sleep and eat in an area with human waste all around. They have no unity, they don't even care if they look like complete idiots with no plan. But Hell Yea!! they get to stay Whoooo Hoooo!! ROTFLMBO

Hey...I admire their perserverence.
I will never say anything negaitve about a citizen who speaks out....even when I disagree with them.

Sadly, the tea partiers didnt get the same courtesy from those that disagree with them.
Oh for God's sake...geez sure know how to see out of only one eye.
They were not going to be "kicked out"...they were going to be removed so the city could clean up the God awful mess these people are making.
During the night, instead of doing nothing, the people actually started to clean up the mess they are making.
Thus...the reason to evacuate them is no longer present. must get awful dizzy.

Exactly true. I live here and that is exactly what it was all about.
First of all, the park they are occupying is privately owned...not city property. The area needed to be cleaned up from a sanitary standpoint....and the owner of the property was concerned that he will be held liable if soimeone tripped over garbage as it is his respojnsibility to keep it clean.
However, with urging of the city...and likely a deal made that the city will incurr any liable lawsuits, the owner of the property decided to avoid an issue and agreed to not force a clean up.

But if Boop wants to spin it that the city wanted to evict be it.

It shows how uninformed she is.

It may be the way you spin it, or they could see what was happening during the night. Union members by the droves came in and they suddenly became wealthy and spent over 3 grand on cleaning supplies. The outnumber the police by a large margin.

At 6:00 they annopunced that the cleaning would be delayed and never even mentioned anything about following the parks rules which was said last night. Tarps and other goods still lay around.

No longer just in the park. They are marching on Broadway last I looked. Estimates over 5,000 in number. Bloomberg is in trouble now.

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