Zone1 Black race agitators don't want to talk about black on black shootings

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Black race agitators never talks about black on black shootings. Why do you think that is?

If you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by cops it would fill a small room, but if you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by other black people you'd need a football stadium to hold them all.

Seems to me black race agitators should be talking about a problem on this scale.
Well. Giving credit where it's due, it's refreshing to see that the black community does take responsible action against crime in their own communities. This cat, for instance, ain't having none of it...

Black race agitators never talks about black on black shootings. Why do you think that is?

If you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by cops it would fill a small room, but if you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by other black people you'd need a football stadium to hold them all.

Seems to me black race agitators should be talking about a problem on this scale.
And how does a black person killing another black person affect white people ? Natural Citizen ninja007 JGalt
Black race agitators never talks about black on black shootings. Why do you think that is?

If you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by cops it would fill a small room, but if you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by other black people you'd need a football stadium to hold them all.

Seems to me black race agitators should be talking about a problem on this scale.
And you could say the same thing for whites but none of you white race agitators here, which is the only type of race agitator, never talk about white on white killings even as we keep seeing mostly whites committing huge mass killings.

Seems to me that the real race agitators should be talking about a problem on this scale.
You guys are apparently IGNORANT of psychology.

“On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com
You guys are apparently IGNORANT of psychology.

“On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com
Yet these things didn’t exist when racism was much more apparent. Crime in the black community was very low in comparison to recent times, back in the bad old days of segregation and Jim Crow.
Yet these things didn’t exist when racism was much more apparent. Crime in the black community was very low in comparison to recent times, back in the bad old days of segregation and Jim Crow.
You don’t even have to go back to Jim Crow days - just go back 20 years (or less). We didn’t have this rampant black-on-black crime, massive lootings, and so forth.

And why? Because liberals weren’t giving tacit approval to blacks to commit crime by 1) blaming everything wrong they did on whitey, and 2) lowering or eliminating bail, and otherwise adopting soft on crime policies.

We need to hold blacks responsible for their own actions, and that includes the high illegitimacy rate. It leads directly to poverty and high rates. It’s not the fault of “white supremacy” nor is it because of slavery.
And how does a black person killing another black person affect white people ? Natural Citizen ninja007 JGalt

Because they kill white people too. This may come as a surprise to you, but some of us live in those violent black communities. We work there, we own businesses, factories, and properties. We also have to pay the majority of the tax burden to pay police, fire, EMS, utilities, and the endless gopher hole of "urban renewal." And black violence in those urban shitholes is indiscriminate. Do you think some idiot gang-banging thug is thinking about someone's color when he's unloading his Hi-Point pistol on a crowd of people?
Because they kill white people too.

Where is all this mass killing of whites by blacks going on ?

This may come as a surprise to you, but some of us live in those violent black communities.

What part of the USA do you live ?

We work there, we own businesses, factories, and properties.

What part of the USA do you live ?

We also have to pay the majority of the tax burden to pay police, fire, EMS, utilities, and the endless gopher hole of "urban renewal."

What part of the USA do you live ?

And black violence in those urban shitholes is indiscriminate.

What part of the USA do you live ?

Do you think some idiot gang-banging thug is thinking about someone's color when he's unloading his Hi-Point pistol on a crowd of people?

I just want to know what part of the USA do you live where this is going on.
Because they kill white people too.

Where is all this mass killing of whites by blacks going on ?

This may come as a surprise to you, but some of us live in those violent black communities.

What part of the USA do you live ?

We work there, we own businesses, factories, and properties.

What part of the USA do you live ?

We also have to pay the majority of the tax burden to pay police, fire, EMS, utilities, and the endless gopher hole of "urban renewal."

What part of the USA do you live ?

And black violence in those urban shitholes is indiscriminate.

What part of the USA do you live ?

Do you think some idiot gang-banging thug is thinking about someone's color when he's unloading his Hi-Point pistol on a crowd of people?

I just want to know what part of the USA do you live where this is going on.
Spend some time in Detroit. It’s all there for you.

Detroit a once great city destroyed by blacks, Democrats, and profiteers.
Because they kill white people too.

Where is all this mass killing of whites by blacks going on ?

This may come as a surprise to you, but some of us live in those violent black communities.

What part of the USA do you live ?

We work there, we own businesses, factories, and properties.

What part of the USA do you live ?

We also have to pay the majority of the tax burden to pay police, fire, EMS, utilities, and the endless gopher hole of "urban renewal."

What part of the USA do you live ?

And black violence in those urban shitholes is indiscriminate.

What part of the USA do you live ?

Do you think some idiot gang-banging thug is thinking about someone's color when he's unloading his Hi-Point pistol on a crowd of people?

I just want to know what part of the USA do you live where this is going on.

Never you mind what part of the USA I live in. My part of the USA isn't the problem, it's your part of the USA. And you need to get a handle on your problem before we're forced to do something about your problem.
Black race agitators never talks about black on black shootings. Why do you think that is?

If you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by cops it would fill a small room, but if you stack up the dead bodies of black people shot by other black people you'd need a football stadium to hold them all.

Seems to me black race agitators should be talking about a problem on this scale.
There isn't any grievance money in it.
Never you mind what part of the USA I live in. My part of the USA isn't the problem, it's your part of the USA. And you need to get a handle on your problem before we're forced to do something about your problem.
High crime rates in black communities has been going on for decades. Few have done anything about it. I don’t expect they ever will.

Look at NYC. Their stop and frisk program worked wonders to reduce crime, because they targeted young black males. Look what the D Party did to Bloomberg who instituted this program, when he ran for potus. Look at the Defund The Police movement pushed by some on the left.

There is no effort afoot to reduce crime in black communities.
Because we care.


Do you want white people killing white people because hey, it doesn’t affect you?

Well black ppl are not as obsessed with demonszing and showing contempt and pointing the finger at white people as white people are to blacks. We just don't have that racial insecurity that needed for us to do that.

If (like most if not all white ppl on here) you embrace white supremacist ideology like Lisa558 like JGalt like Thunderbird like JoeB131 like toobfreak then they can be a tramp or beggar on the street



And they can say to a black person.

"Yeah I might be livin in the mud. I might not have a biscuit. I might be barefoot, I might be a stinky meth addict but I'm not one of you people.....I'M NOT ONE OF YOU PEOPLE AT ALL !!! I don't care what college you went to. I don't care if your former President Obama. That blk dude that we allowed to let in. I don't care if you're Oprah. I'm better than the both of them. Why ?




And thats one thing you blacks can't get through your thick skulls !!! That's how we see the world !! But you don't see the world, the way we see the world. And that's why you're in the shape you're in and we are in the shape we are in. My people are still sticking it to your people. My people are still closing the doors on your people

And that's good enough for me
. You don't understand our thinking at all Mister - With your black PHD's. You don't understand the fundamenets of this world and that is one fundemental


Your baffled by it and we like to keep it that way"

That's how white people should talk. Because that's how white supremacist think

See to most blk ppl (coz we don't think like you) that's a very strange and peculiar way of thinking but has history has shown that's a very POWERFUL- POWERFUL - POWERFUL way to think
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Crime in the black community was very low in comparison to recent times, back in the bad old days of segregation and Jim Crow.
That's a very good point.

I think that many people feel that the scourge of drugs has truly destroyed the African American community.

The behavior of a sizeable portion of young African American youth (as in Chicago) is horrible beyond words.

Well-meaning Caucasian liberals do not know what to do, so they have come up with the theory that systemic racism is to blame.

Most African American leaders do not condemn the senseless violence for various reasons:

1. It is simply too hurtful to admit.
2. They do not want to be accused of being Uncle T*ms.
3. They realize that the situation is hopeless.

(The situation in Chicago, for example, is especially sad. That is the city that many African Americans escaped to from the South around the time of World War I. The de facto segregation in Chicago was never as bad as the de jure segregation of the South. African Americans were able to live nice middle-class lives in the Windy City. A newspaper called the Defender become famous and influential. The way some African American youth are acting nowadays in Chicago would make those early pioneers weep.)
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