Zone1 There's not much distance between "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy"


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
There's isn't much space between "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy". Both doctrines stand for the proposition that the white race is superior to the non-white races and therefore, whites have privilege in our society because of that superiority.

Meaning, those who talk about "white privilege" are just as racist as white supremacists.
I've always worked hard. My so-called "privilege" is because I've earned it.
I guess the difference is minor. If by “white privilege” someone is saying that a white customer may be viewed by a store security officer as less suspicious than a black customer, there’s some grain of truth to the notion of privilege.

But otherwise, I usually see the term employed by people who are claiming far more. Like a black driver is pulled over “because” he is black. I suppose when I got pulled over for speeding, I must have also been black? Or, could it be possibly that the cop simply thought I was speeding and was absolutely indifferent to my skin color?

The use of the term is often a code word for an accusation of racism. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter if the claim is truthful or not. It often suffices for the person using the term to simply wield it as an accusation regardless of how absurd and false it may be.
There's isn't much space between "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy". Both doctrines stand for the proposition that the white race is superior to the non-white races and therefore, whites have privilege in our society because of that superiority.

Meaning, those who talk about "white privilege" are just as racist as white supremacists.
Alleged superiority...
Isn't it time for race whiners to get over themselves?

If they would put the same effort into educating themselves and acquiring useful skills as they now waste bawling about every little challenge in life, they'd soon see improvements in their overall situation.
I've always worked hard. My so-called "privilege" is because I've earned it.
Yep, I was not raised by my two dead beat white parents who were divorced when about 2-3.
I was raised by my great-grandmother on a fixed income.
We had very little, but never went without.
She taught me to respect others, respect elders, manners, values, and morals.
I was still dumb, and made some mistakes out of high school, as in I should have finished college the first time around.
Married young and had a baby way too early.
It was tough for my wife and I. Not once did we ever apply for or get gov't assistance.
We both went back to school, now with 2 kids. Worked full time.
Finished school, and made our entire life absolutely better for the entire family with both of us having solid, building careers.

My white skin did shit for me. There was nothing handed to me. No president or politician did anything for me.
I didn't blame my parents who were shit parents and shit grandparents.
I decided to make a better life, and I did it.

If you want to make a better life, YOU can. Or you can sit around and blame whitey for the situation you are in and chat all day on a forum while you grow angry and bitter yet still doing nothing to help fix your own issue and the social issues within the black community.
Yep, I was not raised by my two dead beat white parents who were divorced when about 2-3.
I was raised by my great-grandmother on a fixed income.
We had very little, but never went without.
She taught me to respect others, respect elders, manners, values, and morals.
I was still dumb, and made some mistakes out of high school, as in I should have finished college the first time around.
Married young and had a baby way too early.
It was tough for my wife and I. Not once did we ever apply for or get gov't assistance.
We both went back to school, now with 2 kids. Worked full time.
Finished school, and made our entire life absolutely better for the entire family with both of us having solid, building careers.

My white skin did shit for me. There was nothing handed to me. No president or politician did anything for me.
I didn't blame my parents who were shit parents and shit grandparents.
I decided to make a better life, and I did it.

If you want to make a better life, YOU can. Or you can sit around and blame whitey for the situation you are in and chat all day on a forum while you grow angry and bitter yet still doing nothing to help fix your own issue and the social issues within the black community.
Beautifully shared.

I, too, have worked all my life, and didn't ask for shit. I worked graveyard shift and paid for every class and all my books.

Raised to earn my own way. No lying. NO thievery. No whining.

If anybody has a problem with my "white privilege," they can go fuck themselves. I earned my own way.

I absolutely despise the worthless, lazy fucking whiners who blame "whitey" for THEIR OWN failures in life.
Beautifully shared.

I, too, have worked all my life, and didn't ask for shit. I worked graveyard shift and paid for every class and all my books.

Raised to earn my own way. No lying. NO thievery. No whining.

If anybody has a problem with my "white privilege," they can go fuck themselves. I earned my own way.

I absolutely despise the worthless, lazy fucking whiners who blame "whitey" for THEIR OWN failures in life.
The sad thing is that anybody who thinks blacks are responsible for their own actions is deems a “raaaaacist!!!!” by leftoids.

The only acceptable stance to them is to say that blacks are not responsible for their own outcomes.

Now which attitude is ACTUALLY the racist one?
There's isn't much space between "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy". Both doctrines stand for the proposition that the white race is superior to the non-white races and therefore, whites have privilege in our society because of that superiority.

Meaning, those who talk about "white privilege" are just as racist as white supremacists.
Yeah, no.
Beautifully shared.

I, too, have worked all my life, and didn't ask for shit. I worked graveyard shift and paid for every class and all my books.

Raised to earn my own way. No lying. NO thievery. No whining.

If anybody has a problem with my "white privilege," they can go fuck themselves. I earned my own way.

I absolutely despise the worthless, lazy fucking whiners who blame "whitey" for THEIR OWN failures in life.
Some of the black posters whine about how whites have been given everything for centuries, when I ask what I have been given that they haven’t, never get an answer.
Some of the black posters whine about how whites have been given everything for centuries, when I ask what I have been given that they haven’t, never get an answer.
I've known loads of blacks, and I've had that experience with many of them. Some seem to have a deep need to have others see them as the world's most pathetic "victims."

I once caught three PT employees stealing shit from one of my clients. I made them put the shit back. Told them I'd call the cops, myself, if they didn't.

One of them looked down and said, with a sad voice, "you weren't raised in the ghetto." As if that gave them an all purpose excuse for their disgusting behavior.

It's hard to respect human garbage with that kind of twisted belief system.
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There's isn't much space between "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy". Both doctrines stand for the proposition that the white race is superior to the non-white races and therefore, whites have privilege in our society because of that superiority.

Meaning, those who talk about "white privilege" are just as racist as white supremacists.
I've only seen white LIBERALS exercise their white privilege (antifa rioters)
I've known loads of blacks, and I've had that experience with many of them. Some seem to have a deep need to have others see them as the world's most pathetic "victims."

I once caught three PT employees stealing shit from one of my clients. I made them put the shit back. Told them I'd call the cops, myself, if they didn't.

One of them looked down and said, with a sad voice, "you weren't raised in the ghetto." As if that gave them an all purpose excuse for their disgusting behavior.

It's hard to respect human garbage with that kind of twisted belief system.
Yes, and they hold onto that victimhood with a vengeance. Anyone who suggests that blacks are responsible for their own actions and outcomes is immediately branded an “evil racist” - and the insistence that blacks living poor lives are so do to racism.

What makes them even more furious is when you point out people who have also experienced horrible bigotry - and in their own lifetimes - such as people who lost family in the Holocaust, and yet were able to move from poverty to the middle class in a single generation by making the right choices (and having the discipline, motivation, and right values).

Out they come with all sorts of excuses as to why impoverished, uneducated Jews arrived on these shores, living in tenements, and a generation later their children are college graduates (WITHOUT benefit of affirmative action) owning 4-bedroom homes out in the suburbs, and why SOME blacks, with two generations of affirmative action, have not.
There's isn't much space between "White Privilege" and "White Supremacy". Both doctrines stand for the proposition that the white race is superior to the non-white races and therefore, whites have privilege in our society because of that superiority.

Meaning, those who talk about "white privilege" are just as racist as white supremacists.
White Privilege is about bad things that don't happen to white people.
White Supremacy is about how white people view themselves. That they are superior to POC.
Big difference.
White Privilege is about bad things that don't happen to white people.
White Supremacy is about how white people view themselves. That they are superior to POC.
Big difference.
Black privilege is getting accepting to a competitive educational program with a 3.2 average while whites and Asians are rejected with 3.7s.

Black privilege is a thug with a criminal record being released from jail on $1000 bail (to go on to murder six whites days later) while a white teen with no record is held in jail on $2 million for defending himself against his would-be killers at a BLM riot.

Black privilege is being told that only blacks will be considered for a specific job and whites need not apply.

Black privilege is being promoted over a much-more qualified and experienced white person.
Black privilege is getting accepting to a competitive educational program with a 3.2 average while whites and Asians are rejected with 3.7s.

Black privilege is a thug with a criminal record being released from jail on $1000 bail (to go on to murder six whites days later) while a white teen with no record is held in jail on $2 million for defending himself against his would-be killers at a BLM riot.

Black privilege is being told that only blacks will be considered for a specific job and whites need not apply.

Black privilege is being promoted over a much-more qualified and experienced white person.
If you can't stick to the subject, don't post.
If you can't stick to the subject, don't post.
You just falsely made a claim about white privilege. I rebuked that by showing you there is instead black privilege.

i know that liberals disapprove when you give examples of how they are wrong, but the comeback that it’s not on topic and I need to be silent isn’t working.

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