Diamond Member
I'll explain the Tasmanian reference in a moment.....
First: Even after encountering it daily, here, at what should be the font of free speech, I still find vast numbers of members who support the totalitarian party, the Democrats
1. To boil that appellation, totalitarian, to its simplest character, it is the Democrat opposition to free speech
Here....a few attacks on free speech by the totalitarian party....
a. The first amendment clearly states "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."
Branding some speech as 'hate speech,' and thereby granting government the right to abridge same, is as anti-American as one can get. Yet, Obama put on the Supreme Court a women who claimed just such a right for government.
b. Democrat/Liberal Icon Lyndon Johnson had just such an abridgment enforced against the religious community. Under LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech....or lose their tax exempt status.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
c. And from Obama's Justice Department: "Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Speech" Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Speech, Calls San Bernardino 'Wonderful Opportunity' - Breitbart
d. "Frank Gaffney on Obama’s Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar:
...the impending handover of Internet control to a foreign body
What they’re preparing to do is to cede, or surrender, the last vestige of American control, or even influence, over what is done with critical functions of the Internet. .... the freedom of the Internet – whether it’s the ability of people to communicate freely information on it– or countries, I should say, like Russia, and China, and Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and North Korea – don’t want us to have any say in this..."
Frank Gaffney on Obama's Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar: 'We've Got Three Days to Fix This'
e. And here's a peek into the totalitarian-Hillary: Hillary Clinton's campaign has actually told the press what it cannot say in reporting about her: polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident, Secretive, “will do anything to win,” “represents the past” and “out of touch."
Here Are The Words Hillary’s Supporters Won’t Let You Say
2. Had Breitbart or National Review written, in 2008, that electing Obama would have led to legalizing grown men stalking little girls into bathrooms, or pretending to be women, or photographers being forced to attend and memorialize wedding with which they don't agree....or US control of the internet being turned over to communist countries....
...well....the ridicule would have been monumental.
But, here we are....it has come to pass.
In a moment I'll put forth the real world situation that will occur right in the United States if and when the Democrats/Liberals are victorious.
First: Even after encountering it daily, here, at what should be the font of free speech, I still find vast numbers of members who support the totalitarian party, the Democrats
1. To boil that appellation, totalitarian, to its simplest character, it is the Democrat opposition to free speech
Here....a few attacks on free speech by the totalitarian party....
a. The first amendment clearly states "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech,..."
Branding some speech as 'hate speech,' and thereby granting government the right to abridge same, is as anti-American as one can get. Yet, Obama put on the Supreme Court a women who claimed just such a right for government.
b. Democrat/Liberal Icon Lyndon Johnson had just such an abridgment enforced against the religious community. Under LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech....or lose their tax exempt status.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????
c. And from Obama's Justice Department: "Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Speech" Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Speech, Calls San Bernardino 'Wonderful Opportunity' - Breitbart
d. "Frank Gaffney on Obama’s Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar:
...the impending handover of Internet control to a foreign body
What they’re preparing to do is to cede, or surrender, the last vestige of American control, or even influence, over what is done with critical functions of the Internet. .... the freedom of the Internet – whether it’s the ability of people to communicate freely information on it– or countries, I should say, like Russia, and China, and Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and North Korea – don’t want us to have any say in this..."
Frank Gaffney on Obama's Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar: 'We've Got Three Days to Fix This'
e. And here's a peek into the totalitarian-Hillary: Hillary Clinton's campaign has actually told the press what it cannot say in reporting about her: polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident, Secretive, “will do anything to win,” “represents the past” and “out of touch."
Here Are The Words Hillary’s Supporters Won’t Let You Say
2. Had Breitbart or National Review written, in 2008, that electing Obama would have led to legalizing grown men stalking little girls into bathrooms, or pretending to be women, or photographers being forced to attend and memorialize wedding with which they don't agree....or US control of the internet being turned over to communist countries....
...well....the ridicule would have been monumental.
But, here we are....it has come to pass.
In a moment I'll put forth the real world situation that will occur right in the United States if and when the Democrats/Liberals are victorious.