Billionaires made more $ in 2017 than any other year in history.

some people are not industrious/don't care/just get enough to get by/LAZY/etc
Lol! You have engineered this cop out from your own argument by planting a diversion of excuses that are totally detached from the topic. There is no doubt you have lost this debate. You changed the narrative which is what a good little Sheep would do, just so you aren't forced to come up with a chart that debunks mine. Move along. You are done here.
Rich people are job creators.

Welfare queens are, well, just welfare queens.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
LMAO at all you whiners worrying about the Jones. Get a fucking job and do something for yourself already. All you whining MF'ers are a joke. Get off your ass you POS's and do something to better yourself. I just sick and tired of hearing all you whining MF's. Guess what... financially I am like in the same boat as you.... yet I don't sit around bitching about folks better off than me. WTF is wrong with you?

exactly--what's all the whining about

That’s their job. To pay taxes and shut the fuck up.
We all should have skin in the game, IMO. The upper 1% pay the lions share by far.
Negative! You folks are always wrong. Have you ever wondered why? ttps://
Oh, you're not talking about the federal level, but talking about at the state level and local level. Got it. :rolleyes-41:
Obviously you never visited the vulture chart. And by the way, the Bush tax cuts were extended all the way to 2012.; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart' So no, we aren't just talking state level.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
LMAO at all you whiners worrying about the Jones. Get a fucking job and do something for yourself already. All you whining MF'ers are a joke. Get off your ass you POS's and do something to better yourself. I just sick and tired of hearing all you whining MF's. Guess what... financially I am like in the same boat as you.... yet I don's sit around bitching about folks better off than me. WTF is wrong with you?

Income inequality! Take your blinders off boss. You're getting screwed as we speak. Don't care about that? That's on you; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
and as soon as I pull the plug their electronic digits wont amount to shit... who XXXXXXX cares about those inbred maggots
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
LMAO at all you whiners worrying about the Jones. Get a fucking job and do something for yourself already. All you whining MF'ers are a joke. Get off your ass you POS's and do something to better yourself. I just sick and tired of hearing all you whining MF's. Guess what... financially I am like in the same boat as you.... yet I don's sit around bitching about folks better off than me. WTF is wrong with you?

Income inequality! Take your blinders off boss. You're getting screwed as we speak. Don't care about that? That's on you; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Who said life is about being equal?

People spending more than they take in has zero to do with a policy for tax cuts going to the wealthy. You are debating two different topics. Are you able to carry on a semi -intelligent discussion here? Because right now, you aren't making much sense.

People spending more than they take in, has nothing to do with a fifty year old policy.
the wealthy are paying MORE than their share

You boys and girls better show up to this rodeo with an intelligent/ informative counter argument, or you're going to leave here doing nothing more than blowing smoke up your skirts.

You aren't saying anything of value. Get busy.
talking about posting crap
So, you've conceded the chart and the argument presented by the Center for Tax policy with nothing of your own. Good! Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks!
so you are saying they do not pay more than their fair share?
If they make 300% more than you, what do you think? My God man, are you people all on drugs, that you would accept that kind of disparity? What is wrong with you?
Some people are envious by nature. I admire success.
We'll, if you admire the other guys success, it's only because you've been successful at being an idiot in math. It's a total failure of recognizing how badly you have gotten screwed, and an insult to your own education.
Rachel Maddow exposed Trump as paying $40 million in taxes in one year, which is more than you will pay during your entire life.
the wealthy are paying MORE than their share

You boys and girls better show up to this rodeo with an intelligent/ informative counter argument, or you're going to leave here doing nothing more than blowing smoke up your skirts.

You aren't saying anything of value. Get busy.
talking about posting crap
So, you've conceded the chart and the argument presented by the Center for Tax policy with nothing of your own. Good! Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks!
so you are saying they do not pay more than their fair share?
If they make 300% more than you, what do you think? My God man, are you people all on drugs, that you would accept that kind of disparity? What is wrong with you?
Again... take ownership of yourself..... not others....

Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
LMAO at all you whiners worrying about the Jones. Get a fucking job and do something for yourself already. All you whining MF'ers are a joke. Get off your ass you POS's and do something to better yourself. I just sick and tired of hearing all you whining MF's. Guess what... financially I am like in the same boat as you.... yet I don's sit around bitching about folks better off than me. WTF is wrong with you?

Income inequality! Take your blinders off boss. You're getting screwed as we speak. Don't care about that? That's on you; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Who said life is about being equal?

You must have, not me. That isn't about being equal. That is about being plain stupid, if any of you accept that kind of disparity. The Roman emperors did it because they could. We have a vote that can keep us away from being peasants to a few emperors. This is a two thousand year old scam. Is that what you want?
the wealthy are paying MORE than their share

You boys and girls better show up to this rodeo with an intelligent/ informative counter argument, or you're going to leave here doing nothing more than blowing smoke up your skirts.

You aren't saying anything of value. Get busy.
talking about posting crap
So, you've conceded the chart and the argument presented by the Center for Tax policy with nothing of your own. Good! Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks!
so you are saying they do not pay more than their fair share?
If they make 300% more than you, what do you think? My God man, are you people all on drugs, that you would accept that kind of disparity? What is wrong with you?
I guess we should be like Russia 1917
then collapse in 1991
and all in between starvation!!!
hundreds of thousands of Russians starved to death
but hey, they were ''equal''' at least
the wealthy are paying MORE than their share

You boys and girls better show up to this rodeo with an intelligent/ informative counter argument, or you're going to leave here doing nothing more than blowing smoke up your skirts.

You aren't saying anything of value. Get busy.
talking about posting crap
So, you've conceded the chart and the argument presented by the Center for Tax policy with nothing of your own. Good! Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks!
so you are saying they do not pay more than their fair share?
If they make 300% more than you, what do you think? My God man, are you people all on drugs, that you would accept that kind of disparity? What is wrong with you?

Equal results are not a guarantee. Everybody has an equal opportunity. Some people have a better Idea or work harder. Nobody said life is fair. Some of us get knocked down and get back up and try harder. Some lay there and make excuses. You choose which one you want to be.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
LMAO at all you whiners worrying about the Jones. Get a fucking job and do something for yourself already. All you whining MF'ers are a joke. Get off your ass you POS's and do something to better yourself. I just sick and tired of hearing all you whining MF's. Guess what... financially I am like in the same boat as you.... yet I don's sit around bitching about folks better off than me. WTF is wrong with you?

Income inequality! Take your blinders off boss. You're getting screwed as we speak. Don't care about that? That's on you; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Who said life is about being equal?

You must have, not me. That isn't about being equal. That is about being plain stupid, if any of you accept that kind of disparity. The Roman emperors did it because they could. We have a vote that can keep us away from being peasants to a few emperors. This is a two thousand year old scam. Is that what you want?
I can't see past my paycheck..... It's all on me.....

Some people are envious by nature. I admire success.
We'll, if you admire the other guys success, it's only because you've been successful at being an idiot in math. It's a total failure of recognizing how badly you have gotten screwed, and an insult to your own education.
Rachel Maddow exposed Trump as paying $40 million in taxes in one year, which is more than you will pay during your entire life.
Trump was exposed for stealing $40 million dollars from students he scammed from an illegal university while paying a $25 million dollar fine. Trump makes a living by stealing. Try and keep the debate real, will you?
the wealthy are paying MORE than their share

You boys and girls better show up to this rodeo with an intelligent/ informative counter argument, or you're going to leave here doing nothing more than blowing smoke up your skirts.

You aren't saying anything of value. Get busy.
talking about posting crap
So, you've conceded the chart and the argument presented by the Center for Tax policy with nothing of your own. Good! Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks!
so you are saying they do not pay more than their fair share?
If they make 300% more than you, what do you think? My God man, are you people all on drugs, that you would accept that kind of disparity? What is wrong with you?
I have no issues with someone making that much more than myself. Really
One thing I've learned through the years is that we are equal, it's what we do with it that makes winners and losers.
If I wanted to make more money, I would have chosen a career that paid better.
If I wanted more money in the bank, I would have invested earlier and cut out the fluff in my life.
I am responsible for my own decisions that I've made, I blame no one but myself.
More power to the person who makes 300% more than me.
Responsibility for yourself, and the abandonment of income inequality. And that was his message.

and you're aware of how that's workin' out....?>>>


Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
LMAO at all you whiners worrying about the Jones. Get a fucking job and do something for yourself already. All you whining MF'ers are a joke. Get off your ass you POS's and do something to better yourself. I just sick and tired of hearing all you whining MF's. Guess what... financially I am like in the same boat as you.... yet I don's sit around bitching about folks better off than me. WTF is wrong with you?

Income inequality! Take your blinders off boss. You're getting screwed as we speak. Don't care about that? That's on you; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Who said life is about being equal?

You must have, not me. That isn't about being equal. That is about being plain stupid, if any of you accept that kind of disparity. The Roman emperors did it because they could. We have a vote that can keep us away from being peasants to a few emperors. This is a two thousand year old scam. Is that what you want?
I can't see past my paycheck..... It's all on me.....

Ever wondered why? Here's a good answer for that. It just involves looking, knowing numbers, and understanding a little of our tax history. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Before that, in the forties, fifties, and sixties, people saw their pay checks, because the well off paid 80 to 90%. Why? Because businesses and corporations were set up for the bulk of the population. Not for just a few. It was the original intention of Capitalism. Now all we have is Corporatism. But you numb skulls refuse to believe it.

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