Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

And this is a fine example of one of the many reasons conservatives don't trust liberal scientists.

Because scratch the surface and all they want is to empower government, especially global government at the cost of America.

Question: DO you think he is aware that all First World Nations would have a DECLINING population if not for Third World Immigration?

Yet he wants to punish First Worlders, not Third Worlders.


You make an excellent point and also if what this Bill Nye who I've never heard of before, but if what he commented was commented about Third Worlders then he'd be called a racist.

The Leftist Maniacs want First Worlders to stop breeding, they want Third Worlders to continue their out of control breeding, Leftism is evil and also a mental illness.
Nye is a progressive fruitcake.

And while progressives do embrace paying moms to have children, really that is just a step towards their ultimate goal of removing huge numbers of people from the planet.

You make people dependent upon you, then you destroy them. That is how the welfare/abortion ticket works.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Don't be so sure. The "have kids/never have worked" group also tout this ideology.

Because they're IDIOTS.
Does Nye have any children?

Seems to me this is more progressive science denial.

After all a scientific principle in biology is survival of the fittest. Those who can reproduce the most and sustain those children not only can but should do just that.

Limiting children violates basic biological science
Bill Nye the 'Vagina Guy' Indoctrinates Kids Into Gay Sex on Netflix

"Not only is this show full of far-left ideology disguised as science, the episode "Sexuality Spectrum" is a bizarre trip down a yellow brick road to insanity. Nye's show is rated TV-14, but his reputation was always G-rated. How many parents will turn this on thinking the "Science Guy" is a great learning tool for their kids? If you did that with this show, you'd soon find your six-year-old asking you what "butt stuff" and "sex junk" mean.

"It's hard to describe the particular horror show that is this "musical act" that Nye calls "exactly the right message." You have to watch it to grasp the never-before-reached levels of cringe."

The fag brigade is currently claiming he's getting death threats for submitting his opinion about the futility of therapy for the average mentally ill fag....

But I suspect they're just nutting out because their show is being trashed for what it is..smut that targets young kids.

Bill Nye the 'Vagina Guy' Indoctrinates Kids Into Gay Sex on Netflix

The fags in full cry:

Bill Nye mocked gay 'cure' therapy and now he's getting death threats

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Couples who have children and raise them to be productive members of society is how societies and civilizations survive.

That's why they deserve to have society serve their interests.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Hey, I am for a 'Flat tax' or a 'Fair Tax' - get rid of the IRS for the most part, prevent it from ever being used as a weapon against the American people by Democrats again. Make it fair across the board.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Couples who have children and raise them to be productive members of society is how societies and civilizations survive.

That's why they deserve to have society serve their interests.
Single parents - not all, the same as with couples - also have children and raise them to be productive members of society.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Couples who have children and raise them to be productive members of society is how societies and civilizations survive.

That's why they deserve to have society serve their interests.

But a single mother can rot in hell?

Wouldn't those people have/raise kids even without tax breaks .

As for Nye . Society has evolved where people already self limit the amount of kids they have .

How many people have 4 or more kids anymore.?

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

""Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility."

Yes personal responsibility, if you have children they are your personal responsibility, you should provide for them and not expect other people to provide for them from welfare.

If you cannot afford to financially support your own children then you should be forced to not have children.

"What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?"

Because those children from socially and economically productive parents will grow up to be future taxpayers, which is why they are worth investing in before they're even born and also why couples should be offered all sorts of incentives to have as many children as possible.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Couples who have children and raise them to be productive members of society is how societies and civilizations survive.

That's why they deserve to have society serve their interests.
Single parents - not all, the same as with couples - also have children and raise them to be productive members of society.

Sure. And not everyone who smokes gets cancer.

But we still DON'T encourage smoking.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)
dude, it's why they are all for killing babies. They are trying to end the world one baby at a time. You never realized that?

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Hey, I am for a 'Flat tax' or a 'Fair Tax' - get rid of the IRS for the most part, prevent it from ever being used as a weapon against the American people by Democrats again. Make it fair across the board.

You flat tax would eliminate the kid exemptions . BUT, as u see in this thread , tax policy can. Be used to help people .

When are Dems using taxes as a weapon.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)

How are single mothers being rewarded for every child ?

My question: why should parents be given tax credit for every kid ?

Don't have any children do you?

Nope . Hey, I'm not against the tax break . But righties are all about tax fairness and personal responsibility.

What's so fair about people who decide to have kids , then get a tax break , and get all sorts of taxpayer funded benefits (primarily schools) ?

Couples who have children and raise them to be productive members of society is how societies and civilizations survive.

That's why they deserve to have society serve their interests.

But a single mother can rot in hell?

Wouldn't those people have/raise kids even without tax breaks .

As for Nye . Society has evolved where people already self limit the amount of kids they have .

How many people have 4 or more kids anymore.?

Children of single mothers, as a group, tend to result in a lot more dysfunction.

And that was my point.s Nye should know that First World nation, native populations, already have a DECLINING population, so from a supposedly science based climate focused viewpoint, his position is complete idiocy.

Or a cover for another agenda, such as empowering government, as I said.

It Seems Bill Nye is considering adopting something like China's 'Child Allowance' policy, limiting families to having only a certain number of children before punishing them for it...

"Comedian Bill Nye suggested that saving the world from climate change might entail punishing people in developed countries for having too many children."
-- 'Comedian'?! I thought he was the 'Science guy'. 'Comedian' - that explains a lot.

It seems Nye has stepped into a Liberal contradiction: On one hand Liberals believe the government should monetarily REWARD single-mothers for every child they conceive while, at least according to Nye, considering the possibility of financially PUNISHING people for having more than a certain allotted / allowed number of children.

I wonder which of their arguments will / would win out or what argument they could come up with to attempt to stick with BOTH.

Bill Nye: Should Parents Be Penalized For Having ‘Extra Kids?’

(*Of course Nye is speaking fro himself on this issue, one that many, like China, have considered and even adopted.)
dude, it's why they are all for killing babies. They are trying to end the world one baby at a time. You never realized that?

So why don't they demand the same policy for The Third World which is grotesquely over populated and because it is this is why they are prone to so many famine situations, too many people, not enough resources to sustain them all.

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