Bill Maher: Shouldn't Liberal Media Have To Answer For Making The Audience Believe A "Bunch Of Crap About COVID?"


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Here is from his tirade:

So almost 70% of Democrats are wildly off on this key question and also have a greatly exaggerated view of the danger of COVID too and the mortality rate among children. All of which explains why today, the states with the highest share of schools that are still closed are all blue states. So if the right-wing media bubble has to own things like climate change denial, shouldn’t liberal media have to answer for how did your audience wind up believing such a bunch of crap about COVID.

The media need to answer for a lot of things. But as long as people are lapping it up like the stupid beasts they pretend to will never happen.
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
republicans are still left wing,,,
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Don't make to much of it without Trump to rant about Maher and the rest of the late night host have to find something new to rant about to make themselves seem relevant.
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Don't make to much of it without Trump to rant about Maher and the rest of the late night host have to find something new to rant about to make themselves seem relevant.

Well, I did find this strange as it flies in the face of how he used to be.
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Don't make to much of it without Trump to rant about Maher and the rest of the late night host have to find something new to rant about to make themselves seem relevant.

Well, I did find this strange as it flies in the face of how he used to be.
reality has a way about changing peoples minds,,,
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Don't make to much of it without Trump to rant about Maher and the rest of the late night host have to find something new to rant about to make themselves seem relevant.

Well, I did find this strange as it flies in the face of how he used to be.
reality has a way about changing peoples minds,,,

The comments on the article were pretty interesting.
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Don't make to much of it without Trump to rant about Maher and the rest of the late night host have to find something new to rant about to make themselves seem relevant.

Well, I did find this strange as it flies in the face of how he used to be.
reality has a way about changing peoples minds,,,

The comments on the article were pretty interesting.
I will go check them out,,
At first I thought this was a satire:

But, I am starting to think Maher is about to drop the left. He seems pretty disgusted these days.

I've never given him a lot of credit for his arguments and this is no different.

But it is interesting that he is going after the media AND the medical profession:

But when all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah, you wind up with a badly misinformed population including on the left. Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real. Ask anyone who works at Hillary’s pizza parlor. And we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms. But what about liberals? You know the high information by the science people. In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: what are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and 5%. 41% of Democrats thought it was over 50%, another 28% put the chances at 20 to 49.

He's only saying what a lot of us have been saying.

That this thing is targeted for the most part.

It is finding the vulnerable and killing them. And all we did was focus on a bunch of worthless optics to make ourselves feel better.
Don't make to much of it without Trump to rant about Maher and the rest of the late night host have to find something new to rant about to make themselves seem relevant.

Well, I did find this strange as it flies in the face of how he used to be.
He is very good at being able to know what comments to make that will get him attention how much of what he says that he actually believes is questionable. Without Trump he needs a new foil this is his current one.
Too little, too late for Bill Maher to get on the right path.

He has done a lot damage already.

I will never trust him. My personal opinion.

While I can't argue an opinion....I do find it somewhat refreshing that a person on the inside is going after the media.

Whatever his motivation.
Too little, too late for Bill Maher to get on the right path.

He has done a lot damage already.

I will never trust him. My personal opinion.

While I can't argue an opinion....I do find it somewhat refreshing that a person on the inside is going after the media.

Whatever his motivation.

Too late for being refreshing.

But that's me.
Too little, too late for Bill Maher to get on the right path.

He has done a lot damage already.

I will never trust him. My personal opinion.

While I can't argue an opinion....I do find it somewhat refreshing that a person on the inside is going after the media.

Whatever his motivation.

Too late for being refreshing.

But that's me.

I get that.

But I guess I am wondering how you feel about his statements about the media fomenting this fear ?
Too little, too late for Bill Maher to get on the right path.

He has done a lot damage already.

I will never trust him. My personal opinion.

While I can't argue an opinion....I do find it somewhat refreshing that a person on the inside is going after the media.

Whatever his motivation.

Too late for being refreshing.

But that's me.

I get that.

But I guess I am wondering how you feel about his statements about the media fomenting this fear ?

I am totally indifferent towards him now.

Tomorrow he will probably change his mind. I don't care what he says.
From the closing paragraph:

If the media and the doctors had made a point to keep saying, but there’s something you can do. But we’ll never know because they never did because the last thing you want to do is say something insensitive. We would literally rather die. Instead, we were told to lock down. Unfortunately the killer was already in the house and her name is Little Debbie.
He still swallowed some bullshit media lies:

"Trump said we should ingest household disinfectants and we laughed as we should of course."

He never said such a thing......!


"So if the right-wing media bubble has to own things like climate change denial,"

No one denies climate changes over time..... no one!
Have you noticed how the left isn't interested in trying to explain how this works.
Have you noticed how the left isn't interested in trying to explain how this works.

No prob, I'll explain it to you: You have no idea what Maher is even talking about. Just because he is talking about exagerated covid fears among children and takes a pot shot at Cuomo who had to deal with Covid way before that clown Desantis did, does not mean he is anywhere near ignorant stupidity rightwingers peddle about Covid.
The jabbers and the ones who went along during ww2 in germany were sentenced and hung in the nuremburg trials. This same fate will happen to the people who are jabbing with the current experimental vaccines. You will answer for your actions.

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