Bill introduced to FORCE holocau$t "education" on ALL students in US

In a delightful brochure photo, this Auschwitz resort vacationer picks up her child from a kids' playground, while a helpful staffer points the way back to their spa.
It makes me sad to think there are still people out there that think it never happened. Seriously.
This is the power of ideology, and it should be a cautionary tale.

Well like my Research Methods professor said at the beginning of class this semester, no matter what evidence you provide, even if it is solid irrefutable numbers, there will still be some people out there that if someone tries hard enough, they can convince them that an Expo dry erase marker is god. It's just how we as human beings work.
Yeah. I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious, and it's amazing how we can convince ourselves of pretty much anything if conditions are correct.
Has any research been done on these freaks ?
Its easy to dismiss them as oddballs but there is something very wicked about them.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
It's a significant event in 20th century history. Good that they are covering it. They can also throw out an aside that General Eisenhower ordered pictures and testimonies to be filmed because he knew that some day there would be stupid deniers such as yourself.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
The truth doesn't need LAWS to force it down our throats..go ahead try questioning ANY aspect of the holohoax in Canada or Europe you will get thrown in prison.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
The truth doesn't need LAWS to force it down our throats..go ahead try questioning ANY aspect of the holohoax in Canada or Europe you will get thrown in prison.
you can question it all you want, i really don't care.

but considering i learned about it in jr high on up this isn't anything new to history books. considering we have confessions and live accounts of it happening, denying it, well, have fun. i just can't/won't go there.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
The truth doesn't need LAWS to force it down our throats..go ahead try questioning ANY aspect of the holohoax in Canada or Europe you will get thrown in prison.
you can question it all you want, i really don't care.

but considering i learned about it in jr high on up this isn't anything new to history books. considering we have confessions and live accounts of it happening, denying it, well, have fun. i just can't/won't go there.
Of course they brainwash the youth early. Not gonna happen here. I was forced to learn about it as well. Failed 6th grade language arts because I refused to read Anne Franks Fraud of a book....the movie my god it was so boring I skipped the 2nd day we were supposed to watch it...Jews are liars its in their DNA.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
The truth doesn't need LAWS to force it down our throats..go ahead try questioning ANY aspect of the holohoax in Canada or Europe you will get thrown in prison.
you can question it all you want, i really don't care.

but considering i learned about it in jr high on up this isn't anything new to history books. considering we have confessions and live accounts of it happening, denying it, well, have fun. i just can't/won't go there.
Of course they brainwash the youth early. Not gonna happen here. I was forced to learn about it as well. Failed 6th grade language arts because I refused to read Anne Franks Fraud of a book....the movie my god it was so boring I skipped the 2nd day we were supposed to watch it...Jews are liars its in their DNA.

i'm out.
The problem I have is not whether it happened or not, clearly it did, my problem is that the holocaust has systematically become the primary ideological utility which tyrants use for launching preemptive war.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
The truth doesn't need LAWS to force it down our throats..go ahead try questioning ANY aspect of the holohoax in Canada or Europe you will get thrown in prison.

Cowardly, ridiculous fools already live in the prison of their own ignorance and fear. It's a life sentence for those (^^^^^^^) who lack the character or intelligence to ever outgrow their weakness.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.

Thanks for reminding why I had your stupid ass on "ignore".
Awww poor thing

Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.

Holohoax? Seriously? How can anyone deny that the holocaust happened. Jews were mass murdered how can anyone call that a hoax!
Died YES,Systematically eliminated NO. They died from disease,starvation etc bc of the allies blockades. The prison camps had pools,movie theaters,playgrounds for kids etc etc etc....PLENTY of evidence to back that up.

You're a fucking moron.
The problem I have is not whether it happened or not, clearly it did, my problem is that the holocaust has systematically become the primary ideological utility for launching preemptive war.
It's also one of the main reasons the U.S. military is acting as world police.

The US does not act as world police. The US acts in our own national interests.

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