Bill introduced to FORCE holocau$t "education" on ALL students in US

Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.

When I was in school, way back in the day, they taught us all about the Holocaust. How the Germans made lampshades from the skin of the Jews they killed, and all of that.

Very interesting, but I don't see where it should be "mandatory" nationwide.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.

When I was in school, way back in the day, they taught us all about the Holocaust. How the Germans made lampshades from the skin of the Jews they killed, and all of that.

Very interesting, but I don't see where it should be "mandatory" nationwide.
Why not? History should be mandatory. Science should be mandatory. Teaching evolution and climate change should be mandated in science classes, as these are very important scientific topics. Likewise, the hocaust teaching should be mandated.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.

When I was in school, way back in the day, they taught us all about the Holocaust. How the Germans made lampshades from the skin of the Jews they killed, and all of that.

Very interesting, but I don't see where it should be "mandatory" nationwide.
Why not? History should be mandatory. Science should be mandatory. Teaching evolution and climate change should be mandated in science classes, as these are very important scientific topics. Likewise, the hocaust teaching should be mandated.

I agree that the Holocaust is an important event of the 20th Century and a pivotal point in European history, that people should be aware of. But mandating it, would also be mandating a certain number of hours, and an exact syllabus. When my old man was in school they spent a lot more time on the Civil War in school, but there were still people around that remembered it then. Over time, coverage of the holocaust will change, it will be reduced as it retreats further into the past. A mandate wouldn't allow flexibility
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.

When I was in school, way back in the day, they taught us all about the Holocaust. How the Germans made lampshades from the skin of the Jews they killed, and all of that.

Very interesting, but I don't see where it should be "mandatory" nationwide.
Why not? History should be mandatory. Science should be mandatory. Teaching evolution and climate change should be mandated in science classes, as these are very important scientific topics. Likewise, the hocaust teaching should be mandated.

I agree that the Holocaust is an important event of the 20th Century and a pivotal point in European history, that people should be aware of. But mandating it, would also be mandating a certain number of hours, and an exact syllabus. When my old man was in school they spent a lot more time on the Civil War in school, but there were still people around that remembered it then. Over time, coverage of the holocaust will change, it will be reduced as it retreats further into the past. A mandate wouldn't allow flexibility
I can understand that.
Act calling for Holocaust education in schools nationwide proposed in US House

This is why I LOVE having control over our schools here. It won't happen here if it does pass. We can opt out of anything,my oldest is already learning the TRUTH about the holohoax.
they're adding it to history books - and as i recall teachers skipped over what they felt like when i was in high school.

too many people died and too much proof is there it happened for someone to cry "hoax" - so yea. learned something about you today. :)
The truth doesn't need LAWS to force it down our throats..go ahead try questioning ANY aspect of the holohoax in Canada or Europe you will get thrown in prison.
you can question it all you want, i really don't care.

but considering i learned about it in jr high on up this isn't anything new to history books. considering we have confessions and live accounts of it happening, denying it, well, have fun. i just can't/won't go there.
Of course they brainwash the youth early. Not gonna happen here. I was forced to learn about it as well. Failed 6th grade language arts because I refused to read Anne Franks Fraud of a book....the movie my god it was so boring I skipped the 2nd day we were supposed to watch it...Jews are liars its in their DNA.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when you said you failed 6th grade Language Arts. :71:
Gotta love holocaust deniers.

He must be drinking too much bottled water that is giving him brain damage.

Odium I'll make you an offer that I'll pay for a night of a hotel outside Washington D.C. and reserve you a ticket to visit the Holocaust museum so we can then see what you have to say afterwards.

It makes me sad to think there are still people out there that think it never happened. Seriously.
Don't let it sadden you. Idiots like odium are irrelevant.

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