Big pharma gets seasonal flu shots strains wrong again how is this considered "evidence based medici


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Big Pharma gets seasonal flu shot strains wrong AGAIN – how is this considered "evidence-based medicine?"

According to reports, the latest batch of flu shots for the 2019-2020 flu season contain viral strains that don’t even match the ones that health “experts” anticipate will circulate – meaning tens of millions of people are going to be jabbed with chemical cocktails that will do absolutely nothing to protect them from influenza.


Oh the people have no idea what it is they drink they trust those who have also been wrongly informed and it isn't until they dig deep and do their own research these doctors wake up. Your sorry ass suckers who have no idea the SHIT you are INJECTING phucking HEROINE Coke . hash are/ is cleaner than this shit..............
Big Pharma gets seasonal flu shot strains wrong AGAIN – how is this considered "evidence-based medicine?"

According to reports, the latest batch of flu shots for the 2019-2020 flu season contain viral strains that don’t even match the ones that health “experts” anticipate will circulate – meaning tens of millions of people are going to be jabbed with chemical cocktails that will do absolutely nothing to protect them from influenza.


Oh the people have no idea what it is they drink they trust those who have also been wrongly informed and it isn't until they dig deep and do their own research these doctors wake up. Your sorry ass suckers who have no idea the SHIT you are INJECTING phucking HEROINE Coke . hash are/ is cleaner than this shit..............
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Natural News is a conspiracy theory and fake news website. The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine, tendentious nutrition and health claims, fake news, and espouses various conspiracy theories. These conspiracy theories include chemophobic claims about the purported dangers of "chemtrails", fluoridated drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and alleged health problems caused by allegedly "toxic" ingredient…
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Now shut up!
Big Pharma gets seasonal flu shot strains wrong AGAIN – how is this considered "evidence-based medicine?"

According to reports, the latest batch of flu shots for the 2019-2020 flu season contain viral strains that don’t even match the ones that health “experts” anticipate will circulate – meaning tens of millions of people are going to be jabbed with chemical cocktails that will do absolutely nothing to protect them from influenza.


Oh the people have no idea what it is they drink they trust those who have also been wrongly informed and it isn't until they dig deep and do their own research these doctors wake up. Your sorry ass suckers who have no idea the SHIT you are INJECTING phucking HEROINE Coke . hash are/ is cleaner than this shit..............
Natural News - Wikipedia
  • Overview
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  • Criticism and controversies
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Natural News is a conspiracy theory and fake news website. The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine, tendentious nutrition and health claims, fake news, and espouses various conspiracy theories. These conspiracy theories include chemophobic claims about the purported dangers of "chemtrails", fluoridated drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and alleged health problems caused by allegedly "toxic" ingredient…
See more on · Text under CC-BY-SA license
  • Available in: English
  • Owner: Mike Adams

Now shut up!

Now go find a faggot thread to virtue signal on.
They try to predict which strain will hit each year (in the greatest numbers). It takes time to grow and create each batch. Then replicate it, package it and ship it. There is no sure way to determine which strain will be the dominant one. But every vaccine creates antibodies that help some, whether it is the right strain or not.

Next you will tell us these people get the flu from the vaccine.
Never had a flu shot and never will. I have had the flu only twice in my life.

Since mega dosing vitamins the last ten years, not only no flu but not even a cold.

All one needs is lots of vitamin D3 during months when you can’t get it from the sun. Or if you are an indoors person or you bought the lie to use sun screen, supplement with D3 every day.

Flu and colds predominantly occur in winter. Why? Lack of vitamin D3 from the sun. Simple but in our corrupt nation with a delusional profit movement in HC, few know this.

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